

@jakwagon / jakwagon.tumblr.com

Welcome to Jakwagon. Please take a look around Jakwagon is a Jak and Daxter fanfiction that attempts to provide deeper exploration of the world and characters of the Jak TPL, II and 3 games All headcanons and plot extensions are extrapolated from extensive world research, however, Jakwagon is considered an Alternate Universe fic due to the many original characters and small modifications to Jak canon that allow for this world exploration Credits

Remember Jak and Daxter? Ever wondered what would happen if the story was developed and pushed even further into greatness? 

Check out Jakwagon

This has been fanart. 


First off, your blog looks amazing! Major kudos! Second; I'm not great at formating on Tumblr. I wanted to start posting stories myself, but didn't want to mess up the tumblr and spam peoples pages. How do you do that 'read more' option for your chapters? Sorry to bother, and kudos again!


hi there! thanks so much for sending your support, it means a lot.

as for your main question, with tumblr’s new system you click the little “plus” next to the text box. a selection of other tools will come up, and if you hover over them their names will show in the alt text. find the one that says “put under a cut” and you’re all done!

and of course, any and all questions regarding tumblr formatting can be found in their faq as well as googled. if you have trouble, please don’t hesitate to go looking around! you’d be surprised how many people may be experiencing the same problems and will have answers more thorough than ours ^^

good luck and happy writing!!


Hey guys! Thanks for sticking with us through the long holiday break. Now that the holidays are over and family events have settled down, we’re working on getting back on track. Regrettably, chapter 7 still has a little ways to go, but we promise we’re doing our best to get it finished and published. In the meantime, though, we’re happy to announce our long-overdue contest. 

A while back we announced that we’d be holding a contest in honor of hitting the major milestone of 100 followers on Tumblr. Since then, that number has nearly doubled, reaching 179 followers! That’s amazing! Thanks so much, you guys!

So, here’s the deal. We all love Jak and Dax, and we all love humor. So what better contest to add a little joy to our frigid winter season than a caption contest!

  • Awesome. What do I do?

We have provided three uncaptioned screenshots that you can use to enter the contest. To enter, you can either provide a descriptive caption, as shown in the first sample, or a speech/thought bubble caption, as shown in the second sample. You may add as many bubbles as you’d like, but try not to cover the action of the image. You can be as fancy as you’d like, but MS Paint is just fine. You may only submit one version of each image for judging. Entries will be accepted now through February 10th.

  • Sounds good! How do I submit my finished caption?

You may submit your caption one of 3 ways: 

1: Here on Tumblr. 

Our submit box will be open during the time of the contest. Please do not submit anonymous entries. Include your URL and preferred contact method when you submit. We will not publish your email address or other contact method, but will hold onto it in case you win. You must be following the jakwagon blog to enter here.

2: On our Forums

You can submit an entry via private message to admin GriffinsWings on the forums. You must have an account to enter here, but forum members get special additional prizes!

3: On our DeviantArt

You can submit an entry to the Caption Contest folder for entry. Note: submitting an entry through DA disqualifies you from the Judges Pick prize tier. You must be a Jakwagon group member to enter here.

  • So… What do I get if I win?


Entries will be judged in 3 ways: Authors’ Pick, Judges’ Pick, and Fan Favorite

Authors’ Pick will be judged by the co-authors of Jakwagon: drowningcomic and @griffinswings

There will be one winner. The winner will receive a handmade Pendant of Mar

a pencil sketch by griffinswings,

and a fully rendered chibi or colored bust by drowningcomic

(examples at drowningcomicart)

Judges’ Pick will be judged by a select group chosen on the Jakwagon Forums. Submissions will be chosen as though entered anonymously, and Judges will only know the identity behind the entry after a winner is picked. 

Judges’ Pick will receive a handmade pendant of mar, a pencil sketch by griffinswings, and a fully rendered chibi or colored bust by drowningcomic

You can apply to be a judge on the forums through private message to GriffinsWings, but judging will disqualify you from the Judges’ Pick category!

Fan Favorite will be chosen via votes. Entries will be presented anonymously on the forums, and can be voted on by all members. At the end of the judging period, the top 3 contestants will be notified and will each receive a doodle by griffinswings. The #1 entry will also receive a pendant of mar, and a fully rendered chibi or colored bust by drowningcomic

Bonus Prizes for Forum Submissions: One additional pendant of mar, a special forum title, a colored forum name, a special award, 10,000 orbs, and an Access Pass that will be used to grant access to a secret forum area for bonus and behind-the-scenes content into the world, future, and making of Jakwagon.

  • That was kinda long. Can you sum it up?


