
in elaine we trust

@arianestudying / arianestudying.tumblr.com

ari. 24. MFA student.

Hello, old friend.

I don’t think I’ve posted on here since my first year of my Bachelor’s degree. Happy to report I graduated with 1st class Honours. It was a grand ole time, though not without hardships. 

I’m about to start grad school in a few weeks. I’ve moved to Canada for my masters. It should be exciting but I’m feeling a lot of dread. Perhaps because so much of the admin work is still uncertain compared to when I first moved to the UK. I’m trying to keep calm and just take it a day at a time. It’s been good to look back at the end of the day or at the beginning of a new one knowing that I’ve at least gotten things done in little increments. 

Within the last year, I’ve gotten a little more clarity on my neurodivergency--which has made many high school and university memories related to academic work make a lot more sense! I have ADHD, and finding that out as an adult is both a relief and a bizarre little journey unfolding in front of you. Thankfully, my symptoms aren’t as severe and I’ve managed the last few months without medication (getting back on them was weird, I think I need to re-titrate but that’s a whole other post in itself). 

The biggest thing I’ve learned over the last few years isn’t to find or create systems that work for me as catch-all solutions, it’s to find a rhythm. Rhythms work for me. Like, I’m in a bit of a groove now. I know I should be writing my newsletter or my slate of other writing projects, but this little update is part of the rhythm that will propel me into doing bits of those projects. I’ve always thought myself to be a little odd for not being able to sit still or just commit to one thing, or not being able concentrate on a single task or project for too long, or even the opposite!  I’ve always thought them major character flaws. They’re just the way I’m wired, and I have to figure out either a way to work with it or work around it. 

And maybe a month, a week, or even an hour from now I’ll feel differently about this, but I’m glad I’ve gotten this version of thoughts on record. This draft of Ari is now available for you to read. 

I hope reviving this blog with zero pressure will help me in this grad school journey I’m about to embark on. I started this studyblr when I was 16. Now, I’m 24. This move has taken a bit of a toll on me, but I hope this can be an outlet when I need it. 

Alright, that’s it for now. 

Catch ya later. All my love, 



long time no see

hello hello hello hello! it’s been nearly a year since I’ve logged on to this studyblr! I’m going to try to use this more often, but no promises. There’ll be reblogs and updates here and there, but bear with me the next few years are going to be mental. but fun. 

I’m about to finish the first term in my second year of university. them shits fly by so fast. I’ll do a separate post for my goals for the upcoming terms and career-wise; should hold me accountable and be part of the whole speak it into existence ritual. 

here’s to a great upcoming 2018. talk to you soon! --a 


Writing Prompt 30 Day Challenge

Day 1 —Select a book at random in the room.  Find a novel or short story, copy down the last sentence and use this line as the first line of your new story.

Day 2 —Tell about a character who lost something important to him/her.

Day 3 —Write about the worst time you’ve ever put your foot in your mouth.

Day 4 —Write a story/excerpt to include the line, “Sorry, we can’t insure you for a journey like that.”

Day 5 —Pick a letter of the alphabet.  Now imagine two aisles of your local supermarket.  List everything found in those two aisles that begin with that letter of the alphabet.

Day 6 —Write about a person who would buy all of those items in Day 5.

Day 7 —What sets you apart from the crowd?

Day 8 —Tell your life story from someone else’s point of view.

Day 9 —What was your favorite childhood toy?

Day 10 —What do you want to be remembered for?

Day 11 —What was your first childhood pet?  Describe it in detail.

Day 12 —What is your favorite day of the week?

Day 13 —Write about a random picture you would find in an envelope of finished prints at Costco.

Day 14 —Elvis still gets 100 Valentines each year.  Tell about one of the people who sent one.

Day 15 — Create a character who is falsely accused of a crime.

Day 16 —If we assume ghosts are real, what type of ghost would you like to see?

Day 17 — Write a short scenario set in the kitchen of a fast-food restaurant.

Day 18 —Take a reader behind the wheel with the worst driver you’ve ever known.

Day 19 —Write a list of 25 (or just 5!) things you want to do in your life.

Day 20 —If you could go on only one more vacation in your lifetime, where would you go and why?

Day 21 —Find a job ad in the paper.  Write about your life if you had that job.

