
The World is a big place, ain't it?

@summoner-sam-marrow / summoner-sam-marrow.tumblr.com

My little artblog and other stuff, mostly focused on League of legends, Overwatch and weeb shit.

Because this pose on Ashe’s graffiti is a crime against humanity...

I did a little somehing for comparison


Its a dynamic action pose you colossal boring ass killjoy.


u can tell just by the pic that man is exactly the type of man he’s talking about but doesn’t realize it

Has the receding hairline and beard and glasses and everything.

I dont judge books by their cover but goodness do a lot of those types have that loom

Saddest thing is that description basically describes what I look like, though I have almost nothing in common with these guys…

@wanderingberserker Ain’t you Indian though? Indians can get away with that look. the whites™ can not.


Hmm, Tumblr is refusing to show me NSFW material. How am I supposed to find my eldritch horror and porn (not related) now?












Big mothafucking F on that one.


I was really confused because people have been complaining about how all of the female characters from Overwatch have the same face and I’ve never really seen it that way so I went and did a study on their face shapes and structures by tracing reference lines over official art of them and they are literally all different. They have different face shapes and facial structures, different eye shapes, even different eyebrows so no, the Overwatch artists are definitely not ‘reusing the same female model’ as so many people have been saying. Overwatch is an awesome game with great representation and diversity and I hate to watch it get shit on like this.

Its okay to be critical of something but not to the point where people are harassing the artists and creators over it on Twitter. That team works really hard and deals with a lot of harassment from fans and should be given some well deserved credit.

To any fanartists who see this post, feel free to use this image as a reference for fanart so that you can get the face shapes and stuff on point, and also, y’all overwatch fanartists rock.

Stay cool.

Edit: I know someone is going to reblog this with that gif (you know the one) but I’d like to point out that 1.That gif is incredibly cherry-picked and specifically leaves out characters with seriously different faces like Zarya. 2. The womens faces are angled specifically to downplay unique facial structures and shapes. 3. The gif was made to move quickly to make the faces seem to blur together on purpose because considering the creator cherry-picked the hell out of the gif I wouldn’t put it passed them to make it extra fast (so that you don’t have time to pick out differences) just to make their point valid (even though in the gif you can still see that not everything lines up perfectly). - Thanks


I made a different gif

Yes, most of the jawlines and lips are pretty similar, but there are many differences with each face. Some have a stouter face than others, some have their eyes set lower, some have bigger ears than others, some have noses that are long… it can go on tbh 

Also, to compare Widow and Ashe, Widow’s jawline curves smoothly, while the ‘angle’ of Ashe’s jaw is more prominent. 

For reference sake:

Ashe, Moira, Symmetra, and Zarya have a more prominent angle to their jawline, while the others have varying degrees of a smooth curve from the ‘mental protuberance’ to the ‘ramus’.

People in the notes are still trying to act like you’re wrong. XD

I remember when Overwatch first came out everyone was praising it for being a fun, unique shooter with diverse characters. Now Blizzard can’t do anything without making the children cry.

It’s because they catered to those sorts of people.


Some Photoshop Tips

I’ve been getting quite a few asks about the process for the patterns in my stylized artworks, so I decided to put together a couple of tips regarding them. 

Firstly, what you need are


Most of the patterns I use are custom brushes I made, such as those:

For the longest time I was convinced making brushes must be super extra complicated. I was super extra wrong. All you need to start is a transparent canvas (2500px x 2500px max):

This will be your brush tip. When you’re satisfied how it looks, click Ctrl+A to select the whole canvas and go to ‘define brush preset’ under the edit menu

You will be asked to name your new glorious creation. Choose something that describes it well, so you can easily find it between all the ‘asfsfgdgd’ brushes you’ve created to be only used once

This is it. Look at it, you have just created a photoshop brush. First time i did I felt like I was cheated my whole life. IT’S SO EASY WHY HASN’T ANYONE TOLD ME 

Time to edit the Good Boi to be more random, so it can be used as a Cool Fancy Pattern. Go into brush settings and change whatever you’d like. Here’s a list of what I do for patterns:

- under Shape Dynamics, I increase Size Jitter and Angle jitter by 5%-15% 

- under Brush Tip Shape, I increase spacing by a shitload. Sometimes it’s like 150%, the point is to get the initial brush tip we painted to be visible.

- If I want it to look random and noisy, I enable the Dual Brush option, which acts like another brush was put on top of the one we’ve created. You can adjust all of the Dual Brush options (Size, Spacing, Scatter, Count) as you wish to get a very nice random brush to smear on your  backgrounds

The result is as above. You can follow the same steps to create whatever brush you need: evenly spaced dots that look like you painted them by hand, geometric pattern to fill the background, a line of perfectly drawn XDs and so on. 


—  PATHS  —

But what if you want to get lots of circles made of tiny dots? Or you need rows of triangles for your cool background? Photoshop can do all of that for you, thanks to the magic of paths.

