
I swear to god the devil made me do it

@siimonsfangs / siimonsfangs.tumblr.com

It's a shame the bad habits are the hardest ones to break.
Our love's a dangerous, dangerous game.
One that I am definitely losing,
cannot walk away.
Mal | 22 | prev. allisonmccalling | multifandom trashcan | pretty much abandoned but i hop on every now and again when i’m bored

the more i think about mcu spider-man the more i don’t like mcu spider-man

like mcu twink peter will never have the depth of our friendly neighborhood spider-man. literally any time they try and make spider-man super cool with access to a ton of sick tech and everything i start to really lose interest. the appeal of spider-man to me is that he’s like just some guy who happens to have super powers. like you could just hang out with this dude. the “bigger” they make him the more he loses that.

actually i’m gonna elaborate on this further because spider-verse did this but they did it well and with purpose.

the peter from miles’ dimension was super over the top, kinda larger than life. as pointed out by peter b. several times. however unlike other times they’ve done this it wasn’t just to try and make spider-man look cool, it was all a part of miles’ narrative. miles was given huge shoes to fill and they used this as a tool to portray how small miles felt compared to peter.

but the difference between miles and mcu peter is that miles didn’t need any of that to become the spider-man he is today. one of his main role models in the film is peter b. who’s broke and off his game, but still manages to do amazing things.

that’s the appeal of spider-man. is that anyone can make a difference, no matter where you’re at in your life you can still be incredible.

Good comment via the person I reblogged from.


I think it’s interesting that the scene from the end of The Amazing Spider-Man with the eggs is being put forward as the pinnacle of Spider-Man cinema – and I agree, for the record – because I don’t think people know how hard that scene got dragged when Homecoming was released. I’m fairly sure one of Homecoming’s six screenwriters said something negative about it, although I can’t currently find the article where I saw it, but if you check out this review of Spider-Man Homecoming you’ll see something along the same lines: “No one wants to watch May chide Peter for forgetting the eggs when there’s way more interesting superhero stuff to get to.”

Right, except I do, because the eggs in The Amazing Spider-Man were always there to remind the audience that Peter’s great responsibility exists outside of his identity as Spider-Man as well as within it – he has a responsibility to his aunt! Even over something as simple as bringing home the eggs he’d previously forgotten to get! It’s meaningful because it shows us that responsibility is a multi-layered, multifaceted aspect of both Peter Parker and Spider-Man and something that is baked into the character, not just the costume. That he shows up beaten to hell, having played a large part in keeping New York from becoming lizard people, with his girlfriend’s father’s blood probably still on him, and that he pulls the world’s most busted package of like 100% broken eggs out of his backpack because he promised his aunt he would pick up eggs and that she embraces him is so important! And it got mercilessly dragged as not being exciting or cool enough! Not being enough of a superhero scene! TASM’s Aunt May of the absolutely incredible “You’re my boy and I won’t hurt you” scene got called dowdy and not fun and pathetic because she was “just waiting at home for the eggs”! And it drove me absolutely crazy! Justice for Peter treating May like she’s his mom and the most important person in the world to him and knowing he has a responsibility to her! Justice for the little humanizing elements that make Spider-Man ultimately a relatable story! Justice for the eggs scene!

One of the larger than life things that MCU Spider-Man badly remade is Peter’s identity getting revealed.

This was one of the best scenes in the movie’s franchise history:

Peter passes out after stopping the train and saving everyone in it, and gets carried by the passengers inside.

The juxtaposition of the superhero being saved by the people he almost died to help and repaying his kindness with a promise that his secret is safe. That’s the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man the MCU could never conceive.


Gotta love when fandom instances of wanting it both ways occurs. Example: calling Scott awful for trusting Theo over Stiles, yet also angry that Scott didn't save Theo from getting dragged to purgatory and redeeming him.


Some people have demanded of me how I know that the dislike of Scott McCall is influenced by racism.  The answer is simple – because not only are there endless examples of double standards (as well as white prioritization and racial editing) in the fandom, but these double standards are so egregious, so enormous, so easily disproven that I can see no other reason for their existence except as a cover for something else.  Other characters take moral stands or make mistakes or have girlfriends like Scott, but for some reason, these only become crimes worthy of disregard or even execution when they’re made by of the Latino lead.

