
This is how you turn up! #RemiXinLife #RemiXinUrLife #Bliss #Success #TurnUp #SportsCenter #Sports #Florida #BringingTheHea

spoiledlush bracket time.

We need to take a trip to Palm Coast, Florida ASAP so I can battle this guy in the club.


[mag-nan-uh-muh s]


1.generous in forgiving an insult or injury; free from petty resentfulness or vindictiveness

to be magnanimous toward one's enemies.

2.high-minded; noble

a just and magnanimous ruler.

3.proceeding from or revealing generosity or nobility of mind, character,etc.:

a magnanimous gesture of forgiveness.

The first and worst asshole technique for arguing against feminism is demanding proof of sexism every single time the subject is raised. It’s a popular strategy because it pretends to be in good faith. New claims do require proof. But sexual inequality isn’t a new claim. Sexual inequality is almost the entire history of our species. When nearly every social statistic in every country on the planet is evidence of the problem, people fighting it don’t have to list them all to justify the discussion.

. (via wilwheaton)

spoiledlush good for you

not as in "good for you" but as in this may be enjoyable for you

Source: cracked.com

A fresh pad of amazing crinkle paper delivered to my desk by my unsuspecting boss who thought I needed scrap, even though I have an entire pad of bad crinkle paper that I use for scrap so I don't waste good crinkle paper. Mwahahaha fooled her

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