Day 22 —You wake up with a key gripped tightly in your hand.  How did you get this key?  What does it lock or unlock?

Day 23 —Pretend you’re a cartoon character.  What type of a character would you be?  What would a day in your life be like?

Day 24 —Write about the longest amount of time you’ve ever gone without sleeping.

Day 25 —Write a story about ‘What the Neighbors Saw.’

Day 26 —Write about your worst habit.

Day 27 —Make up a near-death experience (unless you have a real one).

Day 28 —You read about yourself in your brother/sister, girlfriend/boyfriend’s diary.  What did you read?

Day 29 —You are at a cemetery reading gravestones.  Write about one of the people you find.

Day 30 —Write a short entry that ends with the line, “The silver dust of moonlight settled coldly on the night.”


| Short guide on how to be a happier person |

It’s been ages since my last advice/tips posts so I thought I would make a “How to be happy” post. Studying is important however, you, as a human and your emotions as well as mental well being is 10x more important. 


The Full Potential Challenge

Ever wonder what your life would be like if you lived up to your full potential? Would your body be healthier? Your skin clearer? Bank account bigger? I think about these things all the time, and, judging my a previous post, you guys do to. Below is a chart designed to help all of us live up to our full potential. I’ve broken it down into time frames to help keep you from getting overwhelmed. Write the chart down and hang it someplace where you can see it all the time. I will be starting this challenge tomorrow, 9/8. I’ll check in with you guys every Sunday to track my progress. I have specific goals in mind for myself, and you guys should make some too! I really want to know how you guys are doing. Tag your progress posts with #sbfpc so I can track it and take a look. Let’s get to it!


  • Stretch. First thing. Really give your body enough time to wake up. Touch your toes. Roll out your shoulders. Do not hit snooze!
  • Do your full skincare routine. I have mine detailed here, but do whatever works for you and your complexion. Be gentle and consistent. 
  • Brush your teeth and floss. I used to be a big floss-skipper too, but you’d be amazed at how dig of a difference it makes. Rinse with a whitening mouthwash. I use one by Crest, and I notice a major difference in my teeth’s overall whiteness in just a few days.
  • Give yourself enough time to get ready. Whether you’re a wash-and-go kind of girl, or someone who spends an hour doing a full contouring routine before class (and either one is fine!), make sure you aren’t rushing. If you need to wake up a few minutes earlier than normal, so be it. Rushing sets an awful, stressed-out tone for the rest of the day. Allow yourself to be relaxed before taking on the day.
  • Eat something. I’m not going to say eat a big breakfast, because some people (myself included) just can’t eat in the morning. But you should eat, or at least bring a little something with you to work or school. If you can’t eat a full breakfast, grab a fruit! You won’t be as hungry come lunch time, making you less likely to gorge yourself.
  • Shower. You can do this at night, in the morning, whatever. Again, this is something you should allow some time for. I don’t wash my hair every day, but I do condition it every day (from the ears down). Scrub yourself with a delicious-smelling body wash. If you shave, make yourself as smooth as a dolphin, dude. If you don’t, then don’t and don’t ever ever ever let anyone make you feel bad or weird about it. When you get out of the shower, wrap yourself in a fluffy towel and totally slather your sexy self with lotion. Top to bottom. Do it as soon as you can post-shower so it can really sink in. 
  • Put leave-in condition throughout your damp hair and comb it through.
  • Put on an outfit that makes you feel good! So important!
  • Drink water. Drink water. Drink water. Drink water!!!!!
  • Take a look at your daily to-do list. Knock out the most pressing stuff first. Take pride when you cross things off your list.
  • Make your bed! Oh my god, make your bed. Do it. Do it. Do it. 


  • Follow the “touch it once” approach. This is a truly life-changing thing. When a task is in front of you, no matter how big or small, just do it right then and there. How many times have you gotten a work email or homework assignment and thought, “Eh, I’ll do it later”? And then later never comes? Once something pops up, do it once. Squash it and be done. Cross things off your list and feel like a badass.
  • Try to go for a walk at lunch. Even one little lap around the block or campus will reenergize you like nobody’s business. 
  • Drink water. Drink water. Drink water. Drink water!!!!!
  • Be present. This is so hard for me too, but you have to make a major effort to be present in whatever you’re doing. Be engaged and plugged-in and just exist in the moment. Give 100 percent.
  • Be friendly to friends and strangers. A smile goes a long way.
  • Eat something. Eat what you packed for lunch (see below) and take a break from working while you do it. You need “you time”!


