

@geolu / geolu.tumblr.com


Tumblr has been on its way out for a while, but aggressively now. Y’all can follow me on Instagram here:

Or my personal twitter here (less art posts):

Or my portfolio website is here!

Anonymous asked:

Thank you for such amazing art! Your style is beautiful and you can definitely tell how hard you work ❤ also, you're basically the reason I fell in love with taagnus! Have a great day!!

What a lovely and kind random ask! Thank you so much! I love hearing that my stuff got people into a ship/character/thing, it makes me think that maybe my love for the ship or character is coming through in my art, and that makes me happy!


Some Malus RP pics, here’s how he’s doing! 8D Jimmy belongs to @littledigits


the one with them older still murders me with feels, malus is so painfully domestically cute sometimes. Well, all of them murder me with feels BUT THAT ONE ESPECIALLY SO


jimmy is a bad-good influence on him im so sorry ( im not ) 

oh, yes, I forgot to include the pic of them at their MOST DOMESTIC


I don’t go on tumblr very often anymore but when I do I just love seeing stuff about your boy Malus! I hope he’s doin well! :)


Aw, thank you so much! I love hearing that people enjoy him! He has had a bit of a reset in RP with Megs and now is doing a lot better!

Anonymous asked:

I love hearing the ideas and stories behind the art that artists put out. What they were thinking of when they made the concept, how they decided on each little detail, stuff like that. What was your thought process behind the "downtime" drawing of Jack Morrison? (or any of your art tbh, its just so fascinating)

Oh! This is an interesting question! Thank you!

Hm, it’s been a while since I drew that, but the feeling that I most wanted to capture with the image was ‘loneliness’. I also wanted to show how lonely and human he was when stripped down, and how sad the life of a vigilante would be- squatting in abandoned buildings, sleeping in ratty rooms, eating cheap takeout by himself. He probably wouldn’t let anyone see him in such a state, in such a pose, it’s very private. At the same time, I wanted that in contrast to how he stores/hangs up his uniform, which is folded, neat, and orderly, as a reminder that he IS a soldier.

Also this is terrible, but I I can’t recall if I meant to have the holo-screen be some kind of schlocky tv show he watches for comfort, OR a photo of the old Overwatch gang. I think I kept it ambiguous because it’s sad either way.

Anonymous asked:

taagnus is such a rarepair but it's honestly so beautiful and i love all your art for it

Hell yeah! Thanks!

It’s weird but my taagnus stuff has gotten SO MANY more notes after that arc of TAZ ended! I guess people are discovering how good it really is 8)

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