
The Olive Moth

@theolivemoth-blog / theolivemoth-blog.tumblr.com

All Things Bookish

E.L. James In Need of Aloe Vera

The author of the now infamous, “Fifty Shades of Grey” series was skewered alive on Twitter during a Q&A and is most certainly licking her wounds, today. Some of those blistering questions were:

'Do you plan on translating your novels into English?'

'After the success of Grey have you considered re-telling the story from the perspective of someone who can write?'

'Which do you dislike more, strong independent women or the English Language?'

"Did you know that when I threw your book into the fireplace, even the fire didn't want to consume it?"

"At what point did you realise that the most violent sexually sadistic act in your story was your rape of the English language?"

“Is there a safe word we can use to get you to stop writing such drivel?"

What's the minimum distance you have to stay away from Stephanie Meyer at all times?"

"Do you intend to mold your body with Stephanie Meyer? Or just make a suit out of her skin?"


Ok with the recent controversy with Sarah J. Maas and certain Booktubers. And how they are now getting rid of her book sand refusing to read anymore of her books. My question is..

If an author has beautifully written books that you love but you have a bad experience with this author do you still read the books and continue reading future books by the author for the fact that they write great books or do you never read the books again and never read anymore book by the author?

about a month ago, i spoke to the booktubers in question (assuming we’re talking about the same booktubers, and if not i still think this is relevant) after their interaction with her and they seemed pretty shaken up by it, and said in their video how crushed they were over it, as SJM was their favorite author and ACO/TAR was their favorite book. In this sense, i absolutely understand their choice to not continue reading Sarah’s novels. I personally think a reader has a right to chose whether or not to support a certain author or to just read their novels in general based on a variety of factors. As I’ve seen other people said, I do believe it certainly depends on the situations. If I had a one on one negative experience with my favorite author, my reaction to continue reading their books or to remove their books from my selection would most likely be linked to said experience. I think it really just boils down to separation of artist and art. 

whimsybookowl // ethandannys - There’s an old saying: “Never meet your heroes.” Sarah Maas has shown us why. Unless the person standing in front of you has done something horrendous to you, being famous doesn’t and will never give you the right to treat someone like shit. EVER. I think she needs to be knocked off her pedestal and reminded who it was that brought her fame. That said, I have to finish Throne of Glass series. *hangs head in shame* If there’s a Twitter Q&A, I think we should all unite and skewer her for her bitchiness, the way E.L. James was annihilated for her bad writing and sympathetic abuse writing.


knitnerdnoms - i just wanted to drop by to say: your hair is beautiful. 

i feel like i say that all the time to girls, but it’s because i really love hair. i cut all mine off and now i look like justin beiber, so when i see girls with really pretty hair, i imagine i still have hair and can do this: 


It is TOO warm, we english folk are not used to 26 °C.

Also just looked and it’s going to be 29 °C tomorrow!? 


I just carried my bed and two matresses downstairs and helped carry the new bed pieces up too. It was too hot to be doing that heavy lifting. I am going to die before today is over. Goodness knows how we will cope tomorrow

hello wishfuldoe & yabookers - i once lived in the desert where the temperature was frequently over 43 degrees. when i first moved there, i received no warning about things not to leave in your car or shoes not to wear. i had a box of crayons that turned quite literally, turned into crayon soup. the top of my television melted and once even the bottoms of my cheap flip-flops started to melt. O.O


I could NOT cope with 43 degrees! Im sweltering now! Although better enjoy my 2 days of English summer!

knitnerdnoms - yeah, it gets kind of ridiculous. i’m in tennessee now, so i no longer see the 43 - 48 degree temperatures. june, july, and august are still crazy hot. throw in the 90% humidity and it’s suffocating. the hottest, i remember it getting here is about 39. june-august 33-37 is average. it’s terrible for those of us who don’t like the heat. 


Extreme Questions Tag

Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you’re supposed to answer these 92 truths about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person that tagged you.
I was tagged by the beautiful judging-books-by-their-cover THANKS SO MUCH!!

What was your:

Last drink - a hot cup of tea Last phone call - a cab to get to work Last text message - “Hahahahaha yep I’ll let you know” was sent to my friend at work, who had just told me that my boyfriend had gotten a warning from the parking wardens at the work carpark because he didn’t pay to park there. Hilarious!! Last song you listened to - In the Hearts of Men by First Aid Kit Last time you cried - last week sometime, i was being weird for some reason at something my boyfriend did, and then broke down once he left my house. It was so weird

Have you ever:

Dated someone twice - no Been cheated on - yes Kissed someone and regretted it - yes Lost someone special - yes Been depressed - yes Been drunk and thrown up - YES!