  • Take your makeup off as soon as you’re in for the night. Wash your face with your full routine and let your skin have a break. 
  • Workout. You can also do this in the morning. Whatever works for you. Make a great playlist and go hard af. Get your cardio in. Get your strength training in. Earn every freaking sweat bead forming on your forehead. Earn your shower!
  • Knock out your homework. Life is infinitely better you don’t have anything hanging over your head. Half the time, the energy and emotion you spent dreading/putting off your work is ten times worse than the work itself.
  • Make a list of what needs to be done tomorrow. It’ll set you up for success the next day, and you won’t forget anything!
  • Drink water. Drink water. Drink water. Drink water!!!!!
  • Lay out your clothes for tomorrow. This will save you SO MUCH TIME in the morning omg I can’t even tell you how important this is.
  • Eat something great. And once you’ve decided to be done eating for the night, be done. Brush your teeth so you can’t eat again.
  • After brushing, do a whitening treatment. Whether it’s classic baking soda, a Crest white strip, or a laser. Do something. And floss! Retainers in too, ladies 0:)
  • Relax! Take a few hours to do what YOU want to do. Scroll through Tumblr, binge on some Netflix, FaceTime gossip with your friends, anything. Do whatever makes you happiest. 
  • Shut the electronics off an hour before you want to go to bed. Put your phone on sleep mode. If you stare at the screen, it will keep you awake and alert and you won’t be able to fall asleep. A good night’s sleep is crucial for weightless and general happiness lol
  • Do a quick sweep of your room and see if there’s anything you can put away real quick. A clean space is a happy space.
  • Crawl into your bed (aren’t you happy you took the time to make it?!) and read a book by lamplight for a while. When you start to feel sleepy, go to sleep. Don’t push it. You kicked ass today and you deserve rest. 


  • Do something with your friends. It just has to be one thing. Even if you’re just hanging out at the coffee shop, spending time with your squad will make you a better, happier person.
  • Drink water. Drink water. Drink water. Drink water!!!!!
  • Do something just for you. Set your laptop up in the bathroom and watch a Netflix marathon while you take a bubble bath. Buy an old school bottle of Mr. Bubbles ($3 at Target!) and really just soak. Relax. Light a candle.
  • Do something creative. You can read a book, write, blog, draw, code, anything. It just has to be something that speaks to your passion.
  • Track your progress. Just do this once a week so it doesn’t become all-consuming. And remember that non-scale victories are just as important as shedding pounds.
  • Take the time to be grateful. Tell your friend how much you admire her taste in music. Mention to your mom how much you love her cooking and how happy you are that she takes care of you. Thank your teaching after an especially interesting lecture. When you do something awesome, take a moment to admire yourself. Be grateful for even the little things.

Anything I missed? Reblog + add yours! Don’t forget to tag your progress!

I hope you enjoy these inspirational quotes I collected and add them to your collection, either in your bullet journal, your planner or your pocket for some extra motivation!

Charles Bukowski

  • “If you’re losing your soul and you know it, then you’ve still got a soul left to lose.”
  • “We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that death will tremble to take us.”
  • “To not to have entirely wasted one’s life seems to be a worthy accomplishment, if only for myself.”

F. Scott Fitzgerald

  • “Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat.
  • “Genius is the ability to put into effect what is on your mind.”
  • “The world only exists in your eyes. You can make it as big or as small as you want.”

Mark Twain

  • “You can’t depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.”
  • “Apparently there is nothing that cannot happen today.”
  • “The secret of getting ahead is getting started.”
  • “Do the right thing. It will gratify some people and astonish the rest.”
  • “Don’t go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first.”

George Bernard Shaw

  • “Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.”
  • “The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want and if they can’t find them, make them.”
  • “Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.”
  • “We are made wise not by the recollection of our past, but by the responsibility for our future.”
  • “Just do what must be done. This may not be happiness, but it is greatness.” 
  • “Life would be tolerable but for its amusements.”
  • “If you leave the smallest corner of your head vacant for a moment, other people’s opinions will rush in from all quarters.”
  • “You use a glass mirror to see your face; you use works of art to see your soul.”
  • “Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine and at last you create what you will.”
  • “People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it.”
  • “Success does not consist in never making mistakes but in never making the same one a second time.”

