
The Fig Dich is up

@mustdeath / mustdeath.tumblr.com

Will post things I like.

due to personal reasons you will be passing away

Man: Hi can I get a haircut?
Me: You can but you’re going to have to wait for half an hour.
Man: Oh no its okay I’ll just take whoever’s available.
Me: No one is available right now. It’s going to be a half hour wait.
Man: Oh its okay just give me whoever can take me right now.
Me: There. Is. No. One. Available. To. Give. You. A. Hair. Cut. Right. Now.
Man: what do you mean?
Me rapidly losing patience: I have a colour and my coworker has a Perm. We are both busy and there is no one else in the salon. So if you’d like to take a seat we can fit you in in 30 minutes.
Man: Oh….. Well I don’t want to wait.
Me: Then I suggest you make an appointment and come back and you won’t have to wait.
Man: So there’s no one available right now?

This is so much fucking funnier with the gif removed

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