
man out of time.

@captxnrogers-blog / captxnrogers-blog.tumblr.com

there'll always be something to fight for. and i'll always be a soldier. highly selective steve rogers rp blog.

"I was just trying to be festive."


"You’re adorable." she giggled then leaned up and pecked his cheek. "I got some brownies in the oven, we can take them out an dcut them after this."

"Well at least you think so," he flushed, plucking the bow from his face. "Sounds good. Don't think we have much left to do here."


Repost this. Do not reblog. Tag ten people you want to get to know better.

Name: Rowan Time and date of current moment : 10:52 am, 9th January 2015 Average hours of sleep: 6-8 Last thing I googled: What 'HP' stands for Nicknames: Ro Birthday: 10th July Gender: Female Sexual Orientation: Undecided (somewhere around bisexual) Height: 5'1 Favorite color (to wear): Navy One place that makes me happy: My living room How many blankets I sleep under: One Favorite movie: Lord of the Rings trilogy Last song you heard: Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran 
What are you wearing right now: t-shirt and jeans Last Book You Read: Clariel by Garth Nix Dream Job: Working for a human rights NGO of some description

Tagging: betedanslabeaute, disturbxnces, agentnromanova, ofalphasandanchors idk i can't think of 10 people anyone who wants to go ahead


What do you want to tell me? Put a symbol in my ask box:

❊ I want to roleplay with you

✸ I want to plot with you

✤ I want to ship with you

✥ I have roleplayed with you and it was great

❦ I sort of secretly ship a thing with your muse(s)

✷ I wish our characters was friends

✢ I like your characters

✱ I don’t like your characters

✣ I like the way you express your muse(s)

✫ I don’t like the way you express your muse(s)

☬ I feel like your characters are underdeveloped

❂ I don’t agree on all your headcanons

✡ I agree on all your headcanons

❋ Your blog is one of my favs

✦ I like seeing you on my dash 

✵ I don’t follow you for roleplay

✧ I wish you would notice me

✩ You intimidate me

✪ You seem like a cool person

✺ You’re hard to approach

✻ I wish you weren’t so shy

❄ I look up to you

❆ I love your art

❇ I love the way you write 

* I want to learn to know you

# I’m too shy to approach to you

☓ We should talk!

♥ *Your choice what to write*

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