
Trees, like animals, can also experience albinism, though it is extremely rare.

the reason it’s rare is because without chlorophyll, the plant can’t get energy, and dies shortly after sprouting unless it has some other source of food. so if you see a plant as big as the one in the picture that doesn’t have any green in its leaves, it’s getting its nutrition from the roots of a neighboring plant of the same species, feeding on the sugars created by the other plant’s photosynthesis.

albino plants are basically vampires.



Rest stops on highways are liminal spaces where the veil is thin and nobody can tell me differently



The explanation is that liminal spaces are in between places that bridge Here with There, so in fairy tales we often have the Fairy Ring, the Forest Clearing, the Sudden Misty Foggy Forest, the Bridge, the River, graveyards, in some cases

We also have a ton of american urban mythology around famous roadways and sites off the sides of roads

Archetypes like these occur to mark the places in the world where the veil goes thin and humans can have extra-worldly experiences, out of the ordinary way of living

So why wouldn’t transient spaces like rest stops where everyone is just passing through from one place to the next, never stopping for too long, not be a liminal space where spirits frequent, too

Especially since nobody would know if they were real or not

As a note, just touching on pure theory and speculation on my part, that many life forces coming and going could potentially be magical. Think of it this way, for metaphor’s sake.

If you take a copper wire, and pass a magnet over it, you create electricity. Its almost like a tide being pulled by a moon, to use a metaphor within a metaphor. What if that connection we have with the earth is similar? If so many people with so much life passed by this one place, it could be like a magical electric storm.

Just a thought

Yeah that’s a pretty decent explanation of how metaphysical energy currents actually work! It’s why we have different types of hauntings and recordings in the energy of place also

It’s also how some places are easier to pass through to the astral than others, because the circuit is closer to the source or charged up higher than others


I believe “ley lines” (after a fashion) spring up along trails and pathways of human movement. If you have consistent travel in one direction it’s like stroking a magnet along a piece of metal - eventually you line all the poles up and it becomes a magnet too.

So, along highways you get two (or more) extremely close, totally opposing, Ley structures. Gas stations, food places, etc. may act as an interchange (where one pole seamlessly becomes another, or is merely a “node” along it) so the energy there is still mobile, fluid, and rapidly replaced… but rest stops are not. 

They are full stops, gaps in the movement. Utterly outside the system going on RIGHT next to them. All the natural energy of the area is being dragged along the ley structures, so there’s very little of the environment.  Whatever physics system exists for “spirit of place” builds an energy structure out of sleep, rest, refreshment, rejuvenation, illicit sex, a pepper-sprinkling of murder an assault (or it’s egregore), and the 100% zen state of emptying your bladder of a Super Mega Slurp after 92 miles of needing to go … all floated on top of the environment’s most extreme, primal, untouchable “notes”. 

I swear to god the Chesapeake House on i-95 eats time. Wolven and I stopped in there to 1) use the bathroom and 2) get a coffee from a very short line, and when we got back outside an hour and a half had passed somehow.

Yeah. Literally true.

I was waiting for Scylla to find my goddamned rest stop post and here we are lmao

But yeah I agree on all points


This is really cool. I spend a lot of time on the road (lately I haven’t been driving much so it’s only been about 20,000mi/year) and it’s at rest stops at about three in the morning that I have the strangest experiences. My favorite of all time is pulling into a rest area a few hours north of Los Angeles and finding tons of bunnies. Not like 10 or 20 but like hundreds of bunnies all scattered around this rest area. Luckily there weren’t any on the road or in the parking area, just in the grass and on the cement.


i paused kitchen nightmares and it looks like gordon ramsay is being sucked into the void

Looks like some fucking Jojo shit


i’m not srry for this

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