
Mutant And Proud

@social-justice-magneto / social-justice-magneto.tumblr.com

Hello, fellow Homo superiorens. This is a place for us to fight back against humans, and their universal systematic oppression of not only us, but every marginalised group they come across. We will not be silent.

The World's Eco-Friendliest Urinal Makes Yellow Green

The result is When Nature Calls, a urinal that filters the sodium and acidity from urine via a three-step process involving activated charcoal, crushed limestone and greensand, then uses the end product to water plants.

Anonymous asked:

Nah dude, some police are genuinely trying to make the world a better place. They go through a lot of shit so that they can try and help people. I hate most of the shit police do. I don't like being told what to do either. But people are fucking killing cops. That's people killin people and it's fucked. You're the death of your own cause if you condone violence and murder ya dumb fuck. Black lives matter, let's protect them by not murdering good people and giving nazis any sort of argument.

Gonna break down this response as clearly as possible. 

The origins of the police are evil. 

It has been shown repeatedly that the police were formed to oppress the working class and (1, 2) and enforce white supremacy (1, 2, 3). In fact, the early U.S. police grew directly out of slavery.

The police aren’t the people you think they are.

The police don’t care about you – they don’t even have a constitutional duty to protect you. They’re allowed to take your property without your consent (the NYPD seizes so much property they can’t even log it in their computers). In fact, cops are more likely to steal your property than burglars are. They commit hundreds of crimes and human rights violations against people like you & me and get away with it because they cover for each other.

Cops tend to be unusually aggressive, authoritarian, and secretive (Greene & Heilbrun, 2011). They are more than twice as likely to commit domestic violence than the rest of the population, and (once again) they cover for each other when doing so. The police are on the side of neo-Nazis (1, 2). In fact, many times the police themselves are the neo-Nazis/klansmen (1, 2, 3). And even besides all this, cops do all kinds of other shady shit – for instance, undercover police are used to instigate fights during protests and rallies.

The police terrorize those of us who are marginalized.

The police disproportionately arrest Black people for drugs even though white people use drugs more often. They disproportionately pull Black people over for traffic stops. The police terrorize people with disabilities.They are viciously anti-indigenous – and always have been. Police terrorize sex workers. There are countless examples of police brutalizing homeless people (1, 2, 3). The police have a lengthy history of brutality against the LGBT community (1, 2). They terrorize women of color and get away with it (1, 2, 3). They kill massive numbers of people each year – and a disproportionate number of their victims are Black and native. On top of that, recent data suggests cops may kill up to twice as many people as we even thought they did. And while police love to defend themselves by saying they have the most dangerous job, that’s not even close to being true.

The police’s best kept secret: We don’t need them! 

A world without the police is completely possible (1, 2, 3, 4). We have resources for resolving violence as communities without the need for state intervention (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 – as some examples). We as communities are better capable of resolving violence than the police are, because we don’t have the vested interest in the status quo that they have. Even if a few cops are well-intentioned here or there, it doesn’t change that the role of the police is to work against the vast majority of us in the interests of the (white) elite few. 

Why are you so invested in the police when they are complicit in your dehumanization?


Unions are trash. Theyll Destroy a whole company for firing a shitty worker.

unions are the reason you aren’t paid 2.50 an hour with steel beams about to bust ya head open shut up lol

Unions are why you have 5 day, 40 hour full-time work weeks. Unions are why they have to pay you in actual dollars instead of “company credits” that you can only spend at the company-owned stores. Unions are why there are fucking fire exits at your place of work. Unions are why it’s not okay for your supermarket ground beef to be any percentage human.

You think your company pays you out of the goodness of their hearts? Or even out of “market pressure?” The “job market” is a myth perpetuated by the capitalists. Corporations would pay you nothing if they could get away with it. And you argue “oh, but if they paid me nothing I’d just go to another one.” Wrong. Because to maximize profits, they all want to pay you nothing. Corporations exist to maximize profits while reducing risk for investors. It’s part of their entire function to find ways to cut costs as much as possible, and that includes finding ways to pay you nothing.

Unions are your defense against that. You think all a union does is strike? If you pay union dues, a lot of that is spent on lobbyists in various governments reminding your lawmakers that you have rights as a living human being that a corporation should not be able to stomp all over. Unions hire lawyers so that if you’re fired for bullshit reasons, the union can stand up for you against your boss. They’re called unions because workers are uniting to pool resources so that they can stand up to these corporate overlords with more money than God. Unions exist because you might not have the words, resources, or time to fight workplace injustices all by yourself. That’s the whole fucking point.

And if a business shuts down because a union is striking, it’s because the business was abusing people and didn’t deserve to be in business anyway. Don’t make excuses for the corporations. They already have trillions of dollars and a couple million lawyers to do that for themselves. They don’t need your help.


It’s not about the productivity. If we worked less, we’d have time to cook our own meals, fix our devices, do DIY projects, grow food, talk to our neighbors, improve our communities, get our stuff from real stores instead of ordering on amazon, maybe even go around and find a small business instead of just going to walmart because it’s easy, walk or bike instead of drive, play in the park instead of collapsing in front of the TV to turn our brains off, look around a public library instead of just buying online, etc, etc, etc

Exhausted people are easy to sell convenience to and easy to isolate. If we had time, we’d realize we don’t need them

Liberalism can’t explain things like why we still work 8 hour days when it’s well-proven that 4 hour days increase both happiness and overall productivity because it can’t recognize the fundamentally adversarial relationship we have with the owning class. The missing piece of the puzzle is that the rich directly benefit from keeping us miserable, and that will continue to be the case as long as they’re rewarded for exploiting us. Reform won’t fix that, taxation won’t fix it, redistribution won’t fix it. Only abolishing centralized ownership of the means of production will


Okay Bernie stans.

