
Love Is All Around


Anonymous asked:

Why do you think they are still together? Im just sad and want larry receipts to live :(

Well first I want to say, they don’t owe us anything, particularly receipts, but they so kindly continue to communicate with us? Just because we don’t see them together – we won’t, because they’re closeted,– doesn’t mean they’re no longer together.

Have you seen the Adore You video? Louis is the fish. Have you heard Adore You? That song is my lifeblood. Sunflower? Canyon Moon? We Made It? 

Louis literally had to stare down the back of my phone with pics of them in it from the front row for 3 shows in a row and he didn’t even call in @louis to murder me?? And after the first one I got a hug too? With my rainbow TPWK shirt on? And then the next week they went and put it in his Insta–2 nights after he smirked at me for approximately 2 eternities??? You can see the Larry in the phone case on his Insta if you look for it and I, personally, am thriving. 

OH the most important thing!! 

I’ve never smoked marijuana. I ate a brownie once at a party. It was intense. It was kind of indescribable, actually. I felt like I was floating. Turns out there wasn’t any pot in the brownie. It was just an insanely good brownie.

Harry Styles (via incorrect-1d)


With the return of the F pap walk today (*deep weary sigh*) I am reviewing the options. 

1. Freddie is real. Completely unbelievable option, based on years of observation. From “it’s not real”, to B not being pregnant, (the Christmas pic, the pleather, the light as air baby carrier, the plastic surgery), to photoshopped pics, to Louis and every other kid in the word v Louis with F, to holy fuck that kid is huge, to privacy/no privacy/privacy/no….yeah, it’s not real.

2. It is a lazy/old school tool for promo. Well, perhaps in part, especially with the timing of it, as we know the team is mired in traditional and lazy pr tactics (Sony wikileaks, anyone?), but as Sony takes the controlling stake in Syco away from Simon, and RCA enters the fray (and the competence demonstrated with other artists that comes with that), and the preparedness to risk support of the army of bees (a huge source of support and revenue), the window for this being the reason is fast closing, if not already slammed shut…

3. The closet. The closet, on it’s own, would make sense of a lot of it. Even apart from H&L, Louis has always been “the gay one”. Years of bearding, with no pause for breath, has not put this perception to rest. A child is certainly a doubling down of the closet - more than enough for the pubic, and a life line for any fan (het, anti) that needs/wants it. But then, there is Larry. This has always been the biggest elephant in a room full of elephants. It has complicating the closet exponentially. Sony has, clearly, finally, got the solo Harry of their dreams, and their dreams clearly do not include an out Harry. It could even be argued that Harry sees some in it (if he wasn’t spending so much time undermining that thought). An out Louis equals an out Harry. (Just look at the media reaction to the original baby coverage). Harry sang Two Ghosts in a blue suit on a roof just yesterday, ffs. A child doubles down even more in that light. It  makes some sense of the reappearance of F, on the eve of the launch of Louis as solo artist, even a lot of sense, but does not answer every question…

4. It is a vendetta/punishment. This is the most shocking of reasons, really. To think that industry leaders in music and artist management would stoop to that vicious of a character assassination of one young boybander. That they would spend that much time and effort to maintain it over years, even at the potential expense of revenue as the core fans are increasingly alienated. That they would wield their spectacularly uneven power balance. All that would point to people of unconscionably immoral and egotistical character (draw what you see). Did Louis break contract clauses that left him even more vulnerable to this outcome? (weed video, the bears, not anymore simon). Did he just piss the wrong people off, spearheading the leading of 1D away from their predetermined fate, with the original contracts strong enough to leave him at their mercy, should they choose to exercise it? It seems so awful as to be unbelievable, but we have witnessed a smear campaign - one that goes way beyond what is necessary to maintain a closet (The lack of pr for his record deal, for JHO, the arrest coverage, the general erasing of his artistic achievements). That would make sense of a lot of this, especially considering the timing of todays pics, days after the announcement of his record deal, in a shitty tabloid like the Sun no less, with no other supporting promo in sight (in breathtaking contrast to the other boys). Coupled with the intense nature of closeting (in the face of the illogicality of so much of the story), it makes an uncomfortable amount of sense to me….

I have no definitive answers, of course. I am a fan, sitting in the cheap seats, trying to see the wood for the trees (and it is a fucking big forest). I can choose to stay or go, I know. I just can’t bring myself to abandon the Louis (and Harry) that I still see. I have a history of observation that I can’t erase, observations that only increases my understanding of, and  contempt for, an industry that has increasingly hijacked the artist (a lifeblood in the expression of the human condition) in the sole service of corporate profit. Anger for that outweighs dismay. Love for the boys (of their love and their music) outweighs the hate for their situation. 

So, here I stay. Doubling down. Not blaming anyone who can’t do it anymore. But right now, I can. And I will. I am in the army of bees, much like this guy…


Anonymous asked:

WTF was all that pure pastel pink promo shit weeks ago? I feel like I dreamt it. Now when I look at the album art and listen to the lyrics about different women and sex and I make no correlation to the pure soft vulnerable bare Harry on the cover. WTF is the hard candy lyrics? WTF is going on with 'I am not a womanizer' image. Oh yeah sex, drugs & rock'n'roll. That's what's going on. As a fan of rock music I am so proud of the album. As a fan of Harry, I am disappointed.

Hello, and thank you for your message.

I completely understand. In fact this morning I did a full rant about my thoughts on the matter via Twitter. You can read it here. Like high key, Twitter is where I have no filter and am like “THIS IS WHAT I’M THINKING!!” and Tumblr is where I’m an analytical hoe about things, so let’s analyse!

