
Entre chat et loutre

@marililc / marililc.tumblr.com


Hello there !!

I hope you’re doing fine :) Here is a little step by step of my witchsona.

I started my first sketches (that you can see on the 2 first pictures) in January of this year, and my “last sketch” was drawn just before the pencil lines on the watercolor paper 2 days ago.

I used a japanese “G-Pen” plume/quill(?) for inking and it was a nice experiment, I think I’m going to use it for this year’s inktober ;)

You can also see my new little baby cat: Freyja, which is a perfect cat-model :3

And the little lights are inspired by the tale of the chaudoudoux (something like “ warmsweetsoft”) by Claude Steiner.

And I can tell you a secret; I HAVE those marvellous earrings. They were created by Rozenne Illiano http://www.onirography.com/ , but she stopped jewelry for writing, I wish her the best :)

I can also invite you to follow me on other media were I am more active but I mostly speak in french :


Little step by step of an illustration I did last week and the finale result!

About 2 days of work (or less, it was on week-end ans I do not get up until 12 UwU).

Entirely done with gouache, I had fun ! Kinda proud of it because while I was painting I remembered the advices my teachers taught me and I was “that was that they were meaning!” *mind blowing*

I am in vacation this week-end and I will be very busy but after that I will get the time to refresh my website, portfolios and be more active on tumblr, I promise !!

See you :)


I’m currently doing an internship for learning to use Toonboom Harmony in order to work on an animated production in Lille. And as I have 2hours of brake for lunch, I’m trying to draw everyday :) Here is sketches I do. I’m kinda obsessed with this fauness girl lately ^^


Hello ! It’s been a while ^^’ Here is my character design for the Charadesign Challenge of this month. The theme was “Viking”. I didn’t have the time nor energy for pushing more this rough, but I’m glad I finally found a satisfying posing (just today!). Here is a little rough sheet, with some researches and “the” posing :) Hope you’ll like her!


La suite du ministrip :D Je ne pouvais pas le mettre avant mais maintenant c’est confirmé, je vais travailler 2 mois comme animatrice 2D sur le jeu Wakfu!

Et je suis surexcitée! *w*

The next part of my little comicstrip :D I couldn’t post it before, but now it is confirmed: I’m going to work two months for the game Wakfu at Ankama as a 2D animator !

I’m so thrilled ! *w*


(FR) Je vous présente Lorelei (Thé noir à la cannelle), Fleur de Geisha (Thé vert à la fleur de cerisier), Thé des sources (Thé vert à la menthe), et Thé N°25 (Thé de Noël aux agrumes et épices). Des allégories inspirées des parfums de mes thés préférés du Palais des Thés. :3

J’ai beaucoup aimé trouver le concept et les dessiner et je suis contente du résultat!

(ENG)I introduce you to Lorelei (cinnamon tea), Fleur de Geisha (cherry blossom tea), Thé des Sources (mint tea) and Thé N°25 (christmas-citrus fruit tea). All allegories inspired by my favorite flavoured teas from the Palais des Thé :3

I really enjoyed finding the concept and drawing them and I’m pretty happy with the result!


(ENG) Here is El Gatopardo ! Once he was the cat of a family of Mariachi musicians, he liked music and spent his 9 lives with them. And then his 9th life passed away... To continue to listen and practice music he sworn to help Death on her work. Now he warns the living cats on Dia de Los Muertos, each candle on the hat burning for one death... Careful! You just have two lives to live, Kitten! (FR) Voici El Gatopardo ! Autrefois il était le chat d'une famille de musiciens Mariachi, il aimait la musique et passa ses 9 vies auprès d'eux. Puis sa 9° vit s'éteint ... Pour continuer à écouter et pratiquer la musique il jura allégeance à la Mort pour l'aider dans son travail. Maintenant, lors du Jour des Morts (Dia de Los Muertos, au Mexique) il met en garde les chats vivants. Chaque chandelle qui brûle sur son chapeau représente les vies passées du chat, les chandelles éteintes celles qu'il lui reste. Quand elles brûlent toutes il emporte le chat avec lui. Attention chaton ! Il ne te reste que 2 vies à vivre !

EDIT : j’ai rajouté des petits step by step :)


at first I didn’t get why the cat was sitting in the sink but then


Let me introduce you to my cat.

Thanks mikureyy, even if you told me “I filmed your cat!!” it was surprising to see her in my dashboard!

She’s cute isn’t she ? :D

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