
Seeking inspiration

@reviving-my-heart / reviving-my-heart.tumblr.com

I love cats, nature, photography, art, polka dots, Lady Gaga and my girlfriend. Pizza is Heaven 🍕
I also believe strongly in social justice and equality.
My blog is a reflection of that which touches my heart.
As you get older, you really start to understand more about why people drink the night away, smoke their lungs black, or throw themselves off buildings.

(via bled)



She dwelt in the gardens of Lórien, and among all his people there were none more beautiful than Melian, nor more wise, nor more skilled in songs of enchantment. Nightingales went always with her, and she taught them their song; and she loved the deep shadows of the great trees.



Space Saving Rooms

also known as Lofted Bedrooms, check these out, and a few other cool bedroom designs. I’m already drawing up a design to have one done for my house in the Philippines.

I’m in the middle of very serious procrastinating and my gosh. I want a loft bed. I love sleeping up high. Like a bird of prey. >:|

Why yes i would like all of these.


I want it…

the second one gimme


Oh hell yeah


“I invented myself, Lady Gaga, I curated my life to be an expression of my pain. This is how I overcame my depression. It’s by creating somebody that I felt was stronger than me. But once I went through all sorts of changes, my career taking off, becoming isolated … nothing was able to fix how I was genetically made. I was born this way.”

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