
ad astra per aspera

@ravenclawandorder / ravenclawandorder.tumblr.com

who even knows
Brittany. 26.
Anonymous asked:

Hi! I love your fitness blog and I was wondering if you think an Apple watch is a good investment for ones weight loss journey? I want to track my sleep and my activity but the price tag makes me unsure if it's worth it? (I'm not cash-strapped just a bit cheap lol) TIA

I love mine so much! I think it's helped a lot for tracking steps and I love the fitness app, but also I think it's totally possible to do it without it.

Maybe check out upcoming Black Friday deals? or get an older version (mine is the apple watch series 3 and it's still kicking)


Survival Gardening: The Backyard Homestead

With raised bed gardens, high density planting, and some planning small yards can be converted to generate food for your family.

Quarter Acre can harvest:

1400 eggs

2000 pounds of vegetables

280 pounds of pork

50 pounds of wheat

60 pounds of fruit

75 pounds of nuts

Source: The Backyard Homestead: Produce All the Food You need on Just a Quarter Acre.



I will never be able to view fall 2019 objectively because of its status as directly preceding Several Years of Disaster anyway so i’ll probably be like 87 and i’ll still be like “Last time i was happy? Had to be fall of 19. Before the Dark times” Like a video game character you talk to when seeking ancient wisdom


how the old gods lose their powers because people stop believing in them, but there’s nike, the goddess of victory, and she’s like even more powerful, just strolling up on olympus in limited edition air force ones 


home acrylic and oil on paper

Before, it had always just seemed empty — the absence of light. A black hole that pulled everything towards it, even her. Now, though, when she peered down into it, staring into the depths of his person, she could see something else: the starry face of heaven, beautiful and intricate. Constellations, galaxies, whole universes in one man. Seeing him this way was more intimate than anything else about their night. Her fingertips traced so hesitantly over his cheeks, as though he might shatter beneath her if she pressed too hard. “My love,” he continued, his two whispered words so full of devotion that she had to close her eyes for a moment in order to take it all in. “Can you see me?” She nodded, suddenly feeling choked by her own emotion. Against her fingers, she could feel his smile. He wanted so badly to be seen. “I see you,” she said, the words truer this night than any other time she’d uttered them. Then, pressing her lips against his forehead, she whispered again, “I see you.”

now available as a print on INPRNT and redbubble


i think anne magills paintings and Edward hoppers are like .. exact opposites. hoppers has the distinct clarity to it, a sharpness in the lines and the angles that contributes to an overwhelming sense of loneliness in almost every one of his paintings. even in his paintings that dont portray isolation there is a feeling of separation

loneliness vs. aloneness

magill, on the other hand, has this haziness to her paintings that emanates a warmth even when the subjects in her paintings are alone.

both paintings feel so comforting, and even in the second one where the girl is alone she is still in the presence of the visceral world around her - there’s a familiarity in magills painting that she captures nicely.

i guess i just think it’s interesting because hopper and magill are two of my favorite artists and they paint similar scenes with very different tones -

I’ve always thought that hoppers paintings are a snapshot of urban loneliness - the distinctness of it, the use of cool colors, the stark contrast between the people and their settings - whereas magills paintings seem almost like memories - their use of haziness and blurriness is exactly how someone wild remember something, indistinct, full of feeling and lacking detail


it’s so easy to accumulate blind spots in what should otherwise be common knowledge. when i was little i got sick and missed 1 day of class and for the next 8 years i just didn’t know how to read an analog clock




i think the funniest and realist thing i’ve realized lately is how troubling idealization can be. every person is just… a person. the very people you want to impress or be apart of are just people. even if they seem wildly intimidating because of the way they look or because of their reputation, every one is just a person. human. as embarrassing, as remorseful and they are going through stages of growth just like you are. we only see what we want to see and then drown ourselves further in our own depression and we don’t have to.


truly and i am learning the less i idealise others, the more willing i am to meet people where they are warts n all. and the more willing i am to show myself too and bring my whole self into things. my own embarrassment becomes a new normal and fine thing. stumbling becomes more endearing.

had a teacher once who told us “idealizing people is just as dehumanizing as demonizing them” and that stuck with me so much


dean thinks he’s impervious to pet names because cas never uses them & anyway it would be Hilarious if he earnestly tried to call him babe or something. except then one time dean hands cas his coffee in the morning and cas in all seriousness replies “thank you, my love” and it takes 6-8 business hours for dean’s brain to finish rebooting


Gunpowder Milkshake (2021) dir. Navot Papushado with Karen Gillan, Lena Headey, Carla Gugino, Michelle Yeoh & Angela Bassett

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