
roonil wazlib

@potterswan / potterswan.tumblr.com


All dead… all rotten. Elves and men and orcses. A great battle, long ago. The Dead Marshes… yes, that is their name


gay bitches be like “I’m yearning for someone to run their fingers through my hair softly while we lay together in comfortable silence” anyways I’m bitches


November will end well. Things are being put into place to assure that 2020 will be an amazing year for me.


me last night: i feel so alone…. no one loves me…. wahh boo hoo

me today: i love MUD i don’t need LOVE or AFFECTION all i need is the soil that nourishes all life on this earth *listens to girls just want to have fun on loop while lying in the dirt*


always say “my peace is more important” when you find yourself reacting to something that doesn’t deserve your energy. prioritize your inner wellness and cultivate an active mindset of peace by consciously deciding that you’ll elevate higher than any situation that arises


love is the most beautiful thing we have in this world. i am so so sorry if someone skewed your perception of it and i truly hope you can feel warmth again. i’m not just taking romantically either- start with yourself. take a bath, call somebody who makes you smile, bake something sweet, open your heart with yoga. don’t let negativity block your blessings.


The Sliding Scale of Gay Math Competence

contrary to popular belief, Gays can do math, but only at MAX CAPACITY, you can either invent the laws of gravity or you can cry over fractions 

there is no in between

this is… the fairest call out I’ve ever received 

you are like, incredibly correct


Can theory side of tumblr explain why cats are so chill?



*Zizek voice* ideologically, the cat is chill because it is the perfect anti-capitalist animal due to its relationship with desire being precisely that which cannot sustain capitalism.  This is because the desire of the cat is not to buy or to possess, but to indulge in what it is provided rather than what is obtained through the exchange of capital.  He eats, he sleeps, he eats, he sleeps, he purrs, and then he sleeps *gesticulates wildly* again.  Yet, at some level, this upsets us.  We go so far as to establish mythologies about the cat to replace this absence of a desire to participate in capitalist exchange: Felix with his magic bag, Top Kat with his connections to organized crime, and most commonly, Garfield and his lasagna.  However, a cat will only eat lasagna if it is provided to him.  His desire is not for the lasagna, it is for the act of being provided for, to be chill, and thus independent of the ideological implications of capitalist exchange.

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