
misshapen diamond

@antilethean / antilethean.tumblr.com

naomi / 27 / she/her ✡️

Israel pink washing this, israel brown washing that,

Okay but have you considered that you might be reverse colour washing Israel?

Random Jews and Israeli's online speaking about their queer experiences is not pink washing. Pink washing cannot be done at the indivdual level. Claiming that queer Jews and Israeli's are pink washing is reverse pink washing.

Calling all jews white or Israel a "white" state is reverse brown washing. Jews and Israeli's of colour exist. And we deserve to be more than an argument you keep in your bag.

Lying about Israel's emmissions is reverse green washing. Example;

Israel has emmited 281,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent within the first 2 months of the war. Globally each year, over 35 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide and carbon dioxide equivalent gets emitted. Assuming they meant within 2 months as well and not a whole year, taking the 2019 figure of 37.04 billion metric tons, two months of global emissons are 6.173 billion tons.

Israel hasn't even reached the billions. Israel's emissions from the first two months of war is 0.0045 of global emissions within 2 months.

Its not even one percent.


anyway i love u "losers" and "boring" people in ur teens and 20s i love you anxious people i love you autists i love you disabled people i love you chronically ill people i love you immunocompromised people i love you people who can't go out and do stereotypical teen/20s activities and i love you people who don't want to. forever!!!


sometimes i wonder if every part of my personality these days is a glowing beacon that shrieks to the world "this woman has a tumblr account!" and i start to get legitimately concerned about it except then i remember that all the people best equipped to recognize the signs in the wild are also on this website so. devil's sacrament, etc. the fact that the phrase "devil's sacrament" came so readily to my mind just then is probably a point in favor of an affirmative answer to that first question isn't it


the fact that we all understood what you meant by "devil's sacrament" without a second thought is proof of the second statement


Decolonize Palestine is a terrible source that erases Jewish and Palestinian history

It's a propaganda site and I will explain/show why.

Disclaimer-I absolutely believe in and support Palestinian self determination just like I support Jewish self determination. What I don't support is propaganda. There's plenty of reputable sources out there that support Palestinian self determination. This is NOT one of them. Bad history only harms, never helps.

Right here, we deal with loaded words-dismal world image. Already, you're being told Israel has a dismal world image. I actually don't know how Israel's world image is. I would image, like any other country, views will shift and change depending on what's happening. There's a conclusion drawn here though. It also sticks out because everything else is based on Palestine, but a sudden jab at Israel was placed here.

Let's talk about the rainbow washing and why that's a problem. First and foremost, Israel is the only nation I know of to receive this kind of criticism. In fact, it (pinkwashing) was actually specifically coined for Israel. It's extremely rare for any other country to have this levied at them.

On top of that issue, it also denies Israelis agency in their gov't and makes it seem like the gov't is just this faceless evil entity and that everything that changes for the better is suspect; not done because the Israelis there voted/protested/etc, but solely due to the gov't just allowing it so they can use it for nefarious ends. That's wildly antisemitic for various reasons and while I am focusing on pinkwashing, the same can be said of the other 'washings' Israel is accused of.

Honestly, 'washing' in general is more used against businesses as well. So there's also that factor to consider on why Israel is the top target by far for this (It's antisemitism-not a stretch for people to think Israel is a faceless evil looking to control the world to also think of it in a more monetary sense because Jewish people=money antisemitism at play).

It also tends to be highly generalized criticism with little to no additional research done into said issue.

It completely erases Ancient Israel and Judea. Indeed, there's no mention of these ancient kingdoms. It mentions Rome, Assyria, etc, but not anything involving the indigenous Israelites. This is flat out erasure.

It brings up the Peleset Tablet as proof. The group in question there is the Philistines. Who were they? People from the Aegean that came and settled into the southern Levant, and came into conflict with the indigenous people there-particularly the Israelites. They would later be completely assimilated into the Achaemenid Empire.

There's a massive jump to suddenly the Ottoman Empire. Wiki has at least a paragraph talking about the later periods. The periods skipped are the Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine, Arab Conquest, Crusader, Ayyubid, Mamluk then the Ottoman Empire. That's a shitton of history to skip over. Important to note is that about a 100 years after Jesus Christ died, Rome got sick of the ancient Jews (the Kingdom of Israel having been destroyed by Assyria, leaving the Kingdom of Judea as the only surviving kingdom) telling them to fuck off and devastated the region. This forced many into exile when not put into slavery and those that were able to remain were forbidden from their most holy city/site-Jerusalem. The Romans also renamed Judea to Syria Palaestina. Palaestina being the Roman version of the name Philistines and done deliberately to try and erase Jewish people from their homeland. They were THAT PISSED at the Jewish people for their rebellions against Roman rule and wanted to praise the Greeks that aided in putting down the rebellion-remember the Philistines came from around Greece.

I cannot stress ENOUGH on how much erasure of Jewish history is in this section and on how they are trying to tie a group related to Ancient Greeks to modern day Palestine. It's a fictional narrative and it skips over the many different empires that took over the area, Christianization and Islamification and how those affected the peoples living there.

To the shock of no one the Ottoman Section absolutely downplays the issues Jewish people had there.

