
serpent's dance


Something shiny this way comes

Whenever I hear about another documentary or article bitching about how social media is destroying lives, and are we all just obsessive narcissists who want to be liked, and people online aren’t *real* friends, I want to make my own documentary.

It would be full of people talking about the first time they found other people like them, people they could really talk to and who understood. There would be so many clips of online friends meeting each other in person for the firsttime at airports and conventions, with all of the tears and laughter, and immediately hugging and talking like they’ve never been apart.

Online friendship is not screaming into the void waiting for someone to ‘like’ your post. It’s staying up until 3am talking over a messenger about books and movies, and music, or comforting your friend because they’re sad, and knowing they’d do the same for you. It’s group hugs at the train station when you finally get to meet in person and feeling like you’ve been doing this forever. It’s making art for someone because you want them to smile, even f they’ll never see it.

Online friendship is friendship, not some inferior form of it. And I am so sick of people who don’t get it being snide and trying to analyse it. 

Anonymous asked:

Hey congratulations!!!! I'm so proud of you for coming out to those friends of yours!!!! You did it!! Whatever happens now will happen, and one of the hardest parts is over!! :D

Thank you!!!!!! I feel really good right now. Also, horribly ashamed that I didn’t just expect they’d be totally cool with it (because everyone has been like “oh okay WE LOVE YOU”) but god… really good. I feel awful that I didn’t trust them more but… this is just so new and big and terrifying, you know? 

But so far so good. People, for whatever weird reason, like me. And I’m not going to argue with it. 


We love you because, at your core, you are a wonderful person. Please, don’t feel badly because you took your time in coming out. It took a lot of courage to do, which means it took a lot of mental and emotional energy just to be prepared to say the words. You needed the time to gather that energy. 

I don’t feel like it should have taken any courage because I haven’t earned it. Nothing about this is hard for me - I pass as my birth gender on a regular basis, all of my issues are personal and dumb. I don’t have any of the usual struggles, everything is simple like it always is for me and it is gross. I don’t have anything to send you but a bunch of hearteyes emojis and… tbh… basically everything I have. I don’t think I would have done this without you and @serpentsdance and @slightlyirritable and i can’t begin to thank any of you enough. 😍😍😍 

You shouldn’t feel awful about taking your time, and it did absolutely take courage. The fear of not being accepted or loved is a hell of a hard thing to experience and it takes guts to open yourself up to other people, even ones you’ve known for a while. But we love you because of who you are, and Max is who you are. Nothing will ever change how awesome we all find you as a person.


People talk about how hard long distance relationships are but nobody talks about the struggle of long distance friendships. I would give my left leg right now to just be able to sit in our pjs and watch movies or to just be able to give a big fucking hug. 

Some of my closest and oldest friendships are with people I met in the old days of AOL chat rooms. People I've been friends with since I was 14 years old, and have never actually met face-to-face. We've exchanged letters and gifts and have talked on the phone and celebrated and mourned together. I'd give anything to be physically close to them too.


Every time I play an RPG through again I think “You know what, I’m gonna play it through as an evil bastard this time!”

and then I make my first evil bastard decision and my good party members disapprove and I’m like “oh god..I TAKE IT BACK I’M SO SORRY I WON’T DO THAT EVER AGAIN!”


The Golden Nug statue is one of the best things Bioware has done. Not having to spend forever hoping to find various schematics and seeds and such or having to drop loads of gold on them with every new play through is such a relief. 


Bull's Edge

I wish Bull’s Edge had a schematic. It’s an awesome-looking axe, but the stats are dookie by like level 7. I want to make him a new one out of dawnstone with fade-touched obsidian or silverite to give him plus to Guard, and a nice elemental rune. It’s HIS weapon.

A girl can dream, right.

I have wished for a schematic for it so many times. 


This is the time of year when the weather does weird shit like have a week where it alternates between being in the 60s and being in the 20s. We can literally go from wearing shorts to shoveling 18" of snow in 3 days. The thing is though that once the seal breaks on those warmer days, people are reluctant to go back to wearing parkas and snow boots. Like once the warm weather genie is out of the bottle and you get a taste of sunshine and springtime there's no going back to cramming yourself into 15 layers of winter clothing. So you'll see a bunch of people determinedly braving 20 degree snowy weather in jeans and a t-shirt and maybe a hoodie. Like "no, it's fine, the weather is fine, it'll warm back up any day now! I'm not cold at all. Nope" as their lips are turning blue.


My hair is getting long. It’s been years since I’ve grown it out this much. Trying to decide if I should just keep letting it grow, or cut it.

Damn, hon! It looks great! Have you gotten to the point where it’s driving you insane? Because that’s usually the time I cut it all off again.

Yes. It's been at that point for a while. I much prefer short hair, but mine grows super fast and keeping it short is expensive. Plus finding a hairdresser who can manage to cut my hair well is hard..my hair is really slick in texture so they cut it like it'll lay perfectly smooth, but because it's also the tiniest bit wavy it pokes out in every direction cause of the way it bends when it's short. I've had more bad haircuts than good over the years.


Via Mark Oshiro, permission given to share his story

Mark’s post made me cry, it hurt to see know he had such a shitty experience at a convention. That he was invited, treated so damned poorly and that nothing has been done.
It’s a long, painful read but I think anyone who goes to cons, who has ever been at a SF/F con, and may be on the concom of a convention needs to read this.
Permission to share is at the end of this post.

TRIGGER WARNING: For extended, detailed talk of racism, sexual harassment, abuse

This has not been an easy post for me to write. I’m keeping the introduction of it relatively short because I’ve got a lot of ground to cover. Over the past nine months or so, the events of my weekend at ConQuesT 46 have haunted me, and recent events inspired me to finally talk about my experience. I have spoken to nearly fifteen people, most of whom are a part of the SF/F community, about what happened to me so that I could get some insight. Was what I experienced wrong? Was I imagining the intensity of the weekend? Is it wrong for me to publicly talk about it?

In light of what I’ll reveal at the end, I find it more important than ever to talk about the persistent and pervasive racial and sexual abuse/harassment I was the victim of at ConQuesT because I did everything I was told to do in the event that I was harassed. I reported most of the events you’ll see described below, and I did not do so anonymously. I stuck my name on every incident report, partly because I was not afraid, but mostly because I wanted things to change. If putting my name on a report ensured that a better community could be built from my actions, then I felt it was worth it.

Alas, that does not seem to be the case.


This is just shameful. No one should be treated the way he and his partner were treated.

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