
Run Your World

@awkward-flamingo / awkward-flamingo.tumblr.com

Morall • WA • Cancer
(side blog: moody-moon-witch)

This is what society needs, less stigma around gay people trying to find what everyone else does. For people who aren’t lgbtq to understand that we are just trying and if you aren’t attracted to us don’t take it offensively or weirdly and just politely say no. I wish I had the courage to give guys my number in public.


This is what society needs, less stigma around gay people trying to find what everyone else does. For people who aren’t lgbtq to understand that we are just trying and if you aren’t attracted to us don’t take it offensively or weirdly and just politely say no. I wish I had the courage to give guys my number in public.


This is what society needs, less stigma around gay people trying to find what everyone else does. For people who aren’t lgbtq to understand that we are just trying and if you aren’t attracted to us don’t take it offensively or weirdly and just politely say no. I wish I had the courage to give guys my number in public.


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ALICE ROOSEVELT WAS HARDCORE. “She was known as a rule-breaker in an era when women were under great pressure to conform. The American public noticed many of her exploits. She smoked cigarettes in public, swore at officials, rode in cars with men, stayed out late partying, kept a pet snake named Emily Spinach (Emily as in her spinster aunt and Spinach for its green color) in the White House, and was seen placing bets with a bookie. 


So what I’m reading here is, she was a Roosevelt?

Well I have a new hero.

Her whole wikipedia article is gold

“When her father was governor of New York, he and his wife proposed that Alice attend a conservative school for girls in New York City. Pulling out all the stops, Alice wrote, ‘If you send me I will humiliate you. I will do something that will shame you. I tell you I will.’”

“Her father took office in 1901 following the assassination of President William McKinley, Jr. in Buffalo (an event that she greeted with “sheer rapture.”)“

“During the cruise to Japan, Alice jumped into the ship’s pool fully clothed, and coaxed a congressman to join her in the water. (Years later Bobby Kennedy would chide her about the incident, saying it was outrageous for the time, to which the by-then-octogenarian Alice replied that it would only have been outrageous had she removed her clothes.”

“She was dressed in a blue wedding dress and dramatically cut the wedding cake with a sword (borrowed from a military aide attending the reception)”

“When it came time for the Roosevelt family to move out of the White House, Alice buried a Voodoo doll of the new First Lady, Nellie Taft, in the front yard.”

“Later, the Taft White House banned her from her former residence—the first but not the last administration to do so. During Woodrow Wilson’s administration (from which she was banned in 1916 for a bawdy joke at Wilson’s expense)…”

“As an example of her attitudes on race, in 1965 her African-American chauffeur and one of her best friends, Turner, was driving Alice to an appointment. During the trip, he pulled out in front of a taxi, and the driver got out and demanded to know of him, “What do you think you’re doing, you black bastard?” Turner took the insult calmly, but Alice did not and told the taxi driver, “He’s taking me to my destination, you white son of a bitch!”

“To Senator Joseph McCarthy, who had jokingly remarked at a party “Here’s my blind date. I am going to call you Alice”, she sarcastically said “Senator McCarthy, you are not going to call me Alice. The trashman and the policeman on my block call me Alice, but you may not.”


I love this woman.



This is Alice as an older lady. The pillow says “If you can’t say something good about someone, sit right here by me.” 

She is my absolute favorite. 


This is great! I’d love a film about her.


it’s sad that puppets are more accepting than people…



Y’all joke about it, but let me tell you a story: See, back in ‘94 (yeah, you youngins), our sociology teacher mentioned that today was the 25th anniversary of Sesame Street. And he proceeded to tell a story.

See, he was in kindergarten when Sesame Street first aired, and he saw the first episode, live, with his classmates. He described the experience of seeing this for the first time as incredible. The entire class loved it.

The next day, however, the teacher announced that they could no longer show it, due to some people upset that it showed interracial friendships, of kids of different ethnicities playing together. Keep in mind that this show was only two years after laws banning interracial marriages were overturned.

So yeah. They’ve been doing the right thing before many of us here were even alive.

They also handled death better than pretty much any show ever. I remember when Mr Hooper died. Well, really the actor playing him died. They could have written around it or ignored it, but they didn’t. They did a whole show about death and grief, and it was moving and completely perfect. And it pissed people off because it was a kids show and I guess some people think kid shows should be happy all the time. Sesame street is the best show. I would have said so at 5, and I still say so as a childfree 35 year old.

Children’s media should respect the intelligence of their audience and Sesame Street won’t flinch from that.

This is all so true, which makes it even worse that new episodes of Sesame Street are effectively behind a 6 month paywall.


Behold the most disgustingly aggressive display of Americanness

I’m just picturing some dude sitting at the dinner table, his assault rifles propped up in the other chairs

“Can you pass the salad, Mom?” he asks the AK-47, but she doesn’t pass the salad

She never passes the salad

“Hey Mom, can you pass the salad?”

“You always do this to me, Mom.”


Please, I have to know: How the hell did you manage to eat poison ivy without realizing what it was??


Alrighty, I’ve told this story before, but it’s been about a year.

Now, understand that I am a camping and scouting veteran, a camp counselor, and an avid hiker; I know damn well what poison ivy looks like, along with every possible rhyme to remind a person.