List 3 favourite colours:

1 - turquoise 2 - peach 3 - any pastel colour

In the last year have you:

Made a new friend - yes Fallen out of love - yes Laughed until you cried - ALL. THE. TIME. Met someone who changed you - yes Found out who your true friends are - yes Found out someone was talking about you - yes Kissed anyone on your FB list - yes


How many people on your FB friends do you know IRL - all Do you have any pets - I have a white tortoise shell cat called CeCe Do you want to change your name - yes and no. I would like to change it to something that people can pronounce properly. My name is Hana, but people pronounce it as Hannah. They are not spelt the same, therefore they are not pronounced the same. GET IT RIGHT!!! What did you do for your last birthday party - i don’t think I did anything. A couple months before, I had just broken up with my bf of 3 years so I was a bit too fragile for anything like that What time did you wake up today - 7.30am What were you doing at midnight last night - sleeping Name something you CANNOT wait for - I’m going iceskating this weekend with some of my friends so I’m super excited about that :D Last time you saw your mother - oo about a month ago? I don’t see her very much, we live too far away from each other What is one thing you wish you could change about your life - I wish that I could save my money better (or at all, thats how shit I am at it) and that I paid more attention to my health What are you listening to right now - no music, just the noises from the bf playing The Witcher on the TV in my room Have you ever talked to a person named Tom - yes What’s getting on your nerves rn - a lot of things get on my nerves all the time. At the top of my head…. New Zealand winters are too cold, I have $5 to last me 2 days, my roommates annoying the shit out of me, and my cat has fleas Blood type - I don’t even know haha but its important to know right?? Nicknames - mamma, Hana Banana, Missy Moo Relationship status - in a relationship Zodiac sign - leo Pronouns - she/her Favourite TV show - Friends, New Girl, Fresh Prince, Vampire Diaries Long or short - long Height - 5’9” or 5’10” Do you have a crush on someone - my bf What do you like about yourself - i like that Im a fierce friend and stand up for people who don’t get treated the way they should. I’m semi-comfortable in my own skin (I’m definitely not a skinny girl, but I don’t really care. I love food more than trying to be skinny.) Tattoos - I have 3. A little rose just underneath the nape of my neck, a quote from Wuthering Heights on my inner upper right arm and a massive owl on my right forearm. Righty or lefty - righty First surgery - I broke my arm when I was 7 from falling off the playground First piercing - my ears, but i’ve let the holes close up over the years First best friend - in primary school a girl called Dane who was deaf. I think about her all the time. First sport you joined - hockey team. I played it from when I was 7 till about 15 First vacation - I got a surprise trip to Sydney when I had just finished Intermediate for Christmas. It was so fun!! First pair of trainers (sneakers) - umm i think it was a pair of Slazenger sneakers for Hockey

Right Now:

Eating - nothing Drinking - a hot cup of tea I’m about to - go crazy on Tumblr Waiting for - my book to end. Im on 412 out of 743 so still a little while to go. It’s taking too long!!! Want kids - absolutely, but not at this point in my life. I’ve still got a lot of solo-life to live Get married - same as above Career - just working in retail at the moment. But I need to get my ass in to gear so that I can become an editor or publisher.

Which is better:

Lips or eyes - lips Hugs or kisses - hugs Shorter or taller - taller Older or younger - older Romantic or spontaneous - spontaneously romantic Sensitive or loud - sensitively loud Hook up or relationship - relationship Troublemaker or hesitant - troublemaker (I’m the hesitant one so I need someone to balance me out)

Have you ever:

Kissed a stranger - yes Drank hard liquor -YES! Lost glasses/contacts - I used to lose my glasses all the time when I was in high school. But now that I have new glasses, that I paid for instead of my mum, I keep that shit on lock! Sex on first date - never ever. I need to be in love with someone that I sleep with. Broke someones heart - I hope not. I’ve had my heart broken before and I would never want that kind of hell wish on anyone. Been arrested - no Turned someone down - yes Cried when someone died - absolutely Fallen for a friend - YES!

Do you Believe:

In yourself - sometimes Miracles - hmm im not too sure. Sometimes I gues Love at first sight - I love the idea of it, whether or not it actually happens. I LOVE love!!! Heaven - yes Santa Claus - nope Kiss at first date - yes Angels - only if they look like Akiva

bibliophilebynight - i love your answers! your poor bf and the parking incident, was so funny. i would have laughed too. i think the crying thing is pretty normal for us girls, at least um, it’s pretty normal for me. wait, how do you pronounce your name? how did the ice skating trip go? i can’t ice skate for shit. it was the most painful experience my feet have ever endured. same here with the money woes. i will so damn glad when school is over and i can actually start working. do you have a good relationship with your mom? i like that you are a fierce friend too. we all need a friend who will stand up for us and fight with us. we all need that friend who supports us through the good and the bad. and i hope you have friends that do the same for you. i love that you said you are comfotable in your skin. i wish more of us felt that way. i bet the owl tattoo is boss!!! i laughed really hard at your lost glasses comment. 

When you’re trying to get your friend to read your favourite book like… #books #reading #throneofglass



Twelve years since the last time I held it in my hands. Twenty-three years from the first time I touched it. As I ran my hands across its cover, I was filled with fear. What if age has changed me? What if the magic is gone? I turned to page one, with hope. By chapter five, I closed the book as tears slipped from my eyes. Not in sorrow, but in joy, for the book I loved as a teenager and the book I loved as a young woman, I still love as gray hair claims my youth. For you see, true magic is indelible and cannot be corrupted, even through the span of time. That is its mystery.


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