I listened to the breakfast show last night (as I am currently in LA) and then fell into a mini rage coma because I, too, was like, “What the actual fuck just happened?” Then I woke up to this:

And I was like, “Well this is probably the most damage control we’ve ever gotten or will get.”    

HOWEVER! The dichotomy from Harry rainbow-wearin Styles and this NO HOMO I HAVE HETERO SEX WITH ALL THE WOMEN Hersh makes me…uneasy. That’s the only word I can come up with. Let’s be honest, last week Harry looked about one tattoo and rainbow away from coming out. This might as well have been him at that hockey game:


And then today with this…

There’s just this constant push and pull between what Harry DOES and what he says in interviews. But I get it. I do. Harry Styles is a billion dollar commodity. Do you understand how much revenue he’s brought to Sony in the last month? He sold out a tour for music that no one had even heard in minutes. 

At one point in my vida loca I was offered a publishing deal with a company that everyone has heard of. They wanted to publish it through their non-fiction department and they wanted me to say that I had slept with a don or professor at my university. Which I hadn’t. This was during my final year at university, and whilst I’m sure my life would’ve had a much different trajectory I’m also sure that once people figured out who I am (as many have), I would probably be stripped of my hard-earned Oxbridge degree for lying and shaming my university. Which is why you’ve never read any kind of SCANDAL at Oxbridge. Just the normal undergrad sex and drinking stuff. I rank quite low on the list of outrageous alumni if you look at the last 900 years of students. 

Back to Haz. 

Whilst I never compromised my morals, I also didn’t sign any kind of deal with the devil when I was 16. We have absolutely no idea what the details of his employment are. And he is an employee. Harry is owned by someone. Whether you like it or not, the bottom line doesn’t stop at Harry, it stops at the people who are investing in him and relying on a substantial profit. 

Perhaps the rainbows and pink and very romantic vibes he’s got going on with just about any man in his vicinity thing were all put out there to test the waters. We know that they monitor the fandom, and maybe the analytics didn’t hit there “okay to be gay” criteria. I’m speaking bluntly in terms of business because I can guarantee you that Sony cares about exactly one thing: the money that they are making for themselves. 

Something else to consider when recovering from whiplash because of this complete 180 Harry’s done since last week, is that interview with that horrible woman who said, “Fans are convinced that ‘Sweet Creature’ is about your relationship with Louis Tomlinson. Is it?” After which Harry spent approximately 138 seconds saying “Uhhhhhhhh” before refusing to say “no”. He could’ve said no! He could’ve SHOUTED no, as he did at Grimmy when he said, “Here’s a song about Taylor Swift!” One thing we got from that interview is that Harry does indeed have the word “No” in his vocabulary. “No. This isn’t about Taylor Swift.” vs “Yes. I can understand why fans think this is about Louis because it is but I would lean towards them maybe being wrong.” That isn’t how you say no. And that didn’t go over anyone’s head. 

Honestly, I love this album. “Woman” is actually my favourite song from it at the moment. I can’t really listen to “Two Ghosts” because it sounds too much like “Revelry” by Kings of Leon and that song is forever associated with a very bad time for me so yeah. “Woman” just reminds me of Bennie and the Jets and 27 Dresses.    

I just wish it could’ve been left at, “It’s much more powerful when not taken simply as what it is.” Because that’s so true. This album is so layered and brilliant and I think I’m mostly mad that they’ve reduced it to such a boring and blatant interpretation. We got the very opposite of what Harry’s been telling us when he all but said that these songs are about actual women that he literally slept with. 

So I guess my question is…what exactly is Jeffry helping with aside from bringing back a narrative that Harry seemed to have tried relentlessly to debunk?

I just can’t reconciliate the Harry that they’re pushing this week with the Harry that reacted this way to being called a womaniser in an interview:


Regardless of what you think or ship, I do think that it’s fair to feel like you’re being asked to accept two completely contrasting versions of Harry Styles right now. 

Anonymous asked:

Julia you've read the article? So what do you think?

i did! like i said in my tags, i think the author has a knack for inserting his own plot into the overall story. i think harry’s quotes are lovely, appreciative, humorous and deflective enough and the author worked with what he was given and created his own harry styles. i think he knows how to blur the lines between harry’s quotes and his own perception/imagination and how to make it a compelling read for a rolling stone reader. if you’re the nitpicky kind, like us, you quickly find a disconnect between harry’s words and careful phrasing and his embellishments (i.e. the quote about compartmentalising his private/work life vs the whole paragraph about taylor swift).

that said, i think harry was portrayed very positively to someone who is interested in getting to know him as a solo artist. he clearly loves his fans, he doesn’t have a bad word to say about one direction, he is quirky and unique. i could have done without the ben winston und ~relationships part (because it was factually incorrect and i don’t like ben or taylor) but that’s me - a one direction fan who knows these things intrinsically. it’s also important to keep in mind that he is still in the closet, as has been discussed extensively today. and for someone who has fully expected harry to actively stunt again i’m really very pleased (for lack of better word) we’re ‘only’ getting all these rehashed stories simply because people outside of the fandom vaguely know about them but that have lost actual relevancy a long time ago.


Imagine with me for a second: you’re on a romantic getaway with your ex who you are trying to get things back on track with after 2 years in which you dated someone else and had a baby with another person. Your third night there you, instead of doing something special, post a cryptic message to social media. Then you go and find an update account for your ex and dm them shady emojis. Then an hour later you do it again.

What’s the supposed thought process here? What is Louis supposed to be up to?

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