
The Bloggiest of Blogs

@twosidedsol / twosidedsol.tumblr.com


things haven't been great but i think they will be. eventually 🌻🌼🩷


Tumblr introduced me to Steven Universe, and after watching it, I introduced it to my husband. After watching it together we introduced it to both the kids. We’ve watched it as a family at least 3 times. We’ve helped them work through panic attacks and anxiety with various songs from the show.

Yesterday I finally started rereading this comic. I started following you at your main blog when you were still writing season one, but serialized media has always been a challenge, and I just … kept forgetting to click through when you mentioned updates. But I did it yesterday and, somewhere in season 3, realized I had a new thing to introduce the family to.

So that’s what we’ve been doing for the past two days. We’re reading it aloud together. The husband and I take turns, pausing for laughter and my eldest’s theories. (My voice is suffering.)

Thank you. It’s good to have something to share, and children’s laughter is really nice to hear.


t...thank you so much for reading, and for telling me about this. This is just about the highest tier of complement I could ever receive


that some people respond to any well-foreshadowed reveal with “ugh that plot twist was so predictable” proves bad faith criticism has rotted their brains to the point they think it’s bad writing if they can correctly identify information the writers were intentionally giving them

like you do realise that the entire point of set up and pay off is that you’re supposed to pick up on the clues the writers give you right? you do understand that plot twists only work when they retroactively make sense bc there were hints building up to the reveal right??

Some people engage with stories as if it's a competition where their job is to demonstrate that they're the smartest person in the room. These people aren't worth listening to about media.


Literally what did olivia laing say about loneliness leading to more loneliness. Loneliness being so repulsive that people sense it from you and stay away. Crazy crazy



“What is it that the child has to teach?

The child naively believes that everything should be fair and everyone should be honest, that only good should prevail, that everybody should have what they want and there should be no pain or sadness. The child believes the world should be perfect and is outraged to discover it is not.

And the child is right.”

— Rabbi Tzvi Freeman


“Westerners are fond of the saying ‘Life isn’t fair.’ Then, they end in snide triumphant: ‘So get used to it!’ What a cruel, sadistic notion to revel in! What a terrible, patriarchal response to a child’s budding sense of ethics. Announce to an Iroquois, ‘Life isn’t fair,’ and her response will be: ‘Then make it fair!’” –Barbara Alice Mann

I remember my brother told me one time a teacher told him “Life isn’t fair.” and he said “But you could be.” and I think about that a lot.


A piece of writing advice I've always fucking hated is "only add things that further the plot." Because no. Add stuff for fun. Give your mom a cameo. Have these characters be in love because. And yes, have characters die because. There doesn't have to be a reason for everything. The universe doesn't give a reason for everything. Why should you? And if you never add stuff for fun, you're never going to have fun.

Let your fiction have the filler episodes it deserves. You'll be surprised how often those end up readers favorite scenes.


me trying to convince myself that the whole spectrum of human emotions is a good and necessary thing to feel even if its not comfortable while im actively experiencing emotions that make me feel like my bones are being dissolved in acid


Y'know, if a formerly well-behaved straight A student suddenly starts almost not passing their classes and crying all the time and getting into trouble, maybe the default conclusion from every authority figure should not be that they are lazy and simply need to pull themselves together. Maybe instead you should give them stimulants or HRT or let them kill their parents and see if one of those three things resolves the issue.


Story time:

In middle school biology, we did an experiment. We were given yams, which we would sprout in cups of water. We then had to make hypotheses about how the yams would grow, based on descriptions of yam plants in our books, and make notes of our observations as they grew.

Here’s what was supposed to happen: we were supposed to see that the actual growth of the plant did not resemble our hypotheses. We were then supposed to figure out that these were, in fact, sweet potatoes.

What actually happened was that every single student in every single class lied in their notes so that their observations perfectly matched their hypotheses. See, everyone assumed the mismatch meant they had done something wrong in the process of growing the plant or that they had misunderstood the dichotomous key or the plant identification terminology. And, thanks to the wonders of a public school education, everyone assumed the wrong results would get us a failing grade. We were trying to pass. We didn’t want to get bitched out by the teacher. Curiosity, learning, science - that had nothing to do with why we were sitting in that classroom. So we all lied.

The teacher was furious. She tried to fail every student, but the administration stepped in and told her she wasn’t allowed to because a 100% fail rate is recognized as a failure of the teacher, not the class. It wasn’t even her fault, really, though her being a notorious hard-ass didn’t help. It was a failure of the entire educational system.

So whenever I see crap like Elizabeth Holmes’s blood test scam or pharmaceutical trials which are unable to be replicated or industry-funded research that reaches wildly unscientific conclusions, I just remember those fucking sweet potatoes. I remember that curiosity dies when people are just trying to give their superiors the “right” answers, so they can get the grade, get the job, get the paycheck. It’s not about truth when it’s about paying rent. There’s no scientific integrity if you can’t control for human desperation.

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