
Not So Imagines.

@notsoimagines / notsoimagines.tumblr.com

The Outsiders & Supernatural. I do not own any of the GIFS or pictures I use, credit goes to the rightful owner.Ships are always open. The best way to search through is to use the tags.
Anonymous asked:

Hi so for a request idea dally and Tim platonic or romantic. Thank you sm😁

Thank you for asking/ requesting. I'm gonna go with Tim because well.. I love him. 😊 Also this is not proof-read, I was writing on the fly.

Tim Shepard Romantic Headcannons:

-Would def. take a while / time in general to get him to date you if he was serious. I dont think he does relationships unless they are serious though.

-You'd be wearing a ring / necklace something of his to show around town that you were his and lord help anyone who questions you being his or someone trying to get with you.

-I dont see him being all lovey dovey mushy romantic, but he'd get the door for you, keep his hand on the small of your back, throw an arm around you.

-Also I think if he came across something, possibly he stole it, and it reminded him of you or think you'd like it he'd give it to you.

-When its you and him alone though he'd be the type to give you softer kisser or a forehead kiss. Not in front of anyone, maybe Angela and Curly though because he's knows they wont say anything and two Tim would flip his lid.

-What else? He has for sure tried to cook dinner / breakfast for you before but it did not turn out great. It'd edible but barley and his neck would be beat red blushing when you try it, tell him it's great though. Its not something he'd do for just anyone.

-Loves when you tell someone to shove it and aren't interested in them especially if you beat 'ol Tim to the punch so he can just sit there and grin while looking on.

-IDK I would keep going but it'd get ridiculous.

Anonymous asked:

Hi so for a request idea dally and Tim platonic or romantic. Thank you sm😁

Thank you for asking/ requesting. I'm gonna go with Tim because well.. I love him. 😊 Also this is not proof-read, I was writing on the fly.

Tim Shepard Romantic Headcannons:

-Would def. take a while / time in general to get him to date you if he was serious. I dont think he does relationships unless they are serious though.

-You'd be wearing a ring / necklace something of his to show around town that you were his and lord help anyone who questions you being his or someone trying to get with you.

-I dont see him being all lovey dovey mushy romantic, but he'd get the door for you, keep his hand on the small of your back, throw an arm around you.

-Also I think if he came across something, possibly he stole it, and it reminded him of you or think you'd like it he'd give it to you.

-When its you and him alone though he'd be the type to give you softer kisser or a forehead kiss. Not in front of anyone, maybe Angela and Curly though because he's knows they wont say anything and two Tim would flip his lid.

-What else? He has for sure tried to cook dinner / breakfast for you before but it did not turn out great. It'd edible but barley and his neck would be beat red blushing when you try it, tell him it's great though. Its not something he'd do for just anyone.

-Loves when you tell someone to shove it and aren't interested in them especially if you beat 'ol Tim to the punch so he can just sit there and grin while looking on.

-IDK I would keep going but it'd get ridiculous.


readers: if you want an author to update and it’s been a while, talk to them about their headcanons and characterizations for that fic. ask them why they made the choices they did.

9 times out of 10, you might spark something :)

Anonymous asked:

Hi! Can I have an outsiders ship? I’m 5’4” female with dark brown curly/wavy hair, Caucasian, blue eyes, sharp facial features, and a lean build. I’m sarcastic, honest, smart, spunky, driven, impatient, sassy, fashionable. I’m responsible (most of the time), I like to travel, work out, and shop! I have an rbf and am kinda quiet, so I seem cold/unapproachable but as long as people are respectful to me I’m unusually respectful to them. I can have a temper though, and argue for fun sometimes lol.


Anonymous asked:

Can I have a outsiders Ship? I am at a average height with brown eyes, brown wavy hair. I like art and I do boxing, parkour, and skateboarding as a sport. I live in my whole life California. I am a introvert, but I do and say what i want. I will do anything for my friends, though i have a hard time trusting people. Im not close to my family and prefer to spend time with my friends instead. I wear dark colors and go comfort over fashion. Thanks


Anonymous asked:

Can I get a ship from The Outsiders? I'm a girl (5'4) with dark blond hair and my eyes are a mix of brown and dark green. My hair is short, straight but kinda messy, and I have a flat body, not curvy at all. I love to talk about my favourite books, songs and movies. I have an old vynil discs colletion, and I also daydream a lot. I usually study a lot and get good grades at school, I get anxious and stressed easily and people say I'm too mature for my age.


Anonymous asked:

Hey could I possibly get a ship?I'm 5'3 and I have brown hair and eyes,if that's relevant.Some of my favourite classes in school at the moment are drama,gym and art,where I can be active,expressive or just have a little fun. Most of the time,I seem quiet or cold,but with friends I literally do not shut up.Final thing I have such a shitty sense of humour like I'll laugh at a piece of bread falling over I'm not even kidding-


Anonymous asked:

ace = asexual!

I’ll be honest, I’m not comfortable writing this, only because I feel like I’ll get it wrong and I don’t want to start a Tumblr war.

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