



I can’t stress to you how fucking important it is to tell your child you’re proud of them TO THEIR FACE. Don’t fucking wait until the moment they go into hysterics. Don’t wait until they tell you that they don’t think you’re proud of them. FUCKING TELL THEM EVERY DAY. Even if it’s something you don’t understand, and they’re BEAMING, you fucking tell that child you’re proud of them. Don’t wait until it’s too late.

It makes me sad that 2k of you relate to this. I’M PROUD OF YOU OK. I’M PROUD OF ALL OF YOU AND I LOVE YOU.


The lynching of Jesse Washington. Washington was beaten with shovels and bricks,was castrated, and his ears were cut off. A tree supported the iron chain that lifted him above the fire. Jesse attempted to climb up the skillet hot chain. For this, the men cut off his fingers. Jesse was 15. 1916.

This is only one of the many images I see when I think of racism.

White followers and white people in general: Take a long hard look at this picture. Take a long hard look at the spectators to this abhorrent crime. The people who were behind the gruesome death of this 15 year old boy.

This is why Black people cannot just ‘get over it’.

This is why we are ‘whining’ and ‘complaining’ so much.

This is why you, white people, cannot say the word, nigger.

More fucking reblogs. 

No you can’t touch my hair.

No you can’t say NIGGA, IDGAF if the rappers do.

Stay in your lane. 

And so many of my white followers are going to ignore this post like they ignore any other black culture post I make.

While the what happened to this guy was fucking disgusting, a little fact checking is in order.

He was 17 and has been convicted of the rape and murder of a local woman. He confessed in court and was sentenced to death, this is where the mob comes in.

Don’t tell half of a story to make a political point.




I spent three weeks in a mental hospital and what I discovered there I feel like should be put into words.

we are not who you think we are.

the boy with turrets told the funniest jokes

the girl who raked her nails up and down her skin could create the most exquisite drawings

the girl who abused drugs had the wisest soul

the boy with schizophrenia had the biggest heart

the girl who tried to kill herself told the boy with insomnia stories to help lure him to sleep

the boy who wanted to kill himself had the deepest passion for cooking

the girl with slits and scars all over her body dried my tears and told me I was beautiful

the boy with anger issues gave the warmest hugs

the girl with bulimia told everyone every day that they looked beautiful in their bodies

the boy who was a compulsive liar told us that he wanted us all to get better, and that he was for once telling the truth

the girl who almost drank herself to death stood up for anyone that felt they were feeling bullied

the boy with social anxiety made sure nobody sat alone at meals

we are not who you think we are.

*slams reblog button*

literally crying


I really don’t care what kind of blogs you have, This deserves a reblog

man the last image really got me..

The second to last really killed me.

A simple thing we see frequently on the Internet being put into the perspective of real life.

The last one put me to tears all I can think is my grandpa and how much I miss him

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