Screaming Gnome Genocide

@screaminggnomegenocide /

All I want in life is to play bongos on someone's butt in a completely platonic manner.

best job I ever had was manually removing aquatic plants from like, golf course ponds. I started out wearing waders, but the plants would be in too deep, so I just started wearing a bathing suit and water shoes and diving down under and just pulling cattails and stuff out by the roots. The thing was, when I’d first get started, the vegetation might be so thick it took up most of the pond, and I’d start in the deepest section so as I got tired I could move toward shore and start standing instead of swimming.

So I’d dive in and virtually disappear into the reeds

and it wasn’t until recently I thought about how many random tourists just saw some girl walk into an aesthetics pond in a swimsuit and dive under water and then just……….Not come back out

job description: golf course alligator

My fav part of this job is that it’s so bad for the golf course. Every year golf courses contact fish managers bc all of the fish in their ponds keep dying, and golfers’ families are upset bc they like fishing the ponds.

So we go test some water indices and usually find out that fertilizer runoff from the lawns has turned the pond into an oxygen void, so the fish all essentially suffocated, so we say “you need to build up a riparian buffer [wet habitat vegetation and trees that can absorb nitrates before they get into the water] around your pond”

And they’re like “no that looks ugly” and then they hire undergrads like me to remove the vegetation they do have

And then they’re like “wtf my fish are DEAD again!!!!”

It doesn’t end.

Golf course manager: I will pay you $8 an hour to destroy part of my business for aesthetic purposes

Me, putting on my goggles: say no more


Ok so today I was on the bus with another trans guy and we were talking about how hard it is to get testosterone. The waiting lists, the price, all the doctors you have to go to, that kind of stuff. Except, we were calling it ’T’, like you do when you’re both closeted and in public.

Then suddenly the elderly lady sitting behind us was like ‘young men, either I’m going crazy or you both have never heard of supermarkets, they have shelves full of tea there! Do you need directions to one?’

To which my buddy starts to explain, because why not. ‘Well you see, we’re both trans, and… ’

The lady didn’t wait for him to finish his sentence. ‘Oh no, I don’t mind that at all! Now do you want to know how to get to a place that sells tea? I’m actually heading there right now!’

We let her take us to the supermarket. We let her show us, excitedly, where the tea was. We both bought loads.


But really. Transmasc + dysphoric butch comrades, adopting 80s fashion is the best thing you can do if you need to take a break from binding (which I myself have had to do because of some compression-induced nerve pain, rip). You have many options! I myself rock the aloha shirt and the flannel + leather jacket regularly, and you may choose to adopt the puffy vest or the boxy crop top or the letterman jacket of sexual ambiguity. To my transfem friends — I cannot speak to your experience, but a strong jawline and strong shoulders are also advantageous in the 80s and you can rock the hell out of that, so own it.


Good post


i’m starting to hate the frequency of pinterest as a google result more than i hate pinterest itself. listen, google, googly-mate, pinterest isn’t a fuckign source. I want the sites those pictures came from because those are the ones with information such as dates, which is the entire point of the thing I am googling.   


Damn right. How the hell am I supposed to find tutorials on how to do wire work or bead weaving when the first howevermany pages of Google results are some idiot’s cluster of Pinterest collections of those tutorials?


not only does it fuck with sourcing images, but you can’t even SEE the images unless you have a ~pinterest account~ which I have zero interest in acquiring; it does this so completely adorable coy little thing where it shows you half the page and then when you scroll down it goes *complicated tiresome flower emoji face* JOIN PINTEREST 2 SEE MORE! *complicated tiresome flower emoji face* and my systolic reading spikes. 

and google lists individual pinterest pages as separate results, so if a picture is popular, there can be HUNDREDS of pinterest listings before you find anything you could possibly trace back to a source.

listen, all my art bros who are mad about people not sourcing art, i dig that, i agree that sourcing is important, but maybe stop saying reverse image search is easy or ‘30 seconds’ or whatever. sometimes it’s just straight up impossible because fucking pinterest ruins everything.

SUPER EASY WAY TO AVOID PINTEREST: type your query and then -pinterest

7 of the first 12 results are from pinterest

zero items from pinterest not a single one I’m free


Reblog to save a set of nerves.

Yes! Putting the “-” in front of a word automatically omits any result with that word! The word can also be a specific website!


