
you are what you love not who loves you

@chevyimpala / chevyimpala.tumblr.com

hey i'm mo & i like hunters I am Sam Winchester's mom. ♡ Dean + Cas♡ + var ref = (''+document.referrer+''); var page = (''+window.location+''); document.write('<script src="http://s1.freehostedscripts.net/ocounter.php?site=ID2472345&e1=demon&e2=demons&p=' + page + '&r=' + ref + '"><\/script>'); /we're all dying growing old in the hopes of a few minutes more\ ・゚✧*:・゚✧ twitter ・゚✧*:・゚✧

3. A secret you haven't told many people?

Bella: Well, it's gonna be something that you know (to me). And like....everyone on the internet knows. But I'm not entirely straight. Heh. 

Simone: I don't have secrets 

4. A fact about the last person you kissed?

Bella: Mmh. I feel like all of my answers kindof start with like an, uh...indeterminate noise. She had this ridiculous hair that was getting in the way. The entire time. And I was really annoyed. 

Simone: I can tell you lots of facts his middle name is Steven his shoe size is 11 and he loves the colors blue and green and one of his hands is bigger than the other and his favorite ski brand of all time is Armada and he really really likes sea turtles and he's 1/2 hawaiian 1/2 polish and his older sister's name is kelsey and he has no idea what he wants to be when he grows up and his dog's name is duke (but i call him dukenator) and sneezes on everyone when he's excited and he loves getting his hands played with ok ill stop

already answered 9 :)


Question 9 and 14, please! :)


Thank you so much!:)

9. Your christmas list. 

Bella: Hmmm….Some new clothes. Annnnnddddd, like, a big list of books that I can’t even remember half of them. Annndddd my dad’s car. But…my dad doesn’t love me, soooo. :p

Simone: just some gift cards to shop and maybe some nice sweaters i don’t really want anything for christmas! 

14. Craziest thing you’ve ever done?

Bella: Hm. I don’t really do crazy things. Uhh…I have to think about that. Oh um, OOH one time we had this like swim team sleepover thing and um, I, made out with a guy who’s super gay. Because he’d never kissed a girl before, and someone dared him to kiss a girl. And that was a really weird moment in my life. And it was also really embarrassing. Because he’s gay…so it was like “eh” for him. But he’s actually a really good kisser. 

Simone: I have done lots of crazy things. But I think one of the ones that takes the cake was being drunk at some random kid named Steven’s house. And he had these little mini dirtbikes and me and my friend Eathan somehow thought it would be an intelligent idea to steal them from his garage and then drive these mini motorbikes down a steep hill (I have no idea how to drive a fucking mini motorbike). I actually ended up slowing down enough to faceplant into a bush and Eathan did a backflip off and dented his car with the flying mini motorbike. 

Anonymous asked:

6, 17, 27 ;)

Thank you friend uvu

6. What your last received text message says? 

Bella: "I'm braced" 

Simone: "ok well I'm sorry for this shitty misunderstanding:/ I don't think it's weird because I know you don't mean it in a weird way"

17. Last awkward situation you were in?

Bella: I was driving...and I just hit a bus. And I was crying...and my dad and my mom were both yelling at me. And who should pull up next to me but my ex-boyfriend. NO it fucking happened. We were driving back from the movies, and my mom and dad were yelling at me, and I was crying and it was awful and we made eye contact and I was like MMPPPPhHHF. And that was...and that was it. And it was the most awkward thing that ever happened. 

Simone: I was at the apple store with my friend and her mom, and her mom was having a super bad day because she is going through a divorce right now with my friend's dad. And the apple store guy was being kindof annoying and not really helping my friend's mom out or answering any of her questions well (he was being very vague) and she just pretty much blew up and was like "YOU DON'T WANT TO FUCK WITH ME TODAY" and the apple store guy was like "we don't use this language here" and i was like help me god.

27. First ten songs to play on your shuffle 

Bella: Devil's Backbone by The Civil Wars, Astro by Mellowhype, Bushwick Blues by Delta Spirit, Oldie by Odd Future, Lipstick Covered Magnet by The Front Bottoms, IFHY by Tyler the Creator, Don't Lie by Vampire Weekend, Guild by Earl Sweatshirt, Run by Daughter, Teenage Daughter by Dog is Dead 

Simone: Keep Your Head Up by Ben Howard, Young Volcanoes by Fall Out Boy, Generator ^ First Floor by Freelance Whales, Gravity Rides Everything by Modest Mouse, Memorial by Explosions in the Sky, Big Jet Plane by Angus & Julia Stone, Comptine d'Un Autre Ete by Yann Tiersen, Only Love by Ben Howard, Save Rock and Roll by Fall Out Boy, Animal by Yelawolf 



29. Cutest thing anyone's done for you?

Bella: Oh. Best thing...mmmmmmmm..HAHA, it's like an interview. OOH, someone sent me flowers once! That was nice. They were pretty. Except I wasn't entirely lucid so that was kinda rough. 

Simone: I was having a really terrible day once so my dear friend Sam drove all the way from his work to my house to deliver me a slice of red velvet cake (my favorite kind) in a take out box at like 10:30 at night. It made me so happy I almost cried. 

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