
The extroverted wallflower, The social introvert


I'll think of something better later... #BlackLivesMatter

“We both are in the middle, and nobody teases us for it.”

ICYMI: Kumu Hina, an indigenous Hawaiian hula teacher who identifies as mahu (”in the middle” when it comes to gender), comforts a transgender student in the trailer for the upcoming film A Place in the Middle. (via BuzzFeed)


This is an incredible mini-documentary, its 25 min out of your day but I seriously recommend watching it. Such a great story about recognizing the gender spectrum and de colonizing one’s history. Bawled my eyes out 10/10 would recommend. 


This is absolutely beautiful and Im deeply touched by this  little film, holy shit. Its pure beauty. everybody go watch

Anonymous asked:

hi, I'm a girl with darkness around her mouth, should I use skin bleachers to make it go away? is there anything I can use, it looks like I have 5 o clock shadow 😩😩 please help

first try vitamin c serum, vitamin e oil, raw potato juice, or aloe vera gel (I’d recommend all of these before a skin bleacher) and see how they work first

in the meantime, color correct using an orange/peach color corrector depending upon your skin tone – the darker you are the more orange your color corrector should be.. I really love LA girl’s orange concealer that is super cheap, perfect for medium to dark skin tones and if you’re lighter then just use it in moderation.

cover the corrector with foundation after blending and you’ll notice a huge difference because a lot of times hyper pigmentation still appears even through concealer and foundations (especially in areas around the mouth or under the eyes)


the most annoying thing about summer is whenever you feel a mysterious tickle you think it’s a bug tryna make your flesh its new home? then you slap yourself for no reason only to realize ain’t no bug even there. now you lookin dumb. tryna fight imaginary bugs all summer and shit. but you won’t learn. you’ll just keep smackin yourself

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