Love Me! Love Me! Love Me!

@erottomaniac-archive2 /

Erotomania.noun. a psychological disorder marked by the delusional belief that one is the object of another person's love or sexual desire
| revived indie and highly selective Mikan Tsumiki rp blog |

MIKAN 3.0, Coming to a thread near you!


[ ♫ ] - Alright, I’ve come to the conclusion that this blog is old and in need of serious work. SO! I decided that it’s time to move to Mikan 3.0! New pen name, new url(kinda), and new adventures! Check it out here!


[ ♫ ] - Just throwing this out there but I get so hecking happy when doubles follow me, like... Let me love all your Mikans and there’s so many AU’s to play with too like.. aaaaaaa


this blog loves the doubles of my muse. this blog holds no insecurities towards them or their muns, we are not in competition, we’re just simply some chill ass people writing, only mad love and respect to ‘em because you love this character just as much as I do and having fun with them and that’s what matters. I won’t ever try to run you out of the fandom. I won’t send you anon hate or tell my partners that you are horrible. I’m probably sending them messages like “YES!! THERE IS ANOTHER NOW MY OTHER MUSE CAN PLAY WITH THEM AND MY MUSE CAN HAVE A TWIN!”

Please support each other and don’t get excited when a double deletes. That means someone lost the fun, lost the inspiration, and as writers losing inspiration for a muse we deeply care about is one of the most disheartening things. Doubles are not evil people trying to steal your rp partners, chances are they have their own friends and partners, they don’t want yours.

Don’t let insecurity make you treat them like they’re evil when they are simply loving the same character you do. They have just as much right to rp that character as you do. Celebrate each other. Promo each other. Learn from each other. Make friends with them because you obviously both love the same character enough to put in time to a blog.




[♫] - okay so I really wasn’t expecting to be gone that long... I don’t even know how long I’ve been gone, like wow... I hope I wasn’t gone too long... uh... I owe a bunch of people! So I’ll list off what I’m aware of and if you don’t see yourself listed or if you are listed and would rather not continue please let me know! Also please note that I’m not up for extensive chatting... I’ve been oversocialized over the past couple of weeks and I just don’t want to personally interact with humans anymore.

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