  • 1-3 submissions per person. 1 submission per image.
  • Screenshots can be descriptively captioned or captioned with speech bubbles.
  • You must either be following us on Tumblr, DA, or a forum member to enter.
  • Entries will be accepted until February 10th.
  • You may only use the 3 screenshots provided.
  • You may not use the sample pre-captioned screenshots.
  • Judges will be picking a winner anonymously, so if you want to be qualified for Judges’ Pick, do not post your entry anywhere that associates it with your name until after the contest is over.
  • Entries deemed inappropriate will be immediately disqualified. Do not use any discriminatory statements or language. Use your common sense, folks.
  • Most importantly, have fun!

New prizes added!


Hey guys! Thanks for sticking with us through the long holiday break. Now that the holidays are over and family events have settled down, we’re working on getting back on track. Regrettably, chapter 7 still has a little ways to go, but we promise we’re doing our best to get it finished and published. In the meantime, though, we’re happy to announce our long-overdue contest. 

A while back we announced that we’d be holding a contest in honor of hitting the major milestone of 100 followers on Tumblr. Since then, that number has nearly doubled, reaching 179 followers! That’s amazing! Thanks so much, you guys!

So, here’s the deal. We all love Jak and Dax, and we all love humor. So what better contest to add a little joy to our frigid winter season than a caption contest!

  • Awesome. What do I do?

We have provided three uncaptioned screenshots that you can use to enter the contest. To enter, you can either provide a descriptive caption, as shown in the first sample, or a speech/thought bubble caption, as shown in the second sample. You may add as many bubbles as you’d like, but try not to cover the action of the image. You can be as fancy as you’d like, but MS Paint is just fine. You may only submit one version of each image for judging. Entries will be accepted now through February 10th.

  • Sounds good! How do I submit my finished caption?

You may submit your caption one of 3 ways: 

1: Here on Tumblr. 

Our submit box will be open during the time of the contest. Please do not submit anonymous entries. Include your URL and preferred contact method when you submit. We will not publish your email address or other contact method, but will hold onto it in case you win. You must be following the jakwagon blog to enter here.

2: On our Forums

You can submit an entry via private message to admin GriffinsWings on the forums. You must have an account to enter here, but forum members get special additional prizes!

3: On our DeviantArt

You can submit an entry to the Caption Contest folder for entry. Note: submitting an entry through DA disqualifies you from the Judges Pick prize tier. You must be a Jakwagon group member to enter here.

  • So… What do I get if I win?


Entries will be judged in 3 ways: Authors’ Pick, Judges’ Pick, and Fan Favorite

Authors’ Pick will be judged by the co-authors of Jakwagon: drowningcomic and @griffinswings

There will be one winner. The winner will receive a handmade Pendant of Mar

a pencil sketch by griffinswings,

and a fully rendered chibi or colored bust by drowningcomic

(examples at drowningcomicart)

Judges’ Pick will be judged by a select group chosen on the Jakwagon Forums. Submissions will be chosen as though entered anonymously, and Judges will only know the identity behind the entry after a winner is picked. 

Judges’ Pick will receive a handmade pendant of mar, a pencil sketch by griffinswings, and a fully rendered chibi or colored bust by drowningcomic

You can apply to be a judge on the forums through private message to GriffinsWings, but judging will disqualify you from the Judges’ Pick category!

Fan Favorite will be chosen via votes. Entries will be presented anonymously on the forums, and can be voted on by all members. At the end of the judging period, the top 3 contestants will be notified and will each receive a doodle by griffinswings. The #1 entry will also receive a pendant of mar, and a fully rendered chibi or colored bust by drowningcomic

Bonus Prizes for Forum Submissions: One additional pendant of mar, a special forum title, a colored forum name, a special award, 10,000 orbs, and an Access Pass that will be used to grant access to a secret forum area for bonus and behind-the-scenes content into the world, future, and making of Jakwagon.

  • That was kinda long. Can you sum it up?


  • 1-3 submissions per person. 1 submission per image.
  • Screenshots can be descriptively captioned or captioned with speech bubbles.
  • You must either be following us on Tumblr, DA, or a forum member to enter.
  • Entries will be accepted until February 10th.
  • You may only use the 3 screenshots provided.
  • You may not use the sample pre-captioned screenshots.
  • Judges will be picking a winner anonymously, so if you want to be qualified for Judges’ Pick, do not post your entry anywhere that associates it with your name until after the contest is over.
  • Entries deemed inappropriate will be immediately disqualified. Do not use any discriminatory statements or language. Use your common sense, folks.
  • Most importantly, have fun!

Hey guys! Thanks for sticking with us through the long holiday break. Now that the holidays are over and family events have settled down, we’re working on getting back on track. Regrettably, chapter 7 still has a little ways to go, but we promise we’re doing our best to get it finished and published. In the meantime, though, we’re happy to announce our long-overdue contest. 

A while back we announced that we’d be holding a contest in honor of hitting the major milestone of 100 followers on Tumblr. Since then, that number has nearly doubled, reaching 179 followers! That’s amazing! Thanks so much, you guys!

