
Hell Of A Ride

@amelia-or-amy--but-not-pond / amelia-or-amy--but-not-pond.tumblr.com

Named Amelia, go by Amy.
Environmentally concerned bee lover.

I know there’s a lot of like, younger teenagers that follow me so check this out, if this is your first time driving in winter, don’t just stamp on the brake pedal to stop, if you’re on ice you’ll continue to slide for quite some distance and could possibly hit something/someone

ease into it, like small pumps on the pedal. And brake earlier, like give yourself some room because even if you’re driving slow and braking correctly you’re still probably gonna slide a bit 

Remember the 3-second rule you learned in driver’s ed? Follow it. Give yourself AT LEAST 3 seconds. On slippery roads, give yourself five. Or (and this is one I learned from my mother), for every 10 miles you’re going, give yourself a car length. So if you’re going 25, give yourself 2.5 car lengths. If you’re doing 55, give yourself 5.5. This is crazy good at estimating how far you’ll need to stop on slippery roads if you absolutely must slam the brakes to avoid hitting a car or an animal. (Seriously. I was on I-66, hit a patch of black ice on a downhill, and the car in front of me was stopped. I hit the pavement doing close to 90 and barely managed to avoid a crash. If I was following the 3-second rule I would have totaled both of our cars.)

ALSO. If you hydroplane/skid on ice and end up spinning in circles, TURN YOUR STEERING WHEEL IN THE DIRECTION OF THE SKID AND SLOWLY STRAIGHTEN. Do not - DO NOT - turn your wheel the other way to try to correct, because it won’t work. Be safe.

It’s also super important to know if your car has ABS or not, because this will change the required behavior to try and correct out of a skid. The owner’s manual for your car will indicate what the proper procedure is, because ABS will “pulse” the brakes to try and keep the wheels from locking up, so it will be ineffective if you use the older method of pumping the brakes to keep from locking the wheels up.

Also, Don’t jerk your wheel or over correct. If you slide, just turn your wheel a bit to straighten out. Ys, it will take time. But over correction is far more dangerous. 

If there’s a big, open parking lot you can access after a snow/ice storm drive your car in it. Try to spin out a little (the lot needs to not have tons of poles and cars in it. Let me reiterate that again.)

Get a feel for what it feels like to cause spinning out, prevent spinning out, and properly (not over!) correcting a spin. This is the best way to prepare. I heard and read advice like the above and that’s great but I had no idea how to really do it all correctly until my dad took me to our church lot and let me practice.


I found out all cars after the 80s have ABS automatically built in. I personally hate ABS. in my first car it would consistently make me slide out. Whether I pumped the brakes or slowly pushed them or hit them, my car would always skid. I also had shit tires and a lemon for a car but I hate ABS.

That’s another thing: tires. Make sure you have tread. If you’re not sure, have a place like AutoZone look for you.

In CO, a lot of us keep sand bags in our cars to keep the weight in the back so we have a lesser chance of fishtailing.

AVOID CURBS WHEN THERE’S SLUSH. As much as possible. That slush in the curb will grab your car and pull you in.

If you’re driving on the hiway, please go slower than the established speed limit in dangerous conditions.

And if you drive a manual: USE IT, THIS IS ITS TIME TO SHINE.

All this stuff! Also water tends to collect at the bottom of hills so those places (and shady spots) are more likely to be icy. Stay calm and go slow.

Scientists discover most relaxing tune ever
Sound therapists and Manchester band Marconi Union compiled the song. Scientists played it to 40 women and found it to be more effective at helping them relax than songs by Enya, Mozart and Coldplay. Weightless works by using specific rhythms, tones, frequencies and intervals to relax the listener. A continuous rhythm of 60 BPM causes the brainwaves and heart rate to synchronise with the rhythm: a process known as ‘entrainment’. Low underlying bass tones relax the listener and a low whooshing sound with a trance-like quality takes the listener into an even deeper state of calm.


This really works.


Hey, so did you know that librarians tend to run liberal?

And that they’re really against censorship?

And that nearly all libraries have policies that prohibit people from harassing others inside?

And that nearly all libraries have free wifi and desktop computers that erase history when you’re done using them?

And that librarians are totally chill with you hanging out all day? (provided you don’t spill things on the books)

And that libraries often have huge offerings of dvds which you can watch on your laptop in the library?

And that libraries tend to have lots of resources for folks who find themselves in distress?

What I’m saying is, if shit hits the fan, go to the library, you’re welcome here.

As a librarian, I can confirm. So long as you don’t mess up the materials and pay attention to the closing announcements, you can just hang out.

The more people that come in and utilize any of our services, the better chance we have of getting more funding, so you’d really be doing us a favor.

Seriously. All of this.

Be polite, take care of the facilities and materials, clean up after yourself and don’t be an asshole when we’re ready to go home and librarians will love you. You don’t even have to talk to us or make eye contact, though it helps. There’s a guy who’s been coming to our library everyday for the last two years. No idea who he is, but he’s there every day. He always smiles and waves to me. I always smile and wave back. That’s the extent of our contact, but he’s one of my favorite patrons. We see each other elsewhere in town with the same contact: smile and wave.

Libraries love you. Come to us. We’re pretty damn cool.

Did time as a page/clerk/curator of the graphic novel collection, and can completely confirm all of it. Go hang at the library. They’re cool with it. They love you. :3


My parents have been married thirty six years and my dad had to work a few hours early this morning (he refs hs football for extra cash), while he was gone my mom went to Dunkin Donuts to get breakfast and bought him his favorite muffin to surprise him when he came home and when he did it was with her favorite muffin from Dunkin Donuts and you know what I’m so not interested in all the cynical bs about love and marriage being fake like if that’s not some romantic shit right there idk what is.

That’s so sweet ohmygosh


the 8th deadly sin, gaming


gaming is a combination of greed (gamer money), gluttony (potion and munch), envy (friend gets epic loot and you don’t), wrath (nerd rage), sloth (all day gaming), lust (titty game), and pride (epic accomplishment) gaming is not the 8th sin, it’s all of them

holy shit… signal boost


Veterans Ask Native Elders For Forgiveness At Standing Rock.

I never thought I would see this day when a white man apologizes for the tyranny and oppression of Native American population. This is so powerful. This is the nation that I want - responsible, compassionate and that learns from its mistakes.

God bless them!


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