Charles Dickens

  • “Have a heart that never hardens, and a temper that never tires, and a touch that never hurts.”
  • “There are dark shadows on the earth, but its lights are stronger in the contrast.”
  • “There is a wisdom of the head, and a wisdom of the heart.”

Anton Chekhov

  • “Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice.”
  • “You must trust and believe in people or life becomes impossible.”

Robert Frost

  • “Don’t ever take a fence down until you know why it was put up.”
  • “The best way out is always through.”
  • “Freedom lies in being bold.”
  • “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.”
  • “Happiness makes up in height for what it lacks in length.”
  • “Always fall in with what you’re asked to accept. Take what is given, and make it over your way. My aim in life has always been to hold my own with whatever’s going. Not against: with.”

Virginia Woolf

  • “Arrange whatever pieces come your way.”
  • “You cannot find peace by avoiding life.”
  • “If you do not tell the truth about yourself you cannot tell it about other people.”

Maya Angelou

  • “Whatever you want to do, if you want to be great at it, you have to love it and be able to make sacrifices for it.”
  • “Nothing will work unless you do.”
  • “We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.”
  • “My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.”
  • “You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.”

J. R. R. Tolkien

  • “All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
  • “It’s the job that’s never started as takes longest to finish.”
  • “Not all those who wander are lost.”

I think my favorite thing about The Get Down is it explicitly portrays hip hop culture as a geek culture. 

You have lit nerds writing poetry and music nerds scratching records and they all have outrageous geeky roleplay personas like “Shaolin Fantastic” and they’re all just nervous awkward teenagers cosplaying and staging “battles” over who can compose the most impressively nerdy beat poetry, with the coolest superhero theme song playing in the background.

I feel like every other hip hop biopic/documentary/historical fiction has made hip hop culture seem like an exclusive “cool kids” club. 

I’ve never before seen a portrayal of hip hop saying – the people who created hip hop loved comic books. They drew cartoon characters on their school binders. The people who created hip hop made dorky costumes and bedazzled their jackets, and collected albums like they were Yu-gi-oh! trading cards. 

I’ve never before seen a portrayal of hip hop saying – hip hop is and has always been a fandom. It was full of awkward nerds, like every other fandom you know. The people who created hip hop were just like you.

I feel like The Get Down is so affirming and so validating for all the black/brown/poc geeks who grew up thinking that being geeky was a “white thing” – that being geeky meant they “weren’t black/brown/poc enough.”

The Get Down is just a really important show okay.


IB advice from a recent IB graduate.

disclaimer: don’t take my word as law or anything, these are just things i’ve learned from personal experience and advice from my teachers&seniors. there’s a lot of general stuff that can be applied to other curriculums or aspects of life but there are some very IB specific things as well. hope this helps!!! 

1. your health comes first. be it mental, be it physical, you shouldn’t be killing yourself over a good grade. the healthier you are mentally, physically, and emotionally, the better your work will be. when it feels like too much, take a step back to avoid burnouts. burnouts were very common for me during IB, to the point that i got checked into the hospital for exhaustion (and lung infection for some reason) right around the time after EE submissions. and thank God it was after. being ill before a deadline is soooooo much worse. take care of yourself, remember to eat, spend time with your fam and your friends, go out and be active, read, or stay in and netflix but don’t go too overboard with it. balance is everything!!! 

2. start early. if you didn't, start NOW. if your case is the latter, finish reading this point and then close all your tabs and get. to. work. i cannot emphasise enough how terrible cramming, especially in IB, is to your health (both mental and physical, and your quality of work. time management is, as dj khaled would say, a MAJOR KEY. be sure to plan well and talk to your teachers/advisers. be aware of any and all deadlines, both internal and external. aim to have your work done ahead of these deadlines so you still have time for feedback from your advisers. have a copy of the marking criteria for each assessment and examination, and the subject guides for the learning outcomes and syllabus. this is so you know what you’re working toward, and what the IB expects. also, if your school gives out a semester/term calendar, plan around that. this is especially important with the core subjects (extended essay, TOK, and CAS) as well as the internal assessments (IAs) for your six subjects. this also applies in university, where your course load is much heavier and there aren’t any teachers or coordinators around chasing after you about deadlines!!! 