So, here’s the deal. We all love Jak and Dax, and we all love humor. So what better contest to add a little joy to our frigid winter season than a caption contest!

  • Awesome. What do I do?

We have provided three uncaptioned screenshots that you can use to enter the contest. To enter, you can either provide a descriptive caption, as shown in the first sample, or a speech/thought bubble caption, as shown in the second sample. You may add as many bubbles as you’d like, but try not to cover the action of the image. You can be as fancy as you’d like, but MS Paint is just fine. You may only submit one version of each image for judging. Entries will be accepted now through February 10th.

  • Sounds good! How do I submit my finished caption?

You may submit your caption one of 3 ways: 

1: Here on Tumblr. 

Our submit box will be open during the time of the contest. Please do not submit anonymous entries. Include your URL and preferred contact method when you submit. We will not publish your email address or other contact method, but will hold onto it in case you win. You must be following the jakwagon blog to enter here.

2: On our Forums

You can submit an entry via private message to admin GriffinsWings on the forums. You must have an account to enter here, but forum members get special additional prizes!

3: On our DeviantArt

You can submit an entry to the Caption Contest folder for entry. Note: submitting an entry through DA disqualifies you from the Judges Pick prize tier. You must be a Jakwagon group member to enter here.

  • So… What do I get if I win?


Entries will be judged in 3 ways: Authors’ Pick, Judges’ Pick, and Fan Favorite

Authors’ Pick will be judged by the co-authors of Jakwagon: drowningcomic and griffinswings

There will be one winner. The winner will receive a handmade Pendant of Mar

and a pencil sketch by griffinswings.

Judges’ Pick will be judged by a select group chosen on the Jakwagon Forums. Submissions will be chosen as though entered anonymously, and Judges will only know the identity behind the entry after a winner is picked. 

Judges’ Pick will receive a handmade pendant of mar, a pencil sketch by griffinswings. 

You can apply to be a judge on the forums through private message to GriffinsWings, but judging will disqualify you from the Judges’ Pick category!

Fan Favorite will be chosen via votes. Entries will be presented anonymously on the forums, and can be voted on by all members. At the end of the judging period, the top 3 contestants will be notified and will each receive a doodle by griffinswings. The #1 entry will also receive a pendant of mar.

Bonus Prizes for Forum Submissions: One additional pendant of mar, a special forum title, a colored forum name, a special award, 10,000 orbs, and an Access Pass that will be used to grant access to a secret forum area for bonus and behind-the-scenes content into the world, future, and making of Jakwagon.

  • That was kinda long. Can you sum it up?


  • 1-3 submissions per person. 1 submission per image.
  • Screenshots can be descriptively captioned or captioned with speech bubbles.
  • You must either be following us on Tumblr, DA, or a forum member to enter.
  • Entries will be accepted until February 10th.
  • You may only use the 3 screenshots provided.
  • You may not use the sample pre-captioned screenshots.
  • Judges will be picking a winner anonymously, so if you want to be qualified for Judges’ Pick, do not post your entry anywhere that associates it with your name until after the contest is over.
  • Entries deemed inappropriate will be immediately disqualified. Do not use any discriminatory statements or language. Use your common sense, folks.
  • Most importantly, have fun!

Hey, friends and followers. We're going to be taking a short break as we approach the holidays, so next monday's chapter has been delayed.  You can expect to read chapter 7 close to Christmas. Thanks for understanding, and sorry for the inconvenience!

Anonymous asked:

About the Surname thing, how do you explain Ashelin being called a "Praxis" then? Same as Jak being from the "Line of Mar". They seem to be family names in the same sense a surname is.

Well, first; while it may be widely accepted in the fandom that Praxis is their surname, Ashelin is never actually mentioned to have a surname in game canon, or on any of the canon info pages. This particular idea has been so widespread that it was even included in the Jak wiki page, but is a misconception, and it likely came about because of naming and title conventions we have in our cultures.With Jak: The only mention made of the "house of Mar" is said by Damas in 3:

"...he's wearing an amulet just like it. A symbol of our lineage with the great house of Mar."

This does not imply a last name, but rather a traced ancestor. Also, given that Mar was a real historical figure, and also something of a god, if they were to take Mar's name as a second name or surname, it would be very similar to the honorific use of surnames for sages and descendants of sages.


World building: Surnames

People in the Jak universe are only given a singular name at birth and do not have surnames. Sages in Pre-Mar era would take an honorary second name as a marker of their achievement. Some families or descendants of sages choose to hold onto their ancestors' surnames to show their tie to the scholars, ancient or modern. By this, Baron Praxis' name is simply Praxis, as Praxis is not his surname, and there is no second name to omit when honorarily addressing him by his full title.


Please note that this is a headcanon pertaining to Jakwagon fic. As Jakwagon fic attempts to expand on the world of Jak TPL, II and 3 canon, all headcanons are extrapolated from extensive world research, but in the end, they are just headcanons. Enjoy!

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