
D&D Trash

@beauyashaka / beauyashaka.tumblr.com

Heyo! Just a 22 yo bi guy who enjoys Star Wars and Critical Role or just DnD in general. He/Him pronouns and open askbox for anyone curious to know more

A general strike? On April 20th, 2020? To make an aid plan that would be permanent? To make healthcare a right? That’d be crazy to have happen on April 20th. Absolutely crazy for a general strike on April 20th. Nothing is going to happen on April 20th, 2020 in the form of a general strike. Nope, not on April 20th, 2020. 

This can’t happen. Nope. Nothing. Will. Happen. On. April 20th 2020.

oh man i just noticed the bootlickers in the notes

You don’t need someone to bag your groceries. Bag them yourself. “but then i’ve just proven that we don’t need baggers lololol” The reason baggers exist isn’t because we can’t do it ourselves, it’s because having someone to ring up your shit and bag it makes things a hell of a lot more convenient. Clerks and baggers are AMAZING at saving time, and you want that convenience. You don’t want to spend the extra time doing it. You’ve just realized that the commodity of having a bagger saves you so much time. so fucking pay them a living wave to do it.

Oh but what about deliveries of life-saving equipment and medical supplies? Because that’s where people always go when talking about strikes and protests. PEOPLE WILL DIE!!!!111one Yeah. People who are striking don’t want to hurt people. No one is ever really hurt by a strike. This is the same argument used when people block roads to protest. “But what about the emergency vehicles!!!” they cry, while watching a video of a crowd of protesters parting for an ambulance. The truth is, vital services will still function, because the people who strike have more compassion in their small toe than you have in your entire body.

You remember that Scrubs episode where the nurses went on strike? But they couldn’t actually walk out because of their patients. So they slowed down all their administrative work that didn’t involve helping sick and injured people. That’s it.

People are so worried about ME ME ME ME when workers go on strike. Because either you got yours so you think no one else has a right (because for some reason you think rights are a pie, and if someone gets more rights, somehow you get less? Yeah, about that. The US just pissed $1.5 trillion away into the stock market, so there’s more than enough pie for you AND the bagger you just yelled at to hurry up), or you were cheated and abused your whole life and now you’re 70 and destitute and you think everyone else should be as miserable as you are. Fuck you.

Strike. Fight for your rights. Store clerks, delivery personnel, and stock clerks work ten times harder than any CEO, and I’ll gladly be inconvenienced if it means you get higher fucking pay.

STRIKE! UNIONIZE! https://iww.org/

Me: *Removes my cat from my lap to do something else.*
My cat: Father is...evil? Father is unyielding? Father is incapable of love? I am running away. I am packing my little rucksack and going out to explore the world as a lone vagabond. I can no longer thrive in this household.

The spiritual successor to Miette


Last night I dreamed I was in an alternate reality of some sort, and the only way I could tell was because my sister wasn't married nor pregnant, and was dating someone else and not her husband.

"Who is that? Where is (Husband)?"

"We don't talk about him, this is your sister's boyfriend"

This made me stop, then laugh "Oh, this isn't Real then. This is a dream, guys. I'm just lucid dreaming. In Real life, sister is married to (husband) and is heavily pregnant"

I left. But I felt like The Boyfriend was angry, and that he might come for me.

I went to my house and went to feed my cats (another hint that made me realize it was indeed a dream), when I turned around and saw him shadow from the entrance door and through the hallway, disappearing behind a wall.

Backpedalling back in to the kitchen, I gasped, knowing it was him and that he was in the house. I turned around and bumped in to him, even tho by all accounts he shouldn't be there.

He said he didn't care about my sister, really, and he'd prefer my attention instead, taking my hand and bringing it to his face, but instead of kissing it, he opted to lick it. I pushed him away, angry, not even in my dreams would I do that to my sister.

He grew angrier, and at some point I kicked him.

Then, the part I can't stop thinking about happened

"I want to be Real. I'm tired of being here, where nothing is constant!" He hissed "Make. Me. Real. If you won't, I'll find a way to get out of here."

I drew him real quick so I don’t forget, because images and faces from dreams can sometimes start blurring out the more I’m awake.


If you’re moving to online classes today because of COVID-19 please remember to keep yourself on a schedule. Online classes have a very high fail rate because of the lack of immediate accountability!

Also. Save your shit like, twice on two separate places. When i did online schooling, granted it was like, fuck, 5 years ago, but i had to re-turn-in my classes on k-12 THREE times because the site "failed to save them" and granted, you couldn't just copy and paste things to or from the site so like you have to type everything out again or you can talk to your teachers and send them the file you saved else where just for this reason!! I went thru 3 different online schools and i only had this problem with k12 but it was a HUGE pain in the ass.

So, keep a schedule and multiple save.

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