
Full tweet:

🚨🚨 In the space of 2 weeks we’ve gone from a pilot project that involved my cousin making and distributing one pot of fortified stew a day to a fully fledged soup kitchen with 10 volunteers that feeds 160 families a day or roughly 800 hungry people daily, in Omdurman #Sudan

To do this we’ve cut out all possible overhead costs to ensure we can feed as many people as possible

🟢Our volunteers are unpaid

🟢Our cooking utensils are borrowed

🟢The kitchens storage rooms are donated free of charge

🟢Transport of food items from the market to the kitchen is free courtesy of my Cousin’s Tuk tuk.

🟢However, in order to maintain this kitchen beyond Ramadan we need you to support this Gofundme that is now fully funding this kitchen 🙏🏽

Id: there are two photos in the tweet. The first in the tweet are of a group of men and women. The second is of stacks of backs of lentils.

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