

@attckonkeo / attckonkeo.tumblr.com

Personal Blog aka shitposting since 2013 y'all

So my friend is an acting major looking to get into broadway stuff, so she’s been doing a lot of voice training. Usually she does covers of broadway songs, but sometimes she gets bored and decides to sing other things.

She did a cover of “Smells Like Teen Spirit” and her voice coach liked it so much he liked mixed it and everything and it sounds great.

wait that was fucked


the way that supernatural posts have both brought this site together and made it unusable again after all these years. it doesn't get better than this.

i almost feel sorry for the people who didn't use this site back in the superwholock heyday because you may think this is funny and but you don't really Get It. and you never will. what you're experiencing is but a pale and fleeting imitation of the past. the passing shadow of a far mightier beast.

however i've been on tumblr since 2010 so i think it's undeniable who the real loser is here

I mean i would have been on tumblr but i was too busy being 5


It was kind of a dick move to create animals that require air, then confine them to the freaking ocean

If you are talking about dolphins they used to be wolf like creatures that due to scarcity of food they had to hunt in water so they slowly evolved into water mammals, dolphins still have claw bones but they are unnecessary and dolphins will get rid of them with time and will develop abilities to breath under water

(This also partially applies to whales)

They were what now?

Mother Nature, come out here I just want to talk

Whales are actually Ungulates, more so hippos, entelodons, etc…

Meaning they were somewhat related to big celebrities such as Daedon (the “hell pig”) and Andrewsarchus.

The appearence of the first ancestors of whales probably looked like a small hoofed thing called Indohyus.

(Illustration by julio lacerda)

(illustration by Tiffany Turill)

Basically they went from tiny hoofed herbivore to bigger hoofed carnivore to crocodile-like thing to seal-like things to big sea predators.


It’s important to mention that we now know dolphins will probably never need to develop true water breathing, because the fact that they breathe air from the surface is actually an ADVANTAGE for them. They get more oxygen at once than an animal with gills and it permits a much higher, more energized activity level for longer periods of time. They are murderous monsters empowered by their access to the forbidden air

I really love these images of abulocetus and rodhocetus cause they really convey the whole “crocodile but it’s a mammal” lifestyle


i see it’s a Big Day Online for everyone who is using the same blog they made in 2011

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