
Astro Vagabond

@astrovagabond / astrovagabond.tumblr.com

The personal blog of Gubs : 29 : she/her

One of the worst aspects of remaining outwardly high-functioning while living with chronic depression is that you keep hoping that it will just go away even though you know it never will. You’ve done the research; you know that maintenance is the best you can hope for, but there’s always this lingering “what if” in the back of your mind. What if this next accomplishment makes me happy? What if this next thing makes everything right? You know in the active part of your brain that this will never be true, but you hope. Then, slowly but surely, you put all your effort and focus on that goal, subconsciously placing any and all future success on it... only to be disappointed yet again when reality comes crashing back down. Getting a Bachelor’s degree didn’t cure my depression. Getting a Master’s degree didn’t cure my depression. Getting my Ph.D. in a few weeks will not cure my depression. It is never going away, and I know I’m setting myself up for horrific malaise yet I’m already on the next thing -- get a job, get married, have a child. My brain lies to me so much; it wants me to believe that one of those things has to make a difference, has to make me happy. I know what it’s like to receive an honor or an accolade and have everyone around me say, “Aren’t you happy? You must be so thrilled!” I force a smile and always say that I am when I am in agony, battling the parts of myself that tells me to give up and end it all. I know that if I am ever able to become pregnant that I will look into the eyes of my firstborn and feel nothing but the crushing weight of depression, knowing that I will never be good enough, can never give enough to make a difference to anyone. Every day makes me feel more and more worthless, and I don’t know what to do. 

I haven’t been to a counselor or therapist in months since the last counseling services place forged my signature on a document and cancelled my state mental healthcare. I reported them to a regulatory board due to some improprieties going on with how my medications were being handled, and their revenge was to make sure I lost access to mental health services, likely hoping that I’d off myself. A social worker was fired over the forgery, but, because my state is terrible, I still haven’t gotten my mental healthcare back and probably won’t. I need a better job with insurance, just like so many others I know.


me: i’m a good writer. i know my worth and i’m confident in my skill set and i know i can do this.  me, five minutes later: what if i’m terrible? what if everyone who has ever read my work and thought it was good was lying? too afraid to tell me the truth? blackmailed by aliens? what if everything i write is terrible and too scattered/forced/hollow what if i don’t know how to make a sentence. where do verbs go. how do u emotion


jenny slate / two, sleeping at last / an oresteia, euripidies (trans. anne carson) / the chaos of stars, kiersten white


Tfw depressed in 1936 so my doctor prescribes me chocolate milk and oxys


Sensory overload is such a weird feeling to describe. In a nutshell, sound is attacking me.

Today an escalator was squeaking really loudly and I told my sister it was eating my teeth.


failure anxiety really is psychological torture

you can't bring yourself to start any task because of the possibility that you'll fail to produce anything of value and end up not only having to confront the fact that you were never capable of doing it, but that you wasted time and energy trying. but every second you don't spend working on it your brain is screaming at you that you're losing valuable time and only increasing the probability of failure.

and every success you've had in the past does nothing to reduce your anxiety, and in fact only makes it worse, because you feel like you've given other people expectations of you that are impossible to meet, since as far as you're concerned all your previous achievements are the result of chance and not your abilities and skills.


folks, I’m just gonna say it. I don’t think it rains for long enough periods of time. it rains hard, it sounds good, I’m comfortable inside, but within 5 minutes the jig is up. the dream is over. I think it should rain for longer periods of time than it presently does

a frog made this post


Medication is often stigmatized and that really bothers me. I’ve taken meds on and off for years to supplement my focus and combat my anxiety. I’ve adapted because of prescriptions. None of us are weak for this, we’re simply helping our brains get the chemicals they need to function better.

Please do not repost or share without credit.

© Megan Fabbri 2017


It is in those quiet moments, the desperate ones, that I find myself drawn to the glimmer that sneaks its way through cheap plastic blinds. The natural phenomenon is blocked, ever slightly, by something so easily discardable and ugly in its nonchalance. There's romance outside in the soft tendrils of hanging laurel. It does not exist on my apartment landing, but it's out there, somewhere. I'm just too frightened to find it.


failure anxiety really is psychological torture

you can't bring yourself to start any task because of the possibility that you'll fail to produce anything of value and end up not only having to confront the fact that you were never capable of doing it, but that you wasted time and energy trying. but every second you don't spend working on it your brain is screaming at you that you're losing valuable time and only increasing the probability of failure.

and every success you've had in the past does nothing to reduce your anxiety, and in fact only makes it worse, because you feel like you've given other people expectations of you that are impossible to meet, since as far as you're concerned all your previous achievements are the result of chance and not your abilities and skills.

fear of failure: if you don't start this project soon you're never going to have time to finish it, and then you'll have to turn it in half done, and even that won't be any good because you won't have had the time to research and structure it properly, and then you'll get failed and everyone will hate you and think you're stupid and lazy

also fear of failure: you're probably going to fail anyway. at least if you do nothing you won't have to face the facts, which are that you suck and can't do anything right


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