Leaves of three let it be, red tint, it’s not difficult. I could spot the stuff from a mile away.

But this was a special occasion.

I was a brand new wildlife student, two years ago, facing for some reason my toughest challenge yet–Dendrology lab. We learned about 10-20 new trees every week in the field, and every week we were also tested on what we learned last class (along with their scientific names).

Memorizing Latin wasn’t an issue, but I was having notable trouble keeping up with identification (and we weren’t even into autumn yet, when the leaves are gone).

Now, when you’ve been doing something for years and years, it’s easy to sometimes overlook something odd, because you tend to fall into a habit of glancing and moving on, confident in your assessment, as long as the stakes aren’t enormous. So this is a field quiz, no big deal. My professor is relaxed. He’s an impressive dude with a lot of knowledge, and he could probably about identify a tree blindfolded using some sort of echolocation known only to foresters.

So when he glanced at a small but particularly interesting poison ivy plant, he didn’t notice something crucial, which was its uncharacteristic leaf.

See, we were just a few classes into the semester, so we only knew about two trees with a very specific type of leaf called a “mitten lobe,” and those were Sassafras and Box elder.

Sassafras can actually produce three different leaves, the middle one in the photo being the mitten lobe (x):

So this poison ivy plant was not only growing out of the ground like a sapling, instead of as a vine or small shrub like we were used to, but it also had a mitten lobe as one of its few leaves.

I’m not sure if it was a mutated plant, or what exactly was going on, but this is not a normal thing.

Our professor missed it, but we were all hyper-analyzing this tree, because we were new to identification. So of course we all saw the mitten lobe and thought, well it’s either sassafras or box elder!

So, there are a few ways to tell sassafras and box elder apart. One method–in retrospect, the recommended method–being the branch alignment, and the other being the distinctive smell and taste of sassafras (if you crush a leaf, it smells a lot like fruit loops).

And how are a bunch of new, gung-ho students halfway through a test and eyeball-deep in stress going to decide on the difference?

We’re going to stick the leaf in our mouths.

So we all grabbed a leaf and tore it apart to share with our classmates and stuck the pieces in our mouths. Understand when I say not a single student knew the mistake we were making, because they absolutely would have interrupted the test.

Our professor was distracted, and we were all chewing slowly, as if at a wine tasting, mulling over the taste of the leaf and our options. It didn’t taste like sassafras, or like anything, really.

Which I said. Which is when our professor turned to me in horror and said “Molly Anne, did you just eat that leaf?”

I told him yes, and he was SO Plainly Horrified that I’m not kidding when I say half of the class–the half that hadn’t partaken in our cursed salad–immediately realized what we had done and put their pencils to their test to write in “poison ivy.”

Anyway, once it dawned on us our terrible mistake, a few things happened:

My professor asked us how we managed this, and we basically kept repeating “THE MITTEN LOBE” over and over again.

I called my mom, and she immediately said “you’re not doing well in Dendrology, are you?”

She went to Poison control for advice, and I had to break the news to my classmates that we were likely to break out orally and anally.

After the quiz, I went home for the day, and my professor called me twice to make sure I was alright.

I had never gotten poison ivy before, so I held out hope my apparent immunity would hold up for me in my darkest hour.

Although I wasn’t the only leaf-eater, I was the loudest and most dramatic in the aftermath (I found it hilarious), so I became known as the Only Fallen Dendrology Student in the incident.

When it came up in a lecture later that week, one of my professors laughed, “that was you?”

I am pleased to report that I did not break out. However, a few of my classmates weren’t so lucky and said they got it badly in their throat.

A week later, once of my classes toured an herb farm, and I asked to taste every single plant we saw, even when told “sure….you can…but it’s disgusting.”

Someone in my class couldn’t believe my dedication and said, “didn’t you just eat poison ivy like a day ago?”

Yes, I did.


btw, it’s a common urban legend that eating poison ivy will result in a week of hell, and then you will gain immunity. this isn’t true. don’t fucking eat poison ivy.


Sophie Scholl’s last words: 

“How can we expect righteousness to prevail when there is hardly anyone willing to give himself up individually to a righteous cause? Such a fine sunny day, and I have to go, but what does my death matter, if through us thousands of people are awakened and stirred to action?”

Quote from Traudl Junge, Hitler’s private secretary from 1942-45:

Of course, the terrible things I heard from the Nuremberg Trials, about the six million Jews and the people from other races who were killed, were facts that shocked me deeply. But I wasn’t able to see the connection with my own past. I was satisfied that I wasn’t personally to blame and that I hadn’t known about those things. I wasn’t aware of the extent. But one day I went past the memorial plaque which had been put up for Sophie Scholl in Franz Josef Strasse, and I saw that she was born the same year as me, and she was executed the same year I started working for Hitler. And at that moment I actually sensed that it was no excuse to be young, and that it would have been possible to find things out. 


Well… the rains gotta stop somewhere

Oh my god, someone has footage of it! I remember one time my dad, lil brother, and I were leaving a Ryan’s. We were waiting for a chance to hop onto the road and in the distance we just saw everything turn grey. We saw it come closer and closer and come to find out it was rain! It was just a wall of rain - the end of the rain, really. I’ve never seen it again, but it’s so cool to see footage of the edge of rain!

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