I could cite hundreds of examples – and I have – but there are few easier-to-see examples of the phenomenon than the Season 1/Season 5 recursion between Scott trusting Derek when Stiles doesn’t want him to and Scott trusting Theo when Stiles doesn’t want him to.  It’s the same story with the same consequences and the same dynamic but fandom draws different conclusions.

In Season 1, Stiles doesn’t trust Derek.  He gets angry with Scott for trusting Derek.  He takes steps to remove Derek from their lives.  Stiles comes up with the idea first to pin Laura’s murder on Derek and Scott goes along with him.  Stiles tries to undermine Derek’s usefulness in teaching Scott control by doing it himself.  Stiles resents being made to help Derek in the first half of the season and schemes to let the Argents kill Derek in the second half of the season.  

In Season 1, Scott is the one who continues to try to work with Derek.  Scott only throws Derek under the bus when he thinks Derek is dead, and then he acknowledges his mistake.  Scott works to save Derek, to help Derek find his sister’s killer, to capture the alpha, and Derek responds with lies, manipulation, violence, and betrays Scott to the true villain of Season 1.

Yet, in the fandom’s eyes, Scott’s eventual distrust and repudiation of Derek is portrayed as illegitimate due to his hot-tempered stubbornness and his sexual obsession with Allison (both of which are untrue but are racist stereotypes of  Latinos).  Derek was just doing his best no matter how shifty he was acting, and Scott was ungrateful for all Derek tried to do for him.

In Season 5, Stiles doesn’t trust Theo.  He gets angry with Scott for trusting Theo.  He takes steps to remove Theo from their lives.   He tries to blame Theo for what happened to the prison transport.  Stiles undermines the pack by keeping important information about Theo to himself.   Stiles resents Theos’ presence, even after Theo starts blackmailing him.

In Season 5, Scott welcomes Theo’s help, but he doesn’t prevent Stiles from investigating.  He checks with Deaton about the dangers of letting Theo into his pack. He never tells Theo he is pack, even after Ouroboros (5x08).  He accepts Theo’s help – after Theo has helped to save or saved the lives of every single member of the pack.  Theo responds to this trust with lies, manipulation, violence, and betrays Scott to the true villains of Season 5.

Yet, in the fandom’s eyes, Scott’s trust in Theo is portrayed as illegitimate due to the fact that it contradicts Stiles’s paranoia, PTSD, and abandonment issues, which should be more important than the fact that Theo sticks by Scott while the rest of the pack doesn’t.   Stiles was just doing his best no matter how shifty he was acting, and Scott is a bad friend for not obeying his white master friend.  

While the details have changed and the characters have developed, it’s still essentially the same plot and the same dynamic.  The production’s conclusion is that Scott’s way of trust can be dangerous but it also is more heroic and benevolent because ultimately both Derek and Theo become friends and allies. 

Fandom?  Fandom, on the other hand, sees Stiles distrust and fear of Derek and blames Scott for not seeing Derek’s goodness, even though Derek’s violent and manipulative behavior targets both of them, and yet Scott is the one to hold out the hand of hope to him.  And then fandom sees Stiles distrust and fear of Theo and blames Scott for not seeing Theo’s wickedness, even though Theo’s violent and manipulative behavior targets both of them, and yet Stiles doesn’t do a single thing to stop Theo.

It’s the same story with the same characters with slight changes.  It’s not about what Scott did,   It’s about the fact that Scott was the lead, when it should have been the entitled white boy.  I have never found any other explanation for this double standard or any other double standard.


Also let’s not forget that fandom has never had a problem seeing that the betrayal of trust is the fault of the betrayer and not their victim when it came to Kate Argent. Nobody ever for a second thinks to call the Hale fire Derek’s fault for trusting her, or loses sight of the fact that Derek was Kate’s victim, but the victim blaming of Scott for his own murder at Theo’s hands is literally taken for granted by most people.