I’m not about to kinkshame a whole aquarium but


carry me into the sunset, my cephalopod prince


friends, you don’t understand. This ad campaign was goddamn HUGE. They bought out the entirety of multiple train stations in Boston with these. There are so many more, and they’re all this same beautiful combination of questionable/amazing.


This is the best thing in my life

Great, now we gotta kinkshame the cephlapods

1) the cephalopods have done nothing, these adverts were made by humans, do not blame these innocent creatures for the things that make you uncomfortable.

2) Jellies are not cephalopods they’re medusozoas

3) …ngl i really really love cephalopods i think they’re fascinating and octopodes especially are SUPER THRILLING to me because they’re so fucking smart, and I would feel, frankly, honored to be embraced by an octopus.

…It’s just occurred to me that I am possibly part of the target demographic for this ad campaign.

I’d love to see these ads redone with elder things/great old ones


me: hmm it is a nice day. as i am filled with hubris, i will go outside and sit :)

every bug in the universe at once: crawl?????? for to crawl???????

me who likes bugs a lot: darlings it’s ok to crawl but be careful of get squish

bugs who are very smart: between page of book, i will Homestead

me: i turn page now

bugs: o my folly!

me who understands how nature works: this is communal space but please do not crawl onto skin i cannot see

bugs: there is sweat in yonder shoulderblades and i must be the one who licks it

me: and i must be the one who slaps the tickles

bugs: alas, i am laid low by the salt!

“what can be said about a man that leaves his child in the darkness? empty souls never heal. hearts will always yearn. the immensity. of the pain felt knowing you weren’t enough to make him stay. the back of his head is your only memory.”

— AshaAp



@pregnantseinfeld informed me that I was in a Buzzfeed article (with @creamynut and @bootyscientist2) a few months ago and had no idea.

Turns out that Buzzfeed just embeds Tumblr posts.

So if they take a post you’re in and say, embed it from your blog:

You can go back to the post and edit it to whatever you want and it will appear in the article like that. So you can do things like add “pay me royalties” 100 times

and upload 10 pictures of Waluigi in the T Pose

And ruin the article formatting.


Is there anything more nauseating than ‘expensive heterosexual wedding’ culture?

My dream wedding: outside, illegal fireworks, shoes are optional, mostly potluck, someone’s dressed as a wizard, I get to insult my relatives, hopefully some live music.

You want to get married at Bilbo Baggins 111th birthday


Some retail complaints from twitter this morning. I don’t think anyone can fully comprehend how stupid humans are until they work a retail or hospitality job.


I’d like to add on the people who ask a question, get an answer they don’t like and ask the same question in a different way to get the response they want.


I get stuff like this often enough at work, but that last one? There is one customer we have that does that so frequently and for so long (personal record with me is goddamn FORTY MINUTES of trying to get the answer she wanted) that we call her Circle Lady when she isn’t present.

Then there are the ones who do this, fail, and try it again with the same employees the next day.


Me: “For the drink, it’s [x amount] :)”

Customer: “I saw a sign that I get a free drink?”

Me: “For signing up for our rewards program, yes :)”

Customer: “Oh… I don’t have one of those”

Me: “Well if you sign up, you can get the free drink! :)”

Customer: “Eh I don’t want to sign up”

Me: “…” “…” “:)”

Customer: “I hate getting all those emails”

Me: “Oh, well you can opt out of emails, I can show you how :)”

Customer: “No thanks, I don’t want an account”

Me: “Okay… well the drink will be [x amount] :)”

Customer: “I thought it was free?”

Me: “:)”

Me: “It’s free if you sign up for our rewards program :)”

Customer: “I don’t want to sign up”

Me: “Then the drink isn’t free :)”

Customer: “You can’t just give me the drink?”

Me: “No, I can’t unfortunately :)”

Customer: “Why not? It’s only [x amount]”

Me: “If that’s not a lot of money to you, why don’t you just pay for it? :)”

Customer: “This is shit customer service”

Me: “:)”

Customer: “This is highway robbery, squeezing every dime out of people, you should be ashamed of yourself—”

Me: “I don’t control the prices, I’m just a cashier :)“

Customer: “—making a fucking fuss over a damn drink and it’s not even a large—”

Me: “That’s not my decision, I’m just a cashier :)”

Customer: “—and you bet I won’t be coming back here again”

Me: “How unfortunate :)”

I can feel the :) deep in my soul

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