
Kenna and Bash Like to Bicker

@kennashbickering / kennashbickering.tumblr.com

Short chats inspired by the bickering between these two since they were married.

Kenna and Bash Bickering About How Bash Promised to Take Their Eldest to Paris

Important Note: Going forward bickerings will all be AU. :) Sorry to have been away so long ...
Bash enters their bedroom and Kenna is brushing her hair.
Kenna: Adela told me when I was tucking her in tonight that you promised to take her to Paris with us for our autumn trip this year.
Bash (placing his scabbard on the long dresser and looking around nervously): I may have.
Kenna (turning to face him and holding her brush like a pointer): What possessed you to promise that?
Bash (sitting on the bed to take off his boots): She said she needed new clothes and she gave me that pleading look.
Kenna (rolls her eyes): She's seven. She will be bored to tears when you go off to trade our spare horses for two days.
Bash (removing his shirt and thinking quickly): We can bring Blanche.
Kenna (lifts an eyebrow): And who is going to look after the other children at home or were you planning to bring Frank, Moira and David with us as well?
Bash (removes his trousers): No? Ummm. Maybe Elise would be willing to manage and entertain Adela for a little extra. She is seven not a toddler in need of constant attention.
Kenna: And where would this little extra come from? My household budget is stretched as is.
Bash (walks over to where Kenna is sitting and caresses her cheek): Maybe if we sell an extra spare horse, we can consider extending the budget?
Kenna (a smile creeps into her visage): Permanently?
Bash (bends down and in between kisses to her neck): At least for the year.
Kenna (caresses his stubble): If the entire revenue from the sale of the spare horse becomes part of the household budget, then you have a deal.
Bash (leading Kenna to their bed): Only if you can make it last three years.
Kenna (kisses her husband): Deal!
Bash (starts to remove Kenna's night dress): You drive a hard bargain wife.
Kenna (smirks): And you like it!
Fades to black ...

Kenna and Bash Bickering About Diane de Poitiers's Sudden Appearance in their Chambers

Diane closes the door behind her after her impromptu visit in Banished ...
Kenna (turning to her husband, eyes narrowing): Why did you tell her first before you told me?
Bash (grinning): I wanted to surprise you.
Kenna (rolling her eyes): Well, you certainly did surprise me, but then your mother surprised me, too!
Bash (raising an eyebrow): Aren't you happy about the land and the estate and the title?
Kenna (trying hard not to seem pleased about all that): Well, it would have been nicer to be a duchess, but I suppose that being a Baroness will do. *flashing a smile at her husband when she could keep it in no longer* How much land do we have?
Bash (thinking a little): I don't know exactly. I get the maps next week, but there were multiple estates on there, which was why I offered one to my mother. She's not happy living in Paris, but where else was she going to go after Catherine took Chenonceau away? She does have some lands in Normandy, but it isn't much and too far away from the castle.
Kenna: Well, it's your land. *rolling her eyes again*
Bash: And you can decorate our new home to your tastes and bring it up to your standards. *running a finger down her cheek*
Kenna: And? *raising an eyebrow*
Bash (reluctantly): And you can choose when to receive my mother.
Kenna: And? *grinning widely*
Bash (picking his wife up in his arms): We will be able to stay close to the castle because of the job you begged me to take.
Kenna (wrapping her arms about his neck): Well I suppose.
Bash (depositing her on the bed): Now where were we?
Fades to black ...

Kenna and Bash Bickering About Kenna's Parents' Upcoming Visit

Prompt: Kenna's parents come for a visit! (from anonymous)
At their estate ...
Kenna (at her vanity preparing for bed): My parents are arriving in a couple of days.
Bash (undressing): Ummm. How long are they staying?
Kenna: At least a couple of months. They came all the way from Scotland.
Bash (mumbling): I think I can stretch a hunting trip out by two weeks, but longer than that it will be suspicious.
Kenna (looking at her husband): What did you say?
Bash (looking guilty): Nothing.
Kenna (looking at her husband through the mirror): If you think you can go on a hunting trip for longer than a week while they are here, you have something else coming.
Bash (taking off a boot): Don't you think I should take your father out on a hunting trip while they are here?
Kenna (braiding her hair): Yes, but not for two or more weeks. They want to visit Paris on this trip, so that will take them away from here for a week and I want to show them the South of France before they go.
Bash (taking off the other boot): Why don't I take your father and Frank on a hunting trip the second week?
Kenna (moving to the bed): Why don't you take David, too?
Bash (putting clothes away): David is only four, I'm not taking a four year old on a hunting trip when he can't ride unassisted yet. We will be traveling by horseback every day of the trip.
Kenna (getting under the covers): He will be greatly disappointed.
Bash (joining his wife in bed): I'll take him to the village for an afternoon before we head out and no, I won't be taking Adela and Moira with me that afternoon.
Kenna (snuggling into her husband's arms): Thank you. *leaning over to kiss him which leads to more*
Fades to black ...