Not to mention the never-ending pattern that is “fandom swears they can’t stand Scott/find him boring because he has no shades of gray, and is too self-righteous, and that’s why they prefer to rewrite the show with Stiles front and center working with the bad guys, compromising with them, making morally ambiguous choices, etc…..while at the exact same time giving Scott shit for……..working with the bad guys, compromising with them, making morally ambiguous choices.” I’ve always said they would have turned the S2 finale into not proof of how evil Stiles is if he’d have been the one to come up with the plan, but an angsty obstacle for S/terek to overcome as they built trust in S3…..just like they have zero problem with fics and headcanons where Stiles is the one to go with Deucalion in 3A, or to work with Deucalion in S5.

Also, my personal favorite point of emphasis in pointing out how fucking dumb most anti-Scott S5 analysis is:

The entire season was flawed from the get go if you remember the little fact that was THE ENTIRE SEASON OF 3B, which was essentially one long ode to Scott proving he would always put Stiles’ life ahead of even INNOCENT strangers, let alone someone trying to kill him, as even Stiles argued over and over that Scott should let him die because it was the only way to keep people safe from him, and Scott over and over and with full knowledge of what he was saying, going yeah I’m just not willing to do that, even though I am very aware of what the consequences of that choice are for other people.

The idea that Scott failed Stiles somehow, instead of Stiles ignoring all the times/ways Scott has flat out told him he values Stiles’ life over pretty much all others, in order to support the contrived position that Scott would ever condemn Stiles or turn his back on him for killing someone in self-defense of his own life……literally relies 100% on forgetting that we ALREADY had an entire season dedicated to examining that Scott’s views on morality and protecting people are NOT black and white, and he absolutely prioritizes people he cares about personally and is not even a little bit fucking ashamed of it.

Because that just doesn’t match up with the Myth of Scott the Self-Righteous Hypocrite who is too stubborn to get that the world is complicated……despite proving with his literal actions and literal words season after season that no, he’s actually painfully aware of that and just because he doesn’t LIKE that reality doesn’t mean that he’s ever wavered from his commitment to making the complicated choices to save first and foremost his loved ones, and then in addition to that, as many others as he possibly can….though again, never once has he actually ever asked anyone to do so at their own expense, or expected them to.

Its the nifty little vicious circle of condemning Scott’s character for not living up to the character that they like to SPIN him as being, simply to have a reason to condemn him in the first place. Scott’s bad, see, because he does these things that are bad and not moral and righteous and good….even though the only reason we’re holding him to that impossible standard is we’re claiming that’s who his character is and that’s somehow ALSO the reason we don’t like him.

It doesn’t make sense coming or going. 

The amount of times that anon has crawled into my inbox to make some kind of non-point about S2 or what happened with Corey……thalksfhaljfhaklf I’ve never defended those actions as morally good or pure or not mistakes, because they weren’t and also I never needed to because we were never the ones saying that Scott is this bastion of moral purity who has never done anything wrong or messed up…..just that the specific things so often held up as His Crimes are not the crimes people like to paint them as WHEN JUXTAPOSED with all the times everyone else on the show does the exact same thing and gets praised for it because moral complexity yay.

Like literally every discourse this fandom has ever come up with derives from making up some non-point nobody else was even talking about before fandom launched their armadas in defense against it…..because there is no defense that can hold up to straight-forward scrutiny of these many double standards as blatantly racist, and there never was.

The unholy trinity of TW discourse is just ceaselessly flipping the script, moving the goalposts and oh yeah, outright lying…..all in order to support the single basic lie at the root of it all: that there’s nothing biased about the vitriol people hold for the main character of color. 


me, finding out about Destiel going canon:

me, after making this completely untagged post and then leaving the app for two hours: “ah, now time to take a big sip of water and then check my tumblr notifications...”


