
Side Blog


Heyyy my original blog is called (voltage lover headcannons blog,the picture has the heads of the 12 gods of SCM)That is where I write all my headcannons and fanfics!

900 Follower Story Giveaway

I am six followers away from having 900 followers and I decided to do a little story giveaway to celebrate (I am starting it early).  The giveaway will end at midnight on 1 April.   The prizes would be the following:

First Place: 5 Chapter Story of anything you want

Second Place: 3 Chapter Story of anything you want

Third Place: 2 Chapter Story of anything you want

Everyone else: Cupcakes and Cookies!

The only rules are:

  • You must be following me.
  • You must like and/or reblog this post.
  • The story would have to be about something I know.
  • It cannot be about a Voltage game I have never played, and it can be about something non-Voltage: Bleach, Shadowhunters, Pokemon, Host Club, X-Men, and etc.

Final Chapter: Scorpio, MC and the Other Gods - Turning into Scorpio’s Goddess

A/N - Will warn that there’s smut. This is also the longest chapter in the series, and my chapters are already long as it is, so spare some time!


Scorpio held Sonora’s hand, his mind suddenly growing dull. What was it he meant to do…? What was it he wanted to say? He was so struck by her eyes – as clear as glass -– that he found his thoughts completely stalling.  

Sonora tilted her head at him, wearing a quizzical expression. There was a faint curl to her lips and he somehow vaguely registered her hand shifting position. When he felt her fingers thread through and tighten around his, it was like she’d suddenly sent a jolt; a rush of familiarity flooded him as the dullness in his mind quickly disappeared.

Best and I mean BEST story ever ever ever!As in the whole history ever!Look forward to more of your writing😘😍Great work on this!!!!


Lost and Found: Chapter Four

“So,” Reika prompted, a small smile gracing her lips, “how is everything between you and Kazou?”

Hoping to enjoy some of the nice day, the two women decided to take their lunch break at a small café near the office. The bright sun now shone down on them as they picked at their lunches.

“Good,” Rin said, giving her friend an even look. Reika loved nothing more than trying to push Rin towards the man, no matter how many times Rin said no.  “We’ve both been so busy lately that we haven’t been able to see each other much. Though he’s coming over for supper tonight.”

Reika raised her brows as she sipped her coffee.

Rin sighed. “Mika misses him and has been insisting that he come over.” She looked at her watch and stood. “We should be heading back to work.”

With Reika by her side, they slowly made their way back to the office. “All I’m saying,” Reika chattered on, “is that you two get along so well! And he’s so good with your daughter. Plus, if you married him, you’d never have to work another day in your life. What more could you ask for?”

Rin shook her head. “It’s… it’s just not the time. Mika just started school and I’m trying to focus on my job.”

“I suppose, but think about yourself for once and what you need.”

Rin sat at the dining room table with Mika, watching her daughter draw. “Mama, what’s Uncle Kaz’s favourite colour?” the little girl asked, staring at the pile of crayons on the table.

“Hm, blue, I think,” Rin answered. “Are you drawing him a picture?”

“Mm-hm!” Just then the doorbell rang, causing a smile to break across the girl’s face. “The pizza!” Mika cried excitedly.

Rin had wanted to cook supper for them tonight, but Kazou had insisted that she shouldn’t have to cook after working all day and they had decided to order out. “Thank you so m—” Rin stopped, her words hanging in the air. “Kazou, we weren’t expecting you yet. I thought you were the delivery man.”

Kazou smiled at her and stepped into the apartment. “I did run into him downstairs. It’s all paid for.”

Rin returned his smile. “Thanks.” She took the box from him just as Mika came into the hallway.

“Uncle Kaz!” The little girl flew towards him and he caught her, lifting her into a hug. “I drew you a picture!”

“Did you?” he asked, giving her his complete attention. “Why don’t you should me and then we can eat supper?”

Once they were finished eating and the dishes were washed, Mika picked a movie for them to watch. With the ending only minutes away, the little girl was drifting off between them on the couch.

But she wasn’t the only one who hadn’t been watching the movie. Rin hadn’t been able to give it any of her attention with Kazou only sitting a few feet away. Reika was right, any woman would be lucky to have a man life him in her life.  From a well off family, Kazou had the funds to support a wife with even the most expensive tastes, but instead he used his wealth to help a single mother.  Besides, he was the only father figure Mika had. The little girl absolutely adored him and he thought the world of her. Perhaps Reika had the right idea, maybe she did need him in her life. She couldn’t lie, the last time she had even been with a man – well, she couldn’t actually remember, but it must have been Mika’s father.

“Rin? Is there something on my face?” Kazou’s voice tore her away from her thoughts.

“What? Oh, uh… I better put Mika to bed.” Picking up her daughter, Rin hoped the dim light of the room hid her blushing face. Quickly escaping from the living room and Kazou’s questioning look, Rin breathed a sigh of relief. Had she always been so awkward?

“Good night, Sweetie,” Rin whispered as she placed her still sleeping daughter in the bed and kissed her forehead. “I love you.”

Gently closing the door behind her, Rin made her way back to the living room, only to find in empty and the balcony door open. Stepping outside she saw Kazou’s brood back as he stared out into the night.

“All tucked in and sleeping soundly,” Rin said, joining him at the railing. Her fingers wrapped around the metal as she stared up at the starry sky.

“You’re a wonderful mother, Rin,” Kazou told her. “Hm, sometimes I wonder… it would be so much better if she had a father. The other children don’t care, but their mothers are a different story.” She gave a sigh. It made her heart hurt, but a weight lifted off her shoulders as she finally confessed everything that had been bothering her. “I can see by the way they look at me that they don’t like the fact that I’m a single mother. Why is there such a stigma attached to it?”

“I didn’t know it was this draining on you. Is Mika alright?”

“For the most part. She’s such a happy child and has plenty of school friends, but she doesn’t know why they never invite her over or are allowed to come over here.” Shaking her head Rin looked down at her hands and gripped the railing tighter as if trying to warp the metal. “I wish I could remember something about her father.” Her voice was a whisper. “Anything that would give me a hint of who he is – or was. And I have so many questions. Where is he? Does he miss me? Did he even know about our daughter?”

“Rin…” Kazou wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a hug. “I don’t know what to tell you.”

She studied his face in the moonlight. His dark blonde hair fell over his forehead and his warm eyes stared into her own. His features were beautiful as if made by an artist. Straight nose, a strong jawline, lips curved up in a small, sad smile.

Then those lips were on hers. Soft yet firm, they moved against hers, drawing a small moan from her when they pulled away. The kiss had only lasted a few seconds yet it seemed like much longer to her. Rin’s cheeks burned and she covered it up with an awkward laugh. “Kazou, I… I’m sorry, but I have too much going on right now to think about a relationship,” she apologized.

The corner of her friend’s mouth quirked up. “I understand. I shouldn’t have done that.” Kazou ran a hand through his hair. “Ah, I should be going now.” Placing a hand on her shoulder, he gave it a squeeze before entering back into the apartment.

Rin listened as the front door closed and let out a sigh. She leaned against the railing and placed her fingers to her lips. If she hadn’t been confused before, she definitely was now.

Please let me know what you think so far in your comments, tags or you can send me a message/ask! :)

Woots😍😍😍Best fanfic ever!Love it!I'm curious when Mika will meet Soryu though!Can't wait for chap 5!

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