
all the sad girls were right


Emily tries but misunderstands... she's often inclined to borrow somebody's dreams till tomorrow

so like, i really and truly have no idea how to “correctly” dm a dnd game. yesterday i made my friends go through this forest full of puzzles and every time they came across a puzzle i made them play $1 games i got at the dollar tree. if they won first or did good i gave them a sticker and then when they finally escaped the forest they leveled up equivalent to the amount of stickers they got.

I dont understand. that sounds like the correct way to dm a dnd game


I hate that teenage girls are indoctrinated into a feminism which teaches them to do everything the patriarchy would teach them anyways, with a slightly adjusted attitude. You should wear lipstick and eyeliner… Bc it’s a weapon!! You can ride that dick and still be a feminist!! You should have violent sex and have men control you sexually - bc kink is so hot and liberating. And we end up with an entire generation of young women fully indoctrinated into coercive femininity, & thinking they are somehow liberating themselves or serving the revolution. Here’s a hint: if your brand of feminism is telling you to do all the shit misogynistic society tells you to do, and the only difference is how you’re supposed to feel about it, nothing has changed. The patriarchy doesn’t care how you feel. Men don’t care how you feel as long as you’re wearing makeup and fucking them.


how is your perception of Self helping you? hurting you? which branches need trimming? which need extra support? months from now, what do you want to Harvest?

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