Kenna and Bash Bickering About What to Name Their Baby Girl

Prompt: Kenna has just given birth to a baby girl and now they are arguing on what to babe the child (from Anonymous)
Bash settles in bed with Kenna and their new baby girl after he tucks Adela and Frank, their older children, in for the night.
Bash (looks at his wife and child): So now that we have a few moments alone with her, what do you want to name this new little one? I know you wanted this one to have a Scottish first name.
Kenna (looks adoringly at the sleeping babe in her arms): It's not that I don't love the names Adela or Frank, but I want to be reminded of where I'm from whenever I speak her name. *looks up at her husband* She can always choose to use her middle name when she's older.
Bash (leans over and kisses her on the cheek): I know. So long as I can pronounce it, I'm unlikely to veto it.
Kenna: What do you think of Moira? It's a Scottish variant of Mary.
Bash (amused): Is it? Moira *testing it out on his tongue* Moira de Poitiers. I like it.
Kenna: Now a middle name.
Bash: I was thinking of Jeanne or Celeste.
Kenna: Jeanne is too plain.
Bash: I'll have you know that Jeanne d'Arc was a great symbol for France in the last century.
Kenna: More reason not to give her that name. I don't want this baby to be inspired to be burned at the stake!
Bash: Just naming her after someone who was doesn't mean she will be.
Kenna: I still like Celeste better. Seems grander to me. *lifts an eyebrow at her husband*
Bash (rolls his eyes before smiling): Moira Celeste de Poitiers. *looks at the baby* Is that who you are?
The baby yawns.
Kenna: I think that's approval if I ever heard one.
P.S. Hope this is what you were looking for Nonny!

Kenna and Bash Bickering About Bash Getting Shot

Kenna arrives at Conde's townhouse and is led to the room where Bash is being tended by a physician ...
Physician (closing up his kit): You were very lucky that the arrow didn't hit a major artery or damage a major muscle. You could have lost the use of your arm.
Bash (looking at the doctor): Thank you, doctor.
Kenna (enters and runs to her husband): Bash! What happened? Conde sent a servant to let me know you'd been shot by an arrow. *takes off her cloak*
Bash (winces): Kenna, this is the doctor who helped me remove it. *looks up at her*. Doctor, this is my wife, Kenna.
Physician (nods at Kenna while taking one last look at Bash's wound): Lady Kenna, your husband will need to watch out for infection and fever. I think I managed to pull out all of the cloth, leather and arrow. He was very lucky. *looking up at her* He will need to rest for a few days from strenuous activity. Have a court physician check on the wound every day at first and then less often as it heals. Be certain to add a dressing before putting any clothing on to avoid aggravating the wound.
Kenna (looks at the doctor): Yes, of course.
Physician (walks toward the door): Good day! *turning to Conde who had appeared shortly after Kenna was led to the room* He should be in ship shape after a couple of weeks so long as there's no infection.
Conde (glances at Kenna): I will ensure that Lady Kenna has everything she needs. *claps the doctor's shoulder* Thank you for your help.
Physician nods and walks out of the room.
Conde (looks between husband and wife): Summon the servant if there's anything either of you require.
Kenna (turns to look at the prince): Thank you, Prince Conde. I'm grateful for everything you've done for Bash.
Conde (nods): I'll go and see if I can find the King and Queen. They will want to know what happened out in the woods.
Bash nods at Conde and the prince leaves the couple.
Kenna (picks up the clean cloth and dips it into the bowl of clear water): What happened? *starts to wipe the blood off*
Bash (looks up at his wife): I was ambushed. My men weren't so lucky. *lowers his head*
Kenna (wipes around the wound): I'm sorry. At least you're alive and had the sense to come here. *she wants to say more but can't in Conde's home so she caresses Bash's back*
Bash (sighs): It was the first home I thought of that would be safe.
Kenna: What were you up to? *continues to clean him up and checks his back to see whether there is an exit wound. Thankfully, there is not*
Bash: We were taking the Protestant minister to the physician in Epernay when we were ambushed, apparently by the minister's allies who then ran a sword through him. *hisses when Kenna's cloth skims his angry wound*
Kenna (winces): I'm sorry.
Bash (looks at her tenderly to urge her to continue): It's alright. I was just surprised.
Kenna (wipes carefully around the wound): What happened next?
Bash (sighs): I pretended to be dead until they left. It took several hours before I could summon the strength to get up onto my horse and ride here.
Kenna: I'm happy you're alive and not more seriously hurt. *looks around before giving him a quick kiss and quickly caresses his cheek to convey more but not at Conde's house* On the ride here, I was so worried.
Bash (looks tenderly at Kenna): I know. *uses his good hand to caress her arm*
Kenna (smiles at him affectionately): Let me wash this cloth out so I can clean the area better. *goes to wash off the blood and wrings out the cloth, bringing a cleaned one back to wipe the minuscule remnants of blood*
Bash looks on while Kenna cleans. There is a commotion toward the front of the house. Mary and Francis enter.

