
Marshmallow Blog


This is Eli's personal Pokémon blog! Most things Pokémon. I post my shiny hunting results, breeding successes, and sometimes offer breeding leftovers. Welcome!

Bleh. Sorry followers, I've been MIA for a while. Lost a bit of interest in Pokémon, have studying to do, have a child to raise.. a lot going on! I do apologize for the lack of posts. On an unrelated note, hope everyone is having a wonderful year so far!


My my, isn’t she happy to see you!

I haven’t animated anything from A to Z in years… phew! New year’s first resolution: animate more. ALWAYS MORE.


Finally, the shiny forms for all the Gen 6 Pokemon are now available in my Storenvy as stickers! Please visit my store if you’re interested \^v^/

I’m also offering a discount on all individual stickers running through the entire month of January in celebration of the New Year! You can buy 3 stickers and get 1 free if you use the code HAPPY2015. The discount runs until the end of January 31. I hope you a Happy New Year!


~DECEMBER SHINY POKEMON GIVEAWAY FOR FOLLOWERS~ Hi everyone, I decided to do another giveaway! Here we have eight shiny Pokemon caught by me in Hoenn, so they’re all able to be given nicknames c: ~ Rules for Entering~

✿There will be two winners who each get to pick three shiny Pokemon each! ✿You have to be following, you can unfollow me at the end of the giveaway, that’s cool with me too.

Reblogging and liking counts as an entry.

One reblog per person so it’s fair for everyone. 

✿You’ll need a working 3DS/2DS, Pokemon X or Y or Pokemon OR/AS, and an internet connection to receive your Pokemon. 

✿PLEASE make sure that your ask box is open so I can contact you. If I am unable to contact the winner then an alternative will be chosen. 

✿The winners will be chosen at random Wednesday night! (31/12/14) Good luck & Thanks for taking part~ 

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