
Doctor Gregory Stark

@starkglobalsolutions / starkglobalsolutions.tumblr.com

((Independent RP for Marvel's Gregory Stark. FC: Daniel Craig. Universe: Ultimates.))

"Somewhere out there there is a tree, tirelessly producing oxygen so you can breath. I think you owe it an apology."


“Oh it’s hardly my fault you failed in your duty to kill me in the womb, darling–”


“Well, hindsight is twenty/twenty, as they say.” Greg shook his head, giving his brother a look. “Not much I can do about that now.”

“Not without getting a little too much attention, no~” His tone was playful, a hand sliding around Greg’s bicep in a show of affection. “I’m afraid you missed your chance to be an only child.”

“Hm, in another life, perhaps.” Eyes dropping to his brothers hand, Greg arched a brow. “Do you mind?”

“No, not at all~” His hand remained on the man’s arm, and he leaned into Greg’s side. Pushing his luck. “Are you here for long?”

You could almost hear Greg counting backwards from 100 in his head. Maybe those court ordered anger management classes were good for something. "Why?"


"Do you ever visit him, anymore?" [father's day shit]


“Do you not?” That wasn’t a real answer. Then again, when did he ever give a straight answer. Every year, he meant to and every year, he got ‘busy’, sending someone in his place to leave flowers or to make sure nothing had been vandalized.


“I don’t go see him as often as I’d like, no.” There were too many people there– the dead and the living. Too many names he knew and so many more he didn’t. It was easier to talk to Howard from a distance, instead of pretending the grave actually brought him closer to his father.

“I thought maybe you’d be better than me, in this.”

"Well, he isn't going anywhere, at least not any time soon." The older brother cleared his throat and absent-mindedly straightened his tie. "We both lead very busy lives." He added added as if that was supposed to make it better.


"Somewhere out there there is a tree, tirelessly producing oxygen so you can breath. I think you owe it an apology."


“Oh it’s hardly my fault you failed in your duty to kill me in the womb, darling–”


“Well, hindsight is twenty/twenty, as they say.” Greg shook his head, giving his brother a look. “Not much I can do about that now.”

“Not without getting a little too much attention, no~” His tone was playful, a hand sliding around Greg’s bicep in a show of affection. “I’m afraid you missed your chance to be an only child.”

"Hm, in another life, perhaps." Eyes dropping to his brothers hand, Greg arched a brow. "Do you mind?"


"Do you ever visit him, anymore?" [father's day shit]


"Do you not?" That wasn't a real answer. Then again, when did he ever give a straight answer. Every year, he meant to and every year, he got 'busy', sending someone in his place to leave flowers or to make sure nothing had been vandalized.


"Somewhere out there there is a tree, tirelessly producing oxygen so you can breath. I think you owe it an apology."


“Oh it’s hardly my fault you failed in your duty to kill me in the womb, darling–”


"Well, hindsight is twenty/twenty, as they say." Greg shook his head, giving his brother a look. "Not much I can do about that now."



"Oh, well, if you don’t have time for me-” She leaned back against his desk, tipping her head to the side as she looked at Greg. “I would hate to inconvenience you.”


Eyes fell to the pregnant woman’s stomach. Knitting his brow together, he set down his pen and pressed something on his desk phone, speaking into it briefly. “Julia- Hold my calls, I’m in a meeting.” Gesturing for her to sit, he nodded. “The chairs are far more comfortable, dear.” There was a slight pause. “Now, down to business.” 

Tony thought about going ahead and letting him in on the joke, but it was more amusing(for the moment, yes) to watch the frown lines deepen on Greg’s face. “Well, thank you-“

Besides, how often did Greg invite him to stay? The truth could wait a little while- as she sank into the offered chair, hands folding loosely over the curve of her belly. “Business- Of course, love. What else is there?”

"I'm going to be completely honest with you." He didn't bother asking for a name, he'd have the lawyers get her information. "I knew this would happen." The look on his face was one of pity, more than anything else."I knew he would stray and I was prepared for the day one of his.. girls came to me." Off to a great start Greg. Way not to be an asshole.

Holding up a hand, he continued talking. "Just tell me what you want and I can make this go away. My brother is dealing with enough and I know he doesn't need.. this." Standing, he moved to stand in front of his desk. "Im sure you're a very nice girl, but... well, you understand, don't you?"

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