
What is this fuckery

@murdorito / murdorito.tumblr.com

Lex; nongendered; 28; obsessed with transformers, vulture culture, and social justice. if you need to me add a tag for your mental health, i will happily do so.

Do y’all want to hear a secret story I’ve never told anyone?

(ok here goes. its funny i promise)

At the time this story took place, I was like 6 years old. Growing up, I was a very mature child because I was never around other kids my age. My mom used to work a lot, so that left me with my dad but my dad was high off his ass (weed smoker) all the time, so he’d be passed out. My siblings were all in their late teens and with friends, so when I got home it was just me by myself. Everyday

And I had no other way to entertain myself than by watching TV. I watched everything, but my favorite was the after dark shows that came on HBO and stuff. The down side of watching those things was that I learned about things that was way ahead of my time with no adult supervision. 

Well, one day when I came home from school I was watching TV (dad was alseep again and I was alone) and I saw one of those little flity phone companies. They were like sex operators or whatever, but at that time, my naive ass just thought that it was to find best friends. Like penpals and stuff, so one day I got the house phone and dialed the number.

The first thing that popped up was this super seductive voice but my dumb ass just assumed the person was sick (lmfao) and it said “For a man, press one. For a woman, press two.”

So I was thinking “Boys are gross, I need a best friend that’s a girl.” So I pressed two.

It rang a couple times until this lady answered the phone and I remember her saying “Hey, my name is Cynthia. What’s your name?”

So I was like ‘shit I gotta come up with something cool to tell my bestie’ “What’s up, Cynthia.”

And immediately, she got super quiet before she asked me “Um…whom am I speaking to?”

“The name is Delilah, but all my friends call me D.” (I remember I was coloring in my Lisa Frank diary when I said it too omg)

And Cynthia got quiet again before speaking. “Uh, how old are you?”

“I’m six and a half.” *scribbles in diary harder* “What about you?”

So she got super quiet again and was like “Uh…sweetie, where is your mother?”

“My mom’s at her job. Something my dad can’t seem to get.” *takes a sip from juicebox*

And I could hear her let out a stiffled laugh from the other line before clearing her throat. “Well, where is your father?”

“My dad smoked too much weed again and he passed out. Again.”

This time, she let out a louder laugh and I was like ‘heck yeah I made a friend. Check mate.’

So Cynthia askes me another question. “You’re not old enough to be on here, honey. I think you should hang up.”

So I got really pressed and kinda got sassy with her and busted out a line I had seen used in the movie Clueless. “Listen Cynthia, I’m a young, independent woman that don’t need no man. I need a friend, okay? It said you’d be nice to me on the TV.”

At this point I could hear her laughing really loud and before I could finish, she stopped me. “C-Can you hold on one second, honey? I’ll be right back. Stay right where you are.”

I was like “Okay.” And in the mean time, I made me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and got some juice to get comfy while I waited. She finally came back like five minutes later and asked me if I was still there. I told her I was and this time, I could hear my voice echo a bit, meaning I was on speaker obivously.

“How old are you again?” She asked.

“I’m six and a half, don’t forget it, girlfriend!” *sassily snaps my fingers and takes  a sip from juice*

This time, i could hear people laughing and saying ‘oh my god’ and shit like that in the background, so I asked her who it was. She told me they were her buddies and I remember saying something like “It’s always good to have ya homeis with you, right?’ and everyone laughed again.

Then they started asking me all kinds of shit too.

“Where do you live?”

“In a house, duh.”

“What school do you go to?”

“Why? So you can kidnap me? No thanks, girl.”

“How did you even get this number?”

“The TV, duh.”

Now after a while the group of people buzzed off and it was just me and Cynthia on the phone. We had a cool conversation about Lisa Frank books and I learned that she lived in Seattle with her boyfriend and that she had a little girl a couple years older than me.

At one point, I told her about the boys in my school that were bullying me and that I didn’t think I was very pretty. And you know what? She gave me some advice that I never forgot, even til this very day I still remembered it. She told me,

“Sometimes people will be mean to you for no reason and they won’t like you, but all that matters is if you like you. If you like yourself, that’s all that matters.”

Now at one point, nine o’clock rolled around and it was my bedtime, so I sadly told Cynthia “Okay, bestie. Its my bed time. I don’t wanna miss out on my beauty sleep.” and after exchanging goodbyes, we hung up.

So yeah, that’s my experience with the chatlines. Sometimes I think about Cynthia and wonder what happened to her in life. Is she still with her boyfriend? How is her daughter? I’ll never know.

I never told anyone this until now because its too good not to share lmfao. Adult supervision is important!

This is amazing and I’m so glad you shared it. I hope Cynthia is living her best life.

I stan one (1) Cynthia


Is incredible


What I love is that six-and-a-half-year old you’s inadvertent revenge for being unsupervised was someone having to pay for an hours-long sexchat call about life skills.


AMERICANS: if you can spare, please consider giving to these organizations working to reunite asylum-seeking families who have been separated at the border and/or supporting recent deportees, including parents whose kids are still being held hostage. if you give, please message me with proof and i’ll make you something

find the ICE detention center near you (there is one near you! it has been near you for many, many years!) 


Honestly, icthyosaur fins are incredibly unsettling. What do I mean by that? Well, let’s look at the fin of a dolphin and compare. 

It has a hand in there. Good. Homologous structures and all that. This is a good creature.

Now what the hell is this ungodly thing?

The entire fin, it’s just full of bones. A solid bone paddle. What is going on here?

Well, some Icthyosaurs actually exhibit a phenomenon known as polydactyly. What this means is that they had extra fingers. While not entirely uncommon for a single individual of a species to have extra digits, it’s extremely uncommon among tetrapods to gain extras across an entire species. We see it among some early tetrapods, but we also see it here, with Icthyosaurs. In some species, the number of fingers on one limb reaches ten. 

Icthyosaurs also exhibit something known as hyperphalangy. While less unique (it’s also present in whales, mosasaurs and plesiosaurs according to Wikipedia), hyperphalangy means that the limbs have extra phalanx bones. What this means in Icthyosaurs is an almost corncob-like grid of bones. 

In fact, when I was researching this, google thought that a picture of icthyosaur fins was in fact of corn domestication.


In conclusion, Icthyosaurs have clearly commited some sin in finger theivery, and their extinction was deserved. 


o shit

Bet you forgot you followed me, binches I’m fuckin ALIVE


On Saturday, the Marin Humane Society took in a dog surrendered by its owner. They soon discovered the scared, shivering dog had recently had puppies — puppies who were much too young to be separated from mom.

After some convincing, the owner surrendered the puppies too. When mom and puppies were reunited, the adorable interaction was captured on video.

The great news: Momma dog Cora is back to being a happy, friendly dog and her puppies are in great health too. For more on this sweet family, check out our full story:http://bit.ly/1p922P0 (source)


tearing up over this

shes so happy, shes so happy, suddenly she realises that the humans are safe and friends and have brought her puppies back to her

protect all animals.

proof of dogs being too good for us

Source: facebook.com
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