

@breenlala / breenlala.tumblr.com

20-something she/they

I’m so emotional about dinosaur stuffed animals,,, there are these creatures, extinct long before any of us were alive, but we found their bones and their eggs and their footprints. And we made drawings and models of what they could’ve looked like. And we made them into stuffed animals so we could hold them. We made them soft so we could love them. I’m sobbing


Yeah, we're the animal so preoccupied with petting other animals we're sort of collectively upset there are animals we never get to pet, so we make proxies to snuggle and tell their ghosts we'd have loved them if they were here.

...and tell their ghosts we'd have loved them if they were here.

Hang on i just have to cry for a minute


when u exit hyperfocus mode and ur immediately hit with every status effect ever


Oh fuck I gotta pee. Wait wait, I can’t stand up I’m gonna fall over. Shit I haven’t eaten in like 23 hours. Damn I’m thirsty, maybe I should— fuck why am I nauseous? Oh, I didn’t eat, right. It’s WHAT time? 3AM? Do I even have time to eat? Shit, I forgot to take my meds earlier. Or did I? Damnit. Why is my head pounding, oh, right, haven’t eaten and I’m dehydrated… fuck I still gotta pee

*minimizes word document and stands up* My body:


through a series of unfortunate (drunk) events last night my art ended up in the hands of the dunkin’ donuts CEO. btw

so the thing about going to school for an illustration degree is that basically everyone knows it’s a financial death sentence. so at least once every semester they make you pretend you’re a successful illustrator closing a financially lucrative editorial or advertising deal. in my most recent semester at art college my court-mandated advertising assignment ended in me producing two illustrations advertising for dunkin’ donuts, purely because i had a dunkin iced in my hand when i was frantically trying to come up with a concept the day before sketches were due.

last night i got home for the summer, and as is tradition in my household i showed my parents most of the art i’d created for the past semester. as is also tradition in my household, all three of us were drinking heavily the entire time. this art show included the aforementioned dunkin’ donuts ads.

my mother, several glasses of wine deep, becomes very excited upon seeing the dunkin ads, and tells me she HAS to text them to her brother, who used to work in sales for dunkin. I, also several glasses of wine deep, remember very little about my uncle’s job but know that he is retired. i agree to let her send them to him.

my uncle (sober, presumably) texts her back immediately and says that he loves them and wants to send them to his “old boss” at dunkin. my mother and i (drunk) agree to this. he sends the images to his boss. what everyone has neglected to mention to me up until this point is that my uncle was SENIOR VP OF SALES at dunkin’ donuts and his “old boss” in question is the CEO OF THE COMPANY. my mother relays this information to me while looking incredibly guilty. i start cry-laughing. the ceo of dunkin liked the fake ads apparently. i was unfortunately not offered a marketing position


little boy..... baby boy....

he’s so, so cute, but it makes me anxious to have such a tiny animal under my protection! I want him to grow up and get strong

Methos and Duncan as smols…

And all grown up!

Methos is 11. Duncan is 2. They are named after characters from Highlander the Show. Methos is a grumpy old man and Duncan a silly little guy.

Both are adoptions. Methos was born in a shelter to a feral they’d picked up. Duncan was born to a feral cat colony a friend of a friend is trying to neuter/spay and socialize.


And while we're talking about ai theft: turn. off. grammarly. Disable it. Delete it. Get that shit off of your computer ASAP.

I never realized how much of my shit is scanned by grammarly until today. It scans my emails, my text posts on this bewitched platform, my wips on google docs, my youtube comments--literally everything ive ever typed on my laptop is scanned by grammarly. And I've been allowing this to happen for years.

Turn. Off. Grammarly.


cashier: ok that'll be $20

me (visibly sweating): ah, yes, of course! a perfectly reasonable price for a grilled cheese and a small smoothie! that was exactly the price i expected you to say when i ordered a single grilled cheese and a smoothie and my vision is NOT getting blurry as we speak! i am a perfectly normal temperature and my speech patterns are natural and even because this is the countenance of an individual who expected to pay 20 american dollars for a single grilled cheese and a smoothie!

cashier: where's all that blood coming from



I do not condone medical malpractice.


go to this random coordinates generator and say in the tags how you would fare if you were dropped where it generates without warning. i’ll go first i’d be dropped in the middle of the fucking south atlantic ocean and perish







Mount Grefell National Park in Australia













message to any autistic pieple on this website who love weed: 24 seasons of How It's Made on tubi for free.


I know the US government acts like a corporation but it’s not.

Not voting isn’t the same as a boycott. Because you can’t bankrupt a government by not voting. All you get by not voting is less control over what the money is doing.

The money comes from taxes, not voting. Abstaining from voting does nothing to reduce the governments ability to get money and spend it on shit.

So yes, sometimes you vote to reduce harm because not voting WILL NOT REDUCE HARM.

It’s not a boycot. Abstaining doesn’t take power from the government. It just reduces the number of people they feel answerable to.

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