3. don’t be afraid to ask for help, but really make sure you do your own work. your advisers and coordinators are all there to help you, not to make your lives harder, and you can also check out tutorial videos or other resources online if you’re struggling with the coursework. also check out the IBO website and subject guides!!! and IB forums!! there are plenty of resources like study guides and past papers if you look hard enough (cough reddit cough). your classmates are there for you too, as you should be for them! i was (and still like to consider that i am) very close to my Math HL, Physics, and Art classmates as we had to go through similar things. share resources like study guides and shortcuts, and encourage each other!!! a positive learning environment is really conducive especially if you feel like you’re struggling. you may not be doing the exact same things, but you definitely have some common ground. teaching someone else a topic kills two birds with one stone: you’re helping someone else, as well as strengthening your own understanding. the IB takes intellectual property and academic integrity very seriously, so don’t forget to cite your sources and acknowledge other people’s ideas. being original also won’t kill you, it gives examiners something interesting to mark!! think outside the box and take risks, but make sure to seek advice from your advisers as well; they usually know what they’re talking about and what the examiners want.

3a. TurnItIn is your dude. be sure you know your login, and you know your deadlines. DON’T wait until an hour before the submission deadline to submit because the servers will be crazy!!! also, when you finish your stuff earlier and submit it through turnitin, you get more time to edit your work if you get your originality report earlier. cite your sources!!!!!!!! 
3b. know your citation style, and stick to it.  let’s not mix and match okay? If you started with MLA (which i think is usually preferred in IB if I'm not mistaken? (( or maybe that was just my school idk ))) please be consistent throughout! if you decide to cite in-text, then keep with it, it you decide on footnotes, keep with that but don’t mix and match! it’s a pain to organise and even more of a pain to read. that being said, end-of-text citations or bibliographies should be consistent too!!! ask your teacher/librarian for help if you’re not familiar with citing sources in a certain style. websites like EasyBib.com can format the citation for you! 

4. study. “but ariane, that’s so obvious!” i mean it. i struggled so much in my first year because i only studied when exams came round and i always thought i could do it without studying (big mistake, chica). if you’re a little pressed for time, as i’m sure most IB students are, just review the notes you took (please take notes)/the chapter you covered in class/the quiz you’ve just received that has been marked once you get home. if you manage your time well, you can probably spend 1-2 hours tops going over the things you learned that day so they stick in your mind, and time to spare on your assignments. go over your quizzes and practice/school/mock exams. it was really good for me to retrace my steps and figure out what went wrong and how to fix it in preparation for externals. 

5. stay organised. it’s not dorky or lame to have at least a folder for every subject to keep your handouts in, or folders on your computer for your work; it saves a lot of time rummaging through your notes when externals are around the corner, or deadlines are looming. write down the dates of your classes at the top of the page when you’re taking notes; it makes it easier for the teachers to go back to things, and for you to look for what you need. keep all your quizzes and practice exams to go over. our EE coordinator had us keep those folders with a lot of pockets in one to keep our reflections, forms, drafts, and research as a PHYSICAL BACKUP in case anything were to go wrong with our digitals etc. 

5a.  ManageBac (if your school’s got it) or anything similar, are your FRIENDS. my school used ManageBac and all our course assignments, resources, and DEADLINES were all up on there, as well as forms for EE, TOK, and CAS that made the reflection requirement a lot easier to fulfil. 
5b. back up ALL your files. seriously. i mean it. in film and TV, the industry standard is to have a master, and 3 backups in the cloud. Google Drive is free, and it’s never a bad thing to have extra copies of your work in case of a laptop crash or other unforeseen circumstances. an external hard drive (or several if available to you) are also helpful to keep backups but make sure you store them in a secure location and away from any potential damaging situations. make sure your backups are up to date as well!!! so in the event you do lose something, you won’t have to start from scratch and claw your eyes out!!!! i’ve had friends whose laptops have crashed, broken, stolen etc and it really pushed me to keep backups in the cloud. it’s also really helpful if you need to share your stuff with your teachers quickly to have them in cloud storage. 