The site erases Theodor Herzl's Jewishness in favor of playing up him being European. As a reminder, Judaism is an ethnoreligion-you can be both atheist and Jewish AND a European surname doesn't mean the person is of European descent. There is also downplaying of Jewish indigeneity to the Southern Levant. There's also a severe lack of discussion on the violence of Arabs and Jews towards each other as well as the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem having met with Hitler and being allies.

It is an extremely one sided affair. There is much to criticize on how Israel developed, but this isn't it. At all. Honestly, I could continue reading on, but there's no point really. There's so much wrong historically that it's not worth it to me.

A brief view of the sources listed are of people that do not see Jewish people as indigenous and are very one sided. Basically, the site itself has the conclusion that everything with Jewish people and/or Israel is bad and from the glance I got from their list, they curated it to 'prove' the conclusion they came to.

Thank you so much for doing this. I didn’t even know where to begin with how awful this site is.


fondly remembering when this girl i despise here in town posted some shit accusing random tgirls (including me) of being terfs and then she deleted every post and put this up

like i think about this all the fucking time i’m not joking anytime i delete a post i think about daddy said to take down my posts because im better than those people


one argument I keep coming across in relation to Israel is that "no one deserves an ethnostate" and, even ignoring my own discomfort at applying a white supremacist term to a Jewish state, it's an argument I hate for a few reasons:

  1. It's wrong - Israel may be a Jewish state and thus built on Jewish traditions, culture and religion (but is that any different than Muslim nations like Pakistan, or even Western countries which have Christianity built into their foundations?), but not all Israelis are Jewish; there are Muslim Israelis and Buddhist Israelis and Christian Israelis
  2. 'ethnostate', by virtue of having been coined by white supremacists, bring to mind a swathe of white, US/European colonisers, and while many Israelis have European/USamerican ancestry, there are Israelis from North Africa and the Middle East and South Asia as well - many of whom came to Israel fleeing persecution in their own lands, which brings me to:
  3. the argument is ignoring historical context; Israel is not the result (solely) of a European imperialist mindset - why do Jews, specifically, get a state of their own? Well, because historically, we have been kicked out or (attempted) ethnically cleansed from all other countries - the fear of pogroms, the anxiety of wondering when we'll have to flee again, is built into our culture, traditions, our DNA, and the only way to avoid a government that'll suddenly, from one day to the next, decide that it hates Jews and wants us dead, is to make our own country and our own government
  4. and finally: it's a useless point to make. Whether you think Israel is a legitimate state or not doesn't actually matter or make any difference; the fact of the matter is that Israel is an internationally recognised state, and that's the fact we have to work off.

Does all of this mean Israel hasn't committed war crimes? No. Does this mean that Palestinians deserve to be murdered and driven from their homes? No.

But it does mean that, once again, leftists online need to come and join the rest of us in the real world - which includes nuance and historical context and other such complicated things - if they want to help foster real change.


Not to mention no ethnostate could ever be 20% populated by the people leftists claim are being "ethnically cleansed", when at least one member of said 20% holds a powerful position in said state's government, AND of the remaining 80%, dozens of other ethnicities have not even been names yet. Like Israel is point blank the LEAST ethnostatic country (idk if that's a term) in the entire Middle East, based off my multiple visits to the area, and a cursory scroll through google while I calm down from the adrenaline spike of the libelous bullshit in my recent askbox.


If a worker who isn't the owner says ANYTHING similar to "I'm not really supposed to do this but-" and then does something that helps you, under no circumstances inform the business, including through reviews. You tell them that the worker was polite, professional, the very model of customer service and why you like to go there. You do not breathe a word of the rulebreaking.

Employee-customer solidarity


Even if they don't- Your review can be the thing that wrecks someone up accidentally;

"Janie was so helpful when I wanted to buy a new washing machine on Friday, she stayed with me for half an hour and wasn't pushy at all, we had a good laugh about our cats' silly antics and she got Adam and Suzy to carry it to the car for me- 10/10 excellent service, I'd come back any day!"

-But Management has a policy that workers should spend no more than 10 focused minutes on any customer at a time, and that they should always try to upsell the insurance and the higher price model, so Janie was breaking policy.

-And they aren't supposed to have their phones on the sales floor, so now Janie is going to be quizzed on whether she was showing photos of her cat to a customer.

-Adam is a warehouse worker and shouldn't have been in the front-of-house at all, Suzy is a porter, and store policy is both to use a trolley to move heavy items, and that only the porters should do it, so now Janie is in trouble for pulling Adam off-task, Adam is in trouble for walking through the shop floor, and Suzy is in trouble for poor handling procedure. Maybe the store even has a paid delivery service that Janie was supposed to upsell as soon as you said "I can't put this in my car without help", so this was all against policy.

Your review should always be as bland as possible, "10/10, five star service, will shop here again, thank you to Janie at the Town Street branch" You NEVER know what was technically a rule-break, capitalism is not your friend, the review process is part of the panopticon.



I am not ashamed to be Jewish.

I am sad that some in our community are. I wish you weren’t. I wish that you could see the value and beauty and joy of being Jewish. I wish that you did not feel survivor’s guilt. I wish that you had not been swayed to internalize the logic of collective punishment that tells you that you must feel shame for things you did not do and have no control over.

We deserve to see ourselves, not with the eyes of our oppressors, but those who love us. I hope you will learn to see yourself and your people that way—not with shame & self-loathing but love & pride in who you are 💙

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