@bombcollar /

I'm Delta. I'm 33 and agender (they/them). SFW. i draw and write. no terfs no pedophiles. leave me alone.

I've made some comparison between Bugsnax and Dungeon Meshi before, especially getting into spoiler territory with DM and how the dungeon functions compared to my own headcanons for how Snaktooth works but there is one thing I will say.

Bugsnax is about unhealthy coping mechanisms and how even people who love each other can be driven to do terrible things, hurting themselves and one another when they're in a dark and desperate place. Dungeon Meshi is about EATING.


But the question remains. Would the main party survive Snaktooth? Both Laios and Senshi would be in hot water, since you can’t prepare slain Bugsnax in any way.

I fully believe Laios and Senshi would figure out the island is a giant mass of foodflesh and the bugsnax are parasites within a day of arriving there. The real question that remains is would they eat them anyway (yes, definitely.)


I've made some comparison between Bugsnax and Dungeon Meshi before, especially getting into spoiler territory with DM and how the dungeon functions compared to my own headcanons for how Snaktooth works but there is one thing I will say.

Bugsnax is about unhealthy coping mechanisms and how even people who love each other can be driven to do terrible things, hurting themselves and one another when they're in a dark and desperate place. Dungeon Meshi is about EATING.

Octavo smiles wanly at him. “I have lived much longer than my appearance would suggest, your highness. I know these things not only from my songs, but because I’ve seen them myself, with my own two eyes… I have seen Hyrule fall, rise and forget its past, over and over. It isn’t too late to stop it from happening again. I can help you.” To his surprise, the king’s dour expression melts into a smile of his own, and he places a warm, heavy hand on Octavo’s shoulder. “I understand Hyrule has faced adversity in the past. We’ve had our share of wars and betrayal, but the peace we’ve forged from it is solid as iron!” He gives Octavo’s shoulder a little shake to punctuate. “I can’t begin to imagine the things you’ve seen, but you don’t have to fear any longer. Hyrule is well-defended, watched over by the gods themselves. We’ll rise to meet any threat that comes our way.” Despite Darius’s mollifying words, Octavo feels bile rise in his throat, hot and acrid. He knew this would happen, or something like it, be it rage or disbelief or cries of treason, but it makes it no easier to hear out loud. He swallows, forcing a sheepish grin onto his face. “Oh, I have no doubt your army could stand against any regular foe, but this is… You must understand that has never stopped Ganon before. Hyrule needs more than manpower, it needs to match his supernatural strength, and I can-”  “Come, now,” Darius cuts him off, gentle but firm. “This isn’t the sort of talk we need to be having before a party, is it?"

A preview of my piece for the @hyruleconcerto zine!


final forms for my two dusties

they probably won't actually get their eye types changed but I thought it looked nice in the previews.


hey all. I wanted to make a post real quick to say that, starting this week, basically everything is going to change for me in a major way. I'm finally leaving not just my home, not my city, but I'm leaving Ohio for good.

as of yesterday, I have left my job I've been at for the past almost 3 years, and while I'm tying up loose ends this week, preparing for my move, and getting all of my documentation, etc changed over for a new state this week, starting now I am UNEMPLOYED! but as you can imagine, this doesn't mean that my bills and especially my student loans are going to be put on hold to accommodate my move and all these big changes, which means that right now, more than ever, I need my gfm to get attention because my payments are almost $700 a month and I currently have no source of income

This gfm has been active for over 3 years and l've paid several times what it's made out of my own pocket by now, I know everybody is struggling and I really don't want to ask for too much. my bf is going to be helping me out but I really don't want to put the onus of assistance on them. if anybody at all could help give me a safety net while I take the time to look for a new job in the coming weeks/months I would unbelievably appreciate it ;-;


oh i got some kick ass free dusthides.

however i pretty much never hang onto my free ancients so it's likely I will sell them both. if anyone is interested in them please reach out to me on bombcollar.

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