6. make CAS a part of your everyday life, and the hours will fly by. my best friends and i, for action and creativity did pilates together every week as part of our weekly routine. so not only did we fulfil our CAS requirements, we had fun and stayed fit through a time where it would have been very easy to slip into a very unhealthy lifestyle. i also was part of my yearbook committee for CAS and was in a GIN branch at my school which really helped fill those tricky service strand hours. 

7. BUT, make your CAS projects varied! this is to make sure you fulfil ALL 8 learning outcomes!!!! the most important thing is that you cover ALL the learning outcomes!!!!! so do something you never thought you would have done before! learn a language, join a volunteer group and actually volunteer! dance! tutor someone! help out the chess club! gain some experience outside of the academic for some really interesting projects and add-ons to your CV! again, two birds with one stone!!! my CAS coordinator would always say “think globally, but act locally”  when it came to this kind of thing, because depending on where you are opportunities can be slim so also make it a point to engage with the community around you. 

8. when it comes to Extended Essay, there is no such thing as an easy route. i’m serious. people will tell you “oh! doing lang A for EE is so easy! doing math studies for EE is so much easier!” nah bruh. they’re all HARD WORK. no matter what the subject strand, it takes the same amount of hard work and dedication for a good product. also, the advice i’ve gotten is to NOT do the subject you’re going to do in Uni--unless it’s something you actually like. i was told to write about something you like or are interested in/intrigued by because it makes the research process much more bearable than to write about an anomaly in the genetic mutation of bean sprouts (unless that’s what you’re into). work with your EE supervisor and coordinator, and look at exemplars online for inspiration. talk to your seniors too!! also don’t cram. when you’re done, 4,000 doesn't seem like a lot but when you’re in a pinch it feels like an eternity. also 4,000 isn’t actually a lot so beware about how much you really need to say to get your point across (i struggled with this i’m Miss OverWrites 2015 as you can see from this post). same goes with IAs, do what you’re interested in. it’s a lot easier to springboard off that if you’re still looking for ideas. CITE !! YOUR !! SOURCES !! go beyond with your research if applicable with things like conducting interviews and reading scholarly articles!!! but again, this depends on the subject. 

9. if your teachers give you an extra copy of your formula booklet, keep it. or alternatively find/ask for digital copies as well. being able to annotate in my spare formula booklet really helped me draw connections between concepts and equations. 

i know the IB diploma experience/the high school experience in general isn’t great for everybody, but make the most of it. uni is an entirely different ball park, hell it may be a different sport all together. it’s okay to make mistakes, please learn from them!!! IB kids, i think, have a little bit of an edge over other kids when they start university because of the quality of work expected from the assessments and the course load as well. don’t get discouraged!!! have the time of your life no matter where (or when) you are!!!!!!! :):):) 

good luck!!! to quote my Dad™, Logic: peace, love and positivity!! apologies if i said anything wrong and if i’ve missed anything please let me know or add on to it yourself!!! if you want anything more subject specific or uni-related, just drop me an ask :) 



life update

hey everyone! 

I think I’m going to use this studyblr more to chronicle my experiences at uni and to try and help out a long the way but I’m studying a really specific course so what I say probably won’t apply to everyone. Also, I really want to use this as an outlet to cultivate positivity since I’ve been finding it really difficult to stay positive (still trying!!!!) every since I moved. 

good news: i got into my top-choice uni in england; I'm still trying to process all this because it’s so surreal to be here right now. on top of that, i’m studying something i really love and its definitely going to challenge me to the fullest. my IB results were below my predicted grade but i’m incredibly grateful that i managed to complete such a rigorous course with a satisfying outcome. 

meh news (because it’s a bit much to say it’s bad news): mental health-wise, things have been very strange for me (shoutout stranger things ((ignore my pun))). i’m currently fluctuating between large waves and washes of anxiety before and even after lectures or social interactions, and feelings of extreme loneliness. I thought starting up the studyblr again would be a good way for me to have a somewhat tangible outlet to express myself in. 

okay so there’s that, i will definitely try to post more on here, it really helped me in high school. 

here’s to the future, PLP, 



hey y'all im alive im officially an IB diploma graduate. we in here. im gonna post some stuff over the next few days before i start uni. hope everyone's well.

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