
Oh Gods...


I'm Hannah, a teenager in New England. A beginning Hellenic Polytheist. Gray-Asexual.

I wanted to show the beginnings of a timeline here. The first image is when I graduated high school in 2014. The second is me now. I am fifty pounds lighter, many inches of hair longer and I am slowly becoming the woman I was meant to be. Hopefully I can start hormones this year. Watch out world. Laurel is on her way.

Wow. You’re beautiful


It’s Oracle Wednesday!! Pick the card that you feel most drawn to and leave the number in the comments below. Don’t forget to check back later for the reveal. Share the love and Tag a friend who may need a little Faerie Oracle in their life today. #oracle #oracledeck #faerie #Faeries #fey #Fae #magic #nature #spirit #divination #cartomancy #crystal

2 -Payton

3 -Jess




Wow this is super generous of you! Could I request a prayer/hymn to Hermes for learner drivers? Possibly referencing yellow L plates?


(I know this is short, but I was thinking of it more as a quick prayer before going out on those practice drives. I hope that’s alright x.x)

Fleet-footed god who darts flicker-quick winged in gold as lurid as the L plates a warning to those nearby: caution, student, careful; Hermes bright-eyed, Hermes of the roads, attend our learning process and keep safe those around us on the streets, every day.



right so i’m looking through random wikipedia pages and i find this one


you guys just



“Hermes complained about this to Zeus…”

All I’m imagining is Hermes looking up at Zeus, nothing but a torso and head, and being all like “Dad look what they did to me. ”


To My Trans Followers

If I say something transphobic, please tell me. I was living with a very conservative, hateful person for a very long time and sometimes I don't realize I'm saying something hurtful.


why aren’t these being reblogged more often? i rather see these than “keys in hand”


Umm so since I’m stupid could someone kindly explain each step for me like step 3 am i head butting him in the face or the chest? 

I think it depends on the height of the person, but I suppose the head is a more effective target. I hope this helps :)

Step 1: Step back the moment he reaches for you.

Step 2: Duck!

Step 3: Head butt him in the chin. It’s very important that it is the chin and not the chest because it is much more uncomfortable and disorienting to have your teeth bang together especially if it cuts his tongue (which it will if it is in the way). More than likely height won’t matter. He will be leaning forward from the missed attempt at grabbing you.

Step 4: Knee him in the balls.

Step 5: When he doubles over, jab him on his back. I believe at the base of the neck just above the shoulder blades would be best. I’m not an expert, but this seems like the best place, imo.

Step 6: Don’t lose contact. Bring your other hand over and slam your hands against the sides of his heads as hard as possible. Right on the ears is the best place; it is extremely disorienting if done correctly. Then take his head and bring it down on your knee as you bring your knee up. It’s very important that you avoid the nose because if you knee his nose it will definitely break and more than likely the bones will stab his brain killing him, so aim for his mouth instead.

Step 7: Keep your knee up and bring your foot out to kick him over. Personally, I don’t like the image because it looks like she kicked him with her toes. You do not want to do that. Instead kick him with the ball or heel of your foot and put power behind it with a push.

Step 8: He is on the ground. You could probably stop here and he would get the picture, but if you really want to…Your leg is still in the air from the kick. With all your force slam the edge of your your heel on his side. It will be more effective if you lower your body first by bending at the knee of the leg your weight is on. Done right, you can break a rib or two.

reblogging again for that^

Reblogging for the steps in the image and the explanation in the comments. I don’t so much like the explanation on the image proper, but I appreciate the thought behind it (here, have a self-defense thing, it could save you) and so I’m passing it on.


1. Fist: Make a fist around the epi-pen, don’t place your thumb/fingers over either end

2. Flick the blue cap off

3. Fire. Press down into the outer thigh (the big muscle in there), hold for 10 seconds before removing (the orange cap will cover the needle). Bare skin is best but the epi-pen will go through clothing. Avoid pockets and seams. 

- Ring an ambulance even if everything seems to be fine!

Oh my god. So as someone who has to carry an epipen EVERYWHERE I am so happy to see that there’s an info post about them. Like in the extreme case that I can’t inject myself, somebody else would have to do it, but nobody knows how to do it! Thank you, this may just save my life some day.

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