I need you all to prepare yourselves to vote for Biden in November.  

I’m not happy about it either.  I wanted Elizabeth Warren to destroy Trump on the debate floor.  I wanted to watch her shatter the glass ceiling.  I wanted student loan forgiveness, Medicare for All, and refugee and immigrant protections.

But I’m not going to get that.  So I am going all in for Biden.

This can no longer be a matter of “well if I don’t get my way THEN I’M NOT VOTING”.  I’d hoped you all learned your lessons four years ago, but from what I’ve seen on social media, that’s not been the case.  Biden is not ideal but he is better than the alternative.  He is a Democrat who will continue Obama’s legacy.  And you have a shot in hell of getting progressive movements like Medicare for All under a blue majority Congress; we do not have that under Trump.  

Biden is more willing to listen to the progressive factions of the Democrat party than Trump is.  We will get shit done under him.    

We cannot survive a second term of Trump.  I need you all to hold your noses, put on your big girl pants, and deal with it.  Prepare to vote for Biden.

Also, I’ve reviewed most of his plans and they are good.  No, they are not as good as Warren’s plans.  But he commits to LGBTQ+ protections, repealing the transgender in the military ban, and his refugee/immigration protections are way better than I expected (he actually has some culpability to the deportations under the Obama administration).

He is a good choice, guys.  Maybe not the best.  But he will get us to where we need to be and is a fucking return to SANITY in the government, which we badly fucking need.


Two, TWO Supreme Court justices are on the table for the next president, plus all the other federal judges McConnell has been stacking benches with the past three years. That’s Roe v. Wade, and a whole lot else, for the foreseeable future. 

The reality is that we live in a two party system and while I do not want Biden, I am capable of recognizing nuance and shades of gray. If it comes down to Biden, as it very likely may he will not do as much damage as four more years of Trump, and that is an ethical imperative. 

This is also why we all MUST vote down-ticket as well. 


Biden’s win allows RBG and Stephen Breyer to retire.

Think about that. 

Not voting isn’t a protest. It’s a surrender. If we want change, real change, then we have to drag our country to the left. One. Election. At. A time. It’s not an all-or-nothing scenario. So if it comes down to it, vote for Biden. Get on the bus headed away from fascism and the alt-right. If that bus isn’t heading directly to where we want to go, then we ride it until we have a chance to get on a different bus. Not voting is NOT an option.


How DARE Indigenous protestors (*checks notes*) mildly inconvenience Canadians by demonstrating against (*checks notes again*) an illegal invasion of unceded Wet'suwet'en land in support of an industry that’s (*checks notes a final time*) actively working to kill all life on Earth!


Yeah, if only they’d… *checks notes* wait, they have no legal form of protest? None? All the white settlers I know seem so sure there’s a politer way to do it!

(For clarification about this addition: Yes Canada literally passed a law that marks Indigenous protesters as terrorists. [Link] [Link] [Link])


Dad got four months in jail, mother for house arrest for three months.

Pretty lenient considering they let an infant suffer needlessly.

Remember when that black mother left her kids in the running car to go to a job interview? She was sentenced to 18 years of probation. Wow..

Remember the black mom who left her kids IN A FOOD COURT for a job interview & was charged with child abandonment? Wow. Interesting


White people: literally kill their child out of willing ignorance, slap on the wrist

Black people: attempts to improve their livelihood & leaves their children for less than 30min in a nearby public location or with a whole babysitter & is lawfully reprimanded for decades

Just disgusting


The US government blocked a bill providing 14 days of paid sick leave for employees due to coronavirus.

Want to know the reason for blocking it? It would put a strain on employers. The capitalist class will always prioritize their well-being over their less wealthy fellow humans, and this is yet another example.

Profit-motivated approaches to health crises treat human life as part of a cost-benefit analysis, and capitalism is the new divine right of kings: Some people, due to their supposed rightful social status, deserve to live above all others.

By the way, the 14 days of paid sick leave, according to the bill, only has to happen during public health emergencies.

So not only is it just 14 days, it isn’t even a regular occurrence. Still rejected.


Please vote for Bernie! Every vote is important to reach a majority of 1991 delegates before the convention, so please make sure to stay in line and still vote even if you hear Bernie has won in your state.


Make phone calls —> http://berniesanders.com/call

Download the BERN app —> http://berniesanders.app.link

Dont let Biden ride the ‘obama’ wave… Look past the gild.


capitalists will literally be like "it's cheaper to address homelessness by installing hostile architecture and hoping they all die rather than giving them a place to live" and bootlickers will be like "sounds good to me"

and studies will be like “No, it literally IS cheaper to give them a place to live” than do other shit” and bootlickers will be like “SOUNDS FAKE!”



The last one is it. You can show them the research demonstrating that it will be cheaper and they’ll say, literally HAVE said, that giving them something “before they earned it” is in some way immoral, that it’s somehow unfair or hurtful to people who have jobs, and that it will make people “lazier.” They genuinely think the threat of starvation and death is where work ethic comes from and that this is the glue holding civilization together. They also tend to convince themselves that people who are homeless often did something to deserve it, and therefore we must keep them punished until they fix their situation by themselves.

These are murderous, sadistic, obscene views to hold and the people who choose to hold them barely have any humanity.

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