
Here’s HSTHETE, the 24 hour comic I drew this year!  Thanks to everybody who followed along on twitter this weekend as I posted these pages <3


J'ai emmené le livre After en vacances.

Pour ma culture générale et maintenir mon niveau d'anglais, tout ça tout ça. Si si.


Tu me diras si leur relation est aussi malsaine que dans 50shades!


Projet podcast

Hello Tumblr, j'ai besoin de toi ce soir 💛pour un projet de podcast qui sortira d'ici plusieurs semaines, je suis à la recherche de personnes à interviewer (majeur bien sûr, et qui habite sur Paris/région parisienne), ayant vécu des violences sexuelles, et qui ont réussi à s'en sortir 🌼 (plus d'info en dm) donc si tu es intéressé.e envoie moi un message. Sinon, si tu pouvais partager mon billet ça m'aiderait énormément 😊 douce soirée à toi Tumblr ⭐

Pet alerte

J'ai besoin de vous pour aider un chat !

Cela fait une semaine qu'un de mes charmants voisins a décidé d'abandonner son chat et de le laisser sans nourriture ni eau à la rue (prétexte : il l'a trouvé un jour en hiver et maintenant il ne veut plus de chat, ça l'emmerde. LOL. CONNARD). Ayant été voir ce voisin moi-même avec le chat dans les bras, je suis sûre qu'il est bien abandonné.

Je ne peux pas du tout l'adopter ayant déjà deux chats et un chien. Je ne peux que lui donner un peu d'amour en lui faisant quelques caresses et en vaillant à ce qu'il mange et boive.

Mon vétérinaire ne peut pas le prendre, les associations que j'ai contacté sont débordées et je refuse d'appeler la fourrière par peur qu'il soit euthanasié au bout de 15 jours. Aucun de mes voisins ne veut le prendre en charge. J'ai fait le tour de mon entourage proche et de mes connaissances, mais là non plus personne ne veut/peut s'en occuper.

J'en appelle à votre aide pour trouver un foyer à ce pauvre amour. Il ne me reste que la spa à faire, en dernier recours si vraiment je ne lui trouve pas une famille aimante.

C'est une femelle, rousse aux yeux verts. Une beauté fatale. Elle doit avoir un ou deux ans (ne connaissant pas très bien son ancien maître je ne saurait dire précisément depuis quand il avait le chat). C'est une boule d'amour très câline. Elle n'a ni collier, ni tatouage, ni puce. Elle n'est probablement pas vacciné et n'est pas stérilisée.

Aidez-moi à lui offrir une belle vie. Les chaleurs vont remonter la semaine prochaine, elle ne peut pas rester des heures au soleil avant que je ne rentre du travail pour voir si elle a bu et lui remettre de l'eau fraiche.

Je vis sur Rennes. Contactez-moi pour plus d'infos.

Partagez, Rebloguez le plus possible.

Un immense merci d'avance.


I don’t understand american school years what the fuck is a freshman or a sophomore why do you have these words instead of the numbers

what why would you use numbers


America makes no sense, as usual.

bless the person that actually made the chart

laughter from France


France what the fuck

France you had one job

I’m crying

This is hilarious


Effectivement 😂


HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈


Sometimes I wonder if native English speakers appreciate how much more comfortable the internet is for them than for the rest of the world

Like, you can go on tumblr and simply read stuff in your mother tongue? Amazing. Go on youtube and you don’t have to replay some sentences ten times to try to understand what they’re saying? Incredible. Look for practically anything on google and know that there will be a fuckton of results that you can read without having to spend half the time looking up words in a dictionary? Fascinating. Make a post or send an ask without panicking that you’ll make a silly mistake or that they won’t understand what you meant? Unbelievable.

lol this is still the most relatable gif ever:



I quote this GIF in half of my conversations. (Also not only smart but fun. I’m fucking funny in italian.)

I relate to this hard. In my native language it’s so much easier to express myself which, in turn, results in me sounding a lot more eloquent and (emotionally) intelligent. I constantly feel frustrated by my failure to truly convey my thoughts and ideas in English.

