

@hartosexual-winestream-c / hartosexual-winestream-c.tumblr.com

I love the Trinity on YouTube. I also love me some Scott and Mitch from Pentatonix and Superfruit. Met Pentatonix on 5/11/16.

For only $20 you too can fuck Satan



This post is about vaginas. My vagina in particular. I get yeast infections pretty regularly, and until recently I was able to afford to see a doctor who could prescribe me fluconazole.

Fluconazole, a drug also known by the brand name Diflucan, is a small pink pill. You take two pills a few days apart from each other to restore balance and harmony to your bountiful folds. I’ve never ever had a bad side effect from taking this pill.

Cut to November 2016. I’m a recent college grad without reliable health care coverage in the process of finding a job. And I’m dealing with a yeast infection. Before I moved out of state, my previous doctor told me about Miconazole. She said it was as effective as the pill and hallelujah, it’s over the counter! I decided to purchase the cream pictured above. This treatment only lasted 3 days, a convenient time frame for my schedule.

The application process was a little messy, and some of the cream came in contact with my vulva and labia. Within 5 minutes every piece of skin that had come in contact with the cream, excluding my hands, was on fire. I wanted to scream it was so painful. I began frantically searching for what I should do online. 

I found a whole forum of people on drugs.com who had experienced something similar. These comments saved me, and these were just on the first page. There were 33 pages total, the earliest dated July 2009.

I was writhing in pain at 2AM when I found this forum (which I found by searching “my vagina burn itch hurts after miconazole” on Google). As soon as I read these comments I threw the devil cream directly into the trash and jumped in the shower. I didn’t feel any actual relief until I reached in and scraped the cream out of me. I paid $17 plus tax on this bullshit, but I could have just as easily ripped up my money or paid someone to not hurt me. 

The moral of the story is that vaginal health care is is completely fucked up because we don’t have access to an over the counter cure for yeast infections that is safe for our bodies and also YOU SHOULD NEVER BUY THIS CREAM EVER.

Reblog to save a vagina.