
Just a small town girl.

@maybeicansavesomeone / maybeicansavesomeone.tumblr.com


“Straight Men, Step Up Your Game”  DeAnne Smith Winnipeg Comedy Festival 2017

someone sounds particularly defensive

Found the Nice Guy

You don’t even need to ask him. Just say something, anything about guys being jerks and they will appear to assure you Not Me but also All Women Are Shallow Sluts.

All the Rosses of the world are like: 

< Spritzes this Nice Guy in the eyes with the Spray Bottle of Justice


Daddy and Papa said I could be whatever I wanted to -                                               So I’m gonna be a zombie!

Emmy Winchester | Indie SPN OC 
                OC / Multi(friend)ship / Multi-Fandom Friendly
Mun: 18 | 5 years exp 
                               Rules | About Emmy | Ask

Please buy my art for I am a sad little eggling living off voice acting commissions and patreon money QvQ;;

For more information feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns! @w@


artists fuck better because we turn sex into art, mattresses become canvases where we can paint our love to someone with bodies

this is by far the corniest thing i have ever read in my life what type of john green wannabe wrote this

artists fuck be tte r becuase well stick a whole entire paintbrush into your a s s


There has been a lot of drama in the Star Trek fandom recently. The fandom in general has shifted in tone, with people walking on eggshells around each other, afraid to state opinions or ideas because of the hate that is running through certain areas and blogs. Some of this hate is aimed at people who draw or headcanon certain characters in specific ways (attacking their work and ideas), and some is a lot more personal (attacking people for their sexuality and/or religion, using their own as a shield). From the blogs of the people concerned, it would be possible to believe that it was unplanned – a coincidence. However, there is proof that it was not. 

There have been smear campaigns, death threats, plotting and backstabbing. A large amount of these attacks only lasted a few days, but they were vicious and intentional. The people doing these things covered their tracks, played the victim and then moved on – often after completely destroying someone’s confidence, reputation or enjoyment of either the site or the fandom. For those who create things as commissions, this has sometimes meant a reduction or complete loss of income.

They have targeted artists, writers, fan groups and post creators. They have even targeted people that are their ‘friends’. They spread hate, and it has gone on long enough. These screenshots are proof of what they have been doing, and it is only right that you see them. If you have been targeted, just know that you aren’t alone.

This is NOT a call to attack these people. The whole point of this post is to combat the hate that has been spread, not to cause more of it. They will call you Nazi apologists for disagreeing with them, regardless of the topic being raised. You deserve to know what is happening so that if you (or one of your friends) are later targeted by these people, you can put it into context and stand up against it. You are not alone.

The group in question is mostly comprised of the following blogs. A few names have been left off the list due to the fact that they are minors and were potentially influenced into taking part in the attacks. When they show up in the screenshots, their names will be blurred.

Please keep in mind that ALL of these are from the last three weeks alone, because that was when it became obvious that something needed to be done. Any incidents before that are not shown. I wish I’d realised what was going on sooner – a lot of people could have been spared from this if I had. It took a while to work up the courage to post these. I’m sorry.

If you are tagged below it is because you were either directly targeted by this or you can help it reach those who were. People have been hurt emotionally, psychologically and financially by these people. I am sorry for involving you in this, but you have a right to know what has been happening.

The Green Spock

This example mostly serves to show how short lived most of these vendettas are. For a while, the worst thing you could do was draw Spock (or any Vulcan) with a greenish tint to their skin. It was extremely problematic. No ‘green blood’ excuses were accepted.

However, a few days later, this had been forgotten. The people who had made so many artists and writers fear that they had been antisemetic the entire time they were in the fandom suddenly started reblogging the exact things they had spoken out against.

There is art of Spock with green cheeks and ears, and black Vulcans. They used guilt to try to change things, and backed down and stopped caring without even an apology. This affected many wonderful, creative people who were told to feel guilty.

Outside of this issue, art is still mocked and criticized behind the creators’ backs.

There is no constructive criticism or discussion, and the artists themselves are not tagged. They have screenshotted and edited the work of other people to mock it. This is never ok. Artists deserve far more respect than this.

Cardassians = N*zis

This could easily have been settled with no escalation. The post that started it all can be found here. What could have become a non-issue with a simple ‘I’m not comfortable with this, can you please stop’ instantly turned into death wishes and accusations of n*zi apologism – not just for the original posters, but for anyone who liked the Cardassian species. It didn’t matter whether it was aesthetic, or they found the culture interesting, they were targeted.

This is more than disagreement, this is cruelty.

And, yet again, a few days later they were quiet.

Ace Discourse

This one is the most personal and wide-reaching. It doesn’t target fans of certain things, it attacks people for being who they are. The post linked above did the rounds earlier. It left people in tears, some of them leaving the fandom for good. On its own, it might have been ignored, but sadly it wasn’t all that was shared.

  This is unacceptable. For one thing, regardless of personal views, sharing things so that people you know will be upset by them is pure cruelty. There are many aces in the community, and they share these for fun, to see who they can hurt. They enjoy causing pain, even to people they will act friendly towards.

As I stated before, these examples are only from the past 3 weeks. Wonderful fan artists, fan fiction writers and gif makers have left because they can no longer cope with what is going on. People who used Star Trek as an escape have been driven away. This fandom is growing more toxic by the day, and it needs to stop.

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