Typically, paths window can be found right next to Layers:

Draw whatever path you want, the Shape Tool has quite a bit of options. Remember, paths are completely different from brush strokes and they won’t show up in the navigator. To move a path around, click A to enable path selection tool. You can use Ctrl+T to transform it, and if you move a path while pressing Alt it will be duplicated.

Now, pick a brush you wish really was in place of that path you’ve drawn and go to layers, then choose the layer you want it to be drawn on. Then, click this tiny circle under the Paths window:

Then witness the magic of photoshop doing the drawing for you while you wonder how tf have you managed to forget about this option for the past 2 years 

You can combine special brushes and paths for all sorts of cool effects. I mostly use them in backgrounds for my cards, but you can do whatever you want with them.

I hope that answers the questions for all of the people who were sending me inquires about the patterns. If you have any questions regarding this or any other Photoshop matter feel free to message me, I’m always up for complaining about how great and terrible Photoshop is C’:
Trans patients were called last week and informed their long-awaited top surgery had been cancelled to let more cancer mastectomies happen. It’s not their responsibility. 
 Our surgery is not cosmetic. Transgender wait times are fatal and I #WontDieWaiting - @TobySinbad
Treating cancer patients is more important than getting, yes, a cosmetic surgery.
Anyone who thinks they should be above people who have cancer because “I don’t like my boobs” can literally fight me.

Imagine fucking saying “I should take priority over CANCER patients” and thinking you’re somehow the good person in this.

“#wontdiewaiting” is this supposed to be an ironic hashtag or what




Article 13 has been approved by EU. It’s worse than Net Neutrality has ever been. I don’t even know if we will have any access to Tumblr, Pinterest, Ao3 or even Instagram. Memes are probably dead, just like reactions, fanfictions and gifsets. Everyone in EU is in danger that they will not have access to their favorite sites. But I haven’t seen a SINGLE post about it on my dash because Americans doesn’t give a damn.

Also, I’m in Europe and ngl, had no idea this was even an article up for debate let alone it being fucking passed.

Don’t panic! This was expected at this stage and it is only the beginning. If you are a European and feel passionate about this, please keep on reading and help!

So what has happened so far … the Commission has drafted up a long overdue copyright reform. https://eur-lex.europa.eu/procedure/EN/2016_280 It contains a lot of good, and some bad: mainly Article 11 and 13.

This was put forward as a whole to the European Parlament, where it was voted down on the 5th of July 2018

This meant, this will not go through the fast way, and will be subject to scrutiny and change. 

The Commission made some alterations https://eur-lex.europa.eu/procedure/EN/2016_280 and put it forward again. If Parlament would have voted it down again, it probably would have meant back to the drawing board, but most people (including me) agree that Europe does need copyright reform, so on the second vote it passed the first step:

So what happens now? 

This will now go into what is called the Trilogue, where Commission, Parlament and representatives of all national governments will sit together to make alterations until everybody is happy implementing the regulation.

This means we can now influence this via our MEPs and our National Government!

In countries that are red your government is likely to support Article 13.

What to do now?

There are a lot of organisations that organise actions against article 13. Check out their websites and get in touch with your MEP or local government and let them know you are unhappy about this.

… and many many more, just google to find one in your country.

Also, as @asthesea-breezehitsmylungs pointed out, a lot of people are not aware of this going on. So make them aware! Share the memes and point them to the petitions. And don’t just complain how shit this is, get in touch with your politicians!

Oh good.

Yo, everyone, EU or not, please at least signal boost this shit. I’ve said it before and I will say it again: those two articles will suck majorly for all of us.

Like dude, how much time do you spend enjoying various things that relate to, Idk, your favourite show or book series. It’ll probs be gone. Funny memes and shit? Nah our generation doesn’t fucking need to laugh, it’s not like half of us are already depressed or anything. And so many other things that are cool about the internet, I’m not even gonna mention how some big, cool places like YouTube and Tumblr will be fucked by this.

So seriously, there’s only so much a small bunch of people can do. We need some noise on this. As much as I hate to admit it, some things require some fat numbres to be paid attention to. So even if you’re not planning on taking any action yourself, the best thing to do would be to spread this to everyone you trust to either get involved or pay it forward like you did.

And seriously, every little thing helps, ok? We should have a say in how the laws that deeply affect us are made.


Signal boost again to all EU peeps. Keep pushing your MEPS.


Guys, please reblog and if you’re in the EU, please please contact your MEPs and express your objections to article 11 and article 13 and specifically that you want more protections for user-created content and expression. 

Also, whatever happens to Youtube and Tumblr will be nothing in comparison to what regulations like this do to smaller volunteer-run sites like AO3. The real problem here is that it’s yet another step in the networkification of the Internet and making it much harder for anyone who doesn’t have money and lawyers to share their content. 

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