Kenna and Bash Bickering About Meeting Princess Claude

Bash and Mary are talking with a group of people near where Claude is expected to be greeted. Kenna had heard about Princess Claude's arrival when she comes across them ...
Kenna (touches Bash at his elbow): May I have a word with you?
Bash excuses himself from the group.
Kenna: What's this I hear about your sister Claude returning home?
Bash (dreading this moment since Claude left years ago): She's not my sister. She's my half sister.
Kenna: Yes, yes. She has returned though.
Bash (clearly uncomfortable): Yes, this morning.
Kenna: Why didn't you tell me she was coming?
Bash: Because I didn't know.
Kenna (moves on to the next thing that comes to mind): I understand that's the priest who brought her home that Catherine is talking to.
Bash makes a non-committal sound.
Kenna: There she is. *points discretely to Claude in the distance* Come this way. *drags her husband to stand behind the priest*
Bash looks to see Claude talking to Catherine.
Kenna (looks Bash over and sees lint on his clothes): What did you do between the time you left our chambers and now? *picks off the lint*
Bash: Nothing.
Kenna: Hmmm. *continues to pick lint off until Mary goes to talk to Claude*

Kenna and Bash Bickering About Kenna Dancing with the Venetian Envoy

Bash helps Kenna limp back to their bedchamber ...
Bash (has her arm about his shoulders, entering their bedchamber): Why didn't you say something earlier?
Kenna (winces): Because I can't slight him. He's the Venetian envoy.
Bash (helps her sit down on the bed): We could've left right after that dance was over. You didn't have to stay and dance with him again. *moves her feet on the bed*
Kenna (moves to sit near the head of the bed): Mary wanted us at the dance to represent her. Lola was entranced by Lord Narcisse. With Greer still on her wedding trip, who else was left?
Bash (eases the shoe off of the injured foot): Still not worth staying.
Kenna: Bash, I wasn't fainting dead away or screaming in pa—Ow!
Bash: Sorry. I was just checking if any of your bones are broken. Looks like the baby toe is. You'll have to stay off of it for a few days.
Kenna (winces): Did you have to pinch so hard?
Bash: I apologized and I needed to determine what was broken. *looks at her* Do you need help with your clothes?
Kenna (looks at him): Yes, if I have to stay off of this foot.
Bash: What should I do first?

Kenna and Bash Bickering About Whether There Are One or Two Babies in her Belly

Prompt: Kenna and bash argue over wether Kenna is pregnant with one or two babies! (from anonymous)
Kenna waddles into their bedchamber nine months pregnant ...
Bash (rushes over to help): Are you certain you aren't carrying more than one baby in there?
Kenna: The midwives are convinced it's only one. Why? Are you saying I'm fat?
Bash (quickly thinks of something): Uh, no! I've just never seen someone so pregnant before. *winces as the words pass his lips*
Kenna (irritated): Have you lived with someone so pregnant before?
Bash (settling Kenna in a chair): Um no! I was my mother's youngest child and the ladies at court, especially Catherine, were always in their confinement by this juncture.
Kenna: I should be in my confinement, but we have no estate and you're always off galavanting.
Bash: Galavanting? I'm doing the job that you begged me to take.
Kenna (gives him a look): Tell me honestly that you dislike the job.
Bash (tries to come up with something but fails): You know I can't.
Kenna is satisfied and rubs her swollen belly.
Bash: Are you certain you aren't carrying more than one in there?
A convenient pillow suddenly flies toward Bash's head.
P.S. I hope this is what you were hoping for nonny

