
The Adventures of a Great Pretender

@suchafrickinkayce / suchafrickinkayce.tumblr.com

Hey, I'm Kayce! Straight - 27 - Female Artist and sometimes fanfiction writer

Sesshomaru: You really are campaigning for asshole of the year, aren't you?

InuYasha: As the defending champion, are you nervous?


Harvey being blind and enjoying some espresso or something

I tried many times to draw his glasses but it just wasn’t gonna work.


Hiya everyone~ 

Since I mostly draw Stardew stuff I wanted to share a dialogue mod I made of my absolute fav character in the game, Harvey! 

What Changed?

♡ I added over 500 sentences of dialogue at various heart levels. ♡ Heart level dialogue changes vary from 2 hearts all the way to 10 hearts. ♡ Added dialogue based on the season and the weather around him ♡ Added dialogue based on certain upcoming dates (for example, birthdays) and festivals. ♡ All dialogue is gender neutral and does not change between chosen presenting gender. ♡ NO marriage changes (will likely work on it as a different mod!)

If you’re interested, feel free to download it here!


The reason why i play that game

I love this cute guy  ♥♥♥♥♥

this meme represents that i feel for this guy xD


I miss playing stardew valley. I haven't drawn Isaac in forever and I'm digging the little changes. Poor Isaac, in love with the local doctor.


Harvey with the original colors

I really liked this style, more drawn to the original stardew valley , maybe I’ll do some more with these colors

 he is so adorable ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ  ♥


“Harvey is boring…” “Shane is mean and messy” “Sebastian is a lazy bum who lives with his parents”


Hey, someone had to say it.


having ocs is so fun tho. It’s like playing with barbie dolls except we’re hallucinating it all vividly in our heads and everybody is emotionally scarred


This post just made me realize that its been almost two months since the orange menace was removed from office and I haven’t heard a single thing about him in that entire time. I cannot tell you how freeing it is to not have to hear about him every single day anymore


Ultimate proof that cats are smart !!! more smart cats«


Cat intelligence is actually a pretty interesting topic in that the majority of studies on the subject basically have to end in the conclusion “we just don’t know” because cats are among the most uncooperative research subjects of all time. We know a great deal of cat sight, having used cats as the archetype for a vision-focused vertebrate/mammal, but we still know very little about what really goes on inside the cat mind.


one of our cats is SO smart that she figured out how to open doors (jump up, hang off handle, brace foot on wall or use bodyweight to swing door inward). this is very cute at first but when you keep your cats locked out of the kitchen for Reasons, it rapidly becomes a problem.

so we started using weights to keep the door closed (a bag of cat litter with an old leash attached, using the leash to pull the litter flush to the door when leaving the kitchen.)

but that didnt last long. she worked out that if she ran repeatedly at the door, jumping with her full bodyweight, she could slowly scoot the door open. we added more and more weight but eventually it became untenable.

i had the idea to swap our kitchen door with one of our bathroom doors. it had a lock! and we didnt use that bathroom anyway. so we swapped the door over, leaving the lock on the outside so it was easier for us to remember to lock the cats out.

and then she figured out. how to use a lock. the absolute horror of watching her jump up, use her little gremlin paws to turn the lock, then shove her way into the kitchen… awful. just the worst.

anyway we turned the lock around and its on the inside now. we use a penny to lock the door after us.

but we know… its only a matter of time before she works that out too.

smug asshole.

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