👆👆 I feel like I don’t know more than 17 words in english most of the time. 17 words that I put randomly together and hope for the best without really knowing what I’m doing.

the fact that every single anxiously non-native speaker in this post used completely flawless English just breaks my heart



I have so much respect for people who learn English as another language?!? English is fucking hard and it’s so amazing that people try to learn it. A lot of people apologise to me for their written English but it is perfect!!



What Jen said! I have such phenomenal respect for people who have learned English as a second/third/fourth language.

I can barley speak English myself and it’s my first bloody language and I am so constantly amazed by all of my wonderful bilingual friends.

Hearing and seeing people tripping over words or saying a phrase slightly wrong is my faaaavourite thing because I’m like “yes, go you! You’re speaking a whole new language and I fucking understand you and you’re so eloquent and funny and gorgeous!!”

Big massive crazy love and respect to all of my bilingual friends. I adore you. Please don’t ever apologise for your “awful” English because it’s AMAZING.


Spanish was my first language but I was so little when I learned English that I don’t remember.  I have, however, studied French and Portuguese as a teenager and older and those are relatively easy because they make sense compared to English.  English is damn hard!

I am always so impressed by anyone who speaks more than one language and never, ever, apologize for your accent, your pronunciation, your misuse of words…you’re already doing better than a good chunk of the population by speaking and understanding more than your Mother language!

English is my second language and I mostly learnt it from movies and reading! And I hate my accent so much whenever I talk in English! And sometimes I hate my writing as well.

But this post made me so happy!


I used to say that I'd got a bad accent. Now I know: I just managed to get the "Rihana's singing accent" 😎😝


me: immune system why do i have a fever

immune system: well the bacteria can’t survive outside 37 degrees for long so i thought i’d raise the temperature to kill them off!


immune system:


immune system:

me: we also can’t survive outside 37 degrees for long

immune system:


A lot of people ask me what my biggest fear is, or what scares me most. And I know they expect an answer like heights, or closed spaces, or people dressed like animals, but how do I tell them that when I was 17 I took a class called Relationships For Life and I learned that most people fall out of love for the same reasons they fell in it. That their lover’s once endearing stubbornness has now become refusal to compromise and their one track mind is now immaturity and their bad habits that you once adored is now money down the drain. Their spontaneity becomes reckless and irresponsible and their feet up on your dash is no longer sexy, just another distraction in your busy life. Nothing saddens and scares me like the thought that I can become ugly to someone who once thought all the stars were in my eyes.

this fucks me up every single time

I never expected this to be my most popular poem out of the hundreds I’ve written. I was extremely bitter and sad when I wrote this and I left out the most beautiful part of that class.

After my teacher introduced us to this theory, she asked us, “is love a feeling? Or is it a choice?” We were all a bunch of teenagers. Naturally we said it was a feeling. She said that if we clung to that belief, we’d never have a lasting relationship of any sort.

She made us interview a dozen adults who were or had been married and we asked them about their marriages and why it lasted or why it failed. At the end, I asked every single person if love was an emotion or a choice.

Everybody said that it was a choice. It was a conscious commitment. It was something you choose to make work every day with a person who has chosen the same thing. They all said that at one point in their marriage, the “feeling of love” had vanished or faded and they weren’t happy. They said feelings are always changing and you cannot build something that will last on such a shaky foundation.

The married ones said that when things were bad, they chose to open the communication, chose to identify what broke and how to fix it, and chose to recreate something worth falling in love with.

The divorced ones said they chose to walk away.

Ever since that class, since that project, I never looked at relationships the same way. I understood why arranged marriages were successful. I discovered the difference in feelings and commitments. I’ve never gone for the person who makes my heart flutter or my head spin. I’ve chosen the people who were committed to choosing me, dedicated to finding something to adore even on the ugliest days.

I no longer fear the day someone who swore I was their universe can no longer see the stars in my eyes as long as they still choose to look until they find them again.

This is so fucking important and I think it’s something I needed right now

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