Kenna and Bash Bickering About the Sex Journal Kenna Found

They are lying in bed with Kenna reading from the sex journal she confiscated from the chambermaids earlier ...
Bash (turns to look at her): You want me to do what?
Kenna (pointing at the entry in question): The journal says, "Lift your leg over your head."
Bash (gives her a look): I don't think so.
Kenna: But it also says that it heightens the pleasure by twenty fold.
Bash: No.
Kenna: Don't you want to heighten your pleasure by twenty fold.
Bash (without skipping a beat): Not if it means I hurt myself getting into position.
Kenna (tries another tact): Don't you want to heighten my pleasure by twenty fold. *bats her eyelashes at him* I'd be willing to do that thing you like in return. *trails a finger down his chest*
Bash: How will I enjoy it if I hurt myself doing the first thing?
Kenna: You promised to love, honour, and cherish me.
Bash: You promised to love, honour, and obey me.
Kenna (narrows her eyes): You would bring that up.
Bash: What? You brought it up first!
Kenna (sighs and flips through a few pages): How about this? Trail an ostrich feather down your partner's chest during the act.
Bash: Where are we going to find an ostrich feather?
Kenna: You're not going to turn everything into an obstacle are you?
Bash: No, but I'm not going to do something just because that journal says that you'll gain twelve times the pleasure.
Kenna: Fine. This one seems easy enough. "Spoon your partner and trail your nails along their side while you join together."
Suddenly, Kenna finds herself being spooned by her husband ...
Bash: You mean like this? *kisses her on her neck from behind*
Kenna (sighs): Exactly like that.
Bash: What's next?
Fades to black ...

Kenna and Bash Bickering About Not Telling People About Her Pregnancy

Prompt: kenna finds out about mary’s miscarriage and doesn’t want to tell anyone that she is pregnant (from mcsierramist.tumblr.com)
Kenna enters their bedchamber. Her eyes are red from crying. Bash notices immediately ...
Bash (stands up and walks over to Kenna enveloping her in a hug): What is it? You've been crying. You were so happy this morning.
Kenna (lays her head on his chest and sniffles): It's Mary. She's lost the baby.
Bash (lays his cheek on her head and closes his eyes): I'm so sorry to hear.
Kenna (sniffles): She's devastated. I feel so badly for her and Francis.
Bash (kisses her on the crown of her head): I'm certain they both are devastated.
Kenna: I was going to tell her about our baby, but now I just can't. I don't want to tell anyone until we're absolutely sure. I can't go through people pitying me, pitying us.
Bash (caresses her hair): Shhh. We don't have to tell anyone until we're both ready.
Kenna (nods): We'll tell people when I start showing.
Bash (chuckles): I'm certain that once you start showing, you won't have to tell anyone.
Kenna (looks up at him): Maybe I do because otherwise they might think I've gained weight. *narrows her eyes*
Bash (throws up his hands): But you will have gained weight. *embraces her once again*
Kenna: Just not in the way they think I have, so I will have to set them straight.
Bash (kisses her crown again): I'm sure you will.

Kenna and Bash Bickering About Kenna Being Drunk

Prompt: Kenna is a little drunk and Bash is trying to get her to their chambers so she can sleep :D (from itsjustmalak.tumblr.com)
Kenna is standing in a corner with another drink in hand when Bash comes by ...
Kenna (swaying slightly): Bash! Dance with me! *tries to walk to Bash, but barely makes three steps before collapsing in his arms*
Bash (flashes a fake smile to people nearby to cover his embarrassment): Kenna, I think we should get you to bed. *helps her to stand*
Kenna (swings the arm with the goblet splashing wine everywhere): I don't wanna go to bed yet. I wanna dance. *looks up adoringly at her husband*
Bash (takes her arm and starts to steer her into a hallway): Kenna, I think it's time for bed.
Kenna (looks at Bash intently): Noooo! Not yet! *attempts to bat her eyelashes at him*
Bash (deftly takes the goblet out of her hands and places it at the nearest horizontal surface): You're drunk and you need to sleep it off. Am I going to have to carry you?
Kenna (attempts to furrow her brow): Noooooooo! Not Druuunk! *nearly trips both of them in her attempt to walk*
Bash (sighs): This way, Kenna! *Picks her up when she is either unable or unwilling to walk toward their bedchamber*
Kenna (laughs): We're dancing! *giggles some more*
Bash (trying to humour her): Yes, we are!
Kenna (pokes Bash in the chest): You're the best husband! *hiccups*
Bash (whispers): Yes, yes, I am.
Kenna (looks up at him puzzled): What did you say?
Bash (white lies): We're dancing. *opens the door to their bedchamber*
Kenna (looks at him puzzled): This is a really long lift! *hiccups*
Bash: Yes, yes it is. *gently places her on their bed and slides in beside her*
Kenna (looks at him again puzzled): Where are we?
Bash: In our bed.
Kenna: Hmmm. *places her head on his shoulder* I'm tired. *nearly immediately falls asleep*
Bash waits until she's sleeping deeply and removes what restrictive clothing he can off of her and places her in a nightgown. He then undresses and falls asleep beside her.
P.S. I hope this was what you were looking for. :)
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