Jason’s training w Lupa made him an apex predator that coupled with the stress of being a child of Jupiter made him subdue his true power bc he didn’t want people to fear the way they feared his father HOWEVER it leads to his downfall bc when he needed to channel his father’s power in order to kill Caligula he was unwilling to or honestly didn’t know how anymore which is just as devastating being so estranged from your father you can’t even reclaim your own power bc of the mental toll I literally 🙃


Do you ever sit there and think about Scott McCall and what a blessing he was?  A Mexican-American teenage character on TV who was allowed to be enduringly soft.  Who was a werewolf but who was never a monster, who was so full of goodness and optimism and hope.  He never lost that.  Not through the very end, after everything he’d been through.  He was thoughtful and smart and always tried with everything in him.  Scott McCall is a goddamn hero, and he is still so fucking important.


not going to lie i am kind of obsessed with annabeth at 12 years old watching one of those "is megalodon still out there?" bullshit ass documentaries and she wholeheartedly buys into it because she's 12 and still thinks that if it airs on animal planet or the history channel it must be accurate, so she tells percy all about the totally real facts and figures and percy's like "that's bullshit. if we had giant sharks we'd know. that's such bullshit" and there's like..... you know how they canonically email each other when they're not at camp? there's like half the email dedicated to "here's what i did this week" and then 15 paragraphs about their megalodon argument. neither of them do any research about it because annabeth thinks she's done the research by watching the documentary, and percy is a) dyslexic, and as much as he wants to stick it to annabeth he will not be reading anything he does not have to, and b) why would he READ he can just ASK THE FUCKING SHARKS. but he's stuck in NYC so he can't ask any sharks until the summer, and the fact that percy is disagreeing with her means that annabeth is digging her heels into this argument and refusing to budge, so it's a completely inane back and forth argument because both these 12 year olds are just making up their own arguments to try and own the other, and eventually percy defaults to going i am a SON of POSEIDON i think i KNOW A THING OR TWO ABOUT SHARKS i am BASICALLY KIND OF RELATED TO ALL SHARKS EVERYWHERE BECAUSE MY DAD MADE ALL OF THEM TOO SO SUCK IT. and then he hits send on that particular email and has an existential crisis because, if his dad is the ocean, and made all the things in the ocean, and also horses, are they all his siblings? or were the first ones of each species his siblings, and now it's kind of questionable? how many genetic steps away is he from a fucking manta ray? he can't ponder for long because sally reads his email to annabeth over his shoulder and grounds him for telling annabeth to suck it, and makes him write an apology email.

and then they get to camp and naturally the megalodon argument falls to the wayside because of the fact that percy and annabeth's lives are a mcdonald's playplace for gods and titans to do what they want. but i'd like to think during the downtime in sea of monsters, annabeth resurrects the argument and percy's like I'M ASKING THE FUCKING SHARKS and marches to the bay and patiently waits for a shark to answer his I'm The Son Of Poseidon And I Have A Question call, and it does happen to be a traveling great white that answers. percy's like "i've gotta win this argument please tell me megalodon is extinct" and after crossing the language barrier, the shark explains that yes, megalodon is extinct. they don't call their ancestor sharks megalodon, sharks have their own words for their ancestor sharks, and because percy as tiny lord of the ocean is technically partially their god he gets to understand special shark language. but nobody else does, so when percy is explaining this interaction to annabeth and tries to repeat the shark-word for megalodon, he opens his mouth and makes a rumbling-clicking-bad-ear sound, and annabeth calls him a liar and swears he's making up this entire shark interaction and he can't prove anything. percy is so mad. he goes back to the ocean and talks to another shark because he's like I'M RIGHT AND SHE WON'T LISTEN and this shark, a bull shark, helpfully suggests that cannibalism might be the answer, because he's a shark. the conversation kind of devolved into percy nervously asking if all ocean life everywhere is technically related to him, and the bull shark is like no, no, no, that's not how it works, son of poseidon. you're not related to US. you're related to the WATER. and the bull shark sounds so happy that he could help that percy just beams at him and goes "thanks!" even though internally he's more confused than ever, and he has to sit at the bottom of the ocean having an existential crisis

cut to many years and near-death situations later, after percy's gap..... years, in which he just did not care for the prospect of college, and annabeth kicking her own ass during undergrad and now moving on to graduate school (shhh the chases can afford it), percy's wandered into a marine biology track. the megalodon argument has been buried by less fun arguments, like percy arguing that annabeth should help do his laundry because she pretty much only wears his clothes anyway. percy has made College Friends, and he's really excited to introduce his beautiful, wonderful, best friend-girlfriend to his College Friends. annabeth starts the conversation by going "i think megalodon is still out there" and percy's Marine Biology College Friends all turn to stare at percy while percy chokes on his own spit and tries (read: fails) to breathe

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