
I can't explain what I'm feeling



Kpopers all over the world lets help this rookie group gain popularity and lets get their music video at least 2 million views till next month, they trained really hard for their debut and also they are not from a very famous company so let’s help them get more famous! -Check out their music video! -Share it with your friends (even though they are not kpopers at least the video will gain 1 more view or maybe a miracle will happen and you friend might fall in love with a member) ! Vote for seventeen on song contests! REBLOG THIS POST SO MORE PEOPLE CAN SEE IT AND SUPPORT SEVENTEEN! COME ON KPOPERS LETS SHOW SOME LOVE TO OUR NEW ROOKIE GROUP! AND IF YOU HATE SEVENTEEN WELL THEN ROLL LIKE BUFFALO (i think it spells like this well whatevs…!)

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