
Jumbo Spicy Lordaeroni

@shithowdy / shithowdy.tumblr.com

The artist formerly known as Oliver and Norberon on Wyrmrest Accord. I draw sometimes. I like undead things and birds and sad wet elves. Weird anons get blocked.

You have this hold over me - 24x32” acrylic on wood. For my June solo show in LA, Lovers + Fighters.


cant forgive one of my coworkers because our advisor came into the office and was giving us a very sad speech that he had to make us work more hours and he was very upset about this fact and we all had to be very somber listening to him when to my right this guys computer flashes into sleep mode which happens to reveal this image that i then had to look at and not lose my shit over even a little bit

Anonymous asked:

i didn't know you draw an on ipad! can you share more about generation/software? also sorry about your nervous system

The big drawing program is Procreate! It's I think $13 atm so it's not free (there may be free versions, or other programs?) but it has a lot of great features and I love being able to draw on the go.


i rest my cheek in my palm very frequently when i draw on my ipad and i'm starting to get a hemifacial spasm along the temporal nerve branch where my hand rests. can my bullshit nervous system let me have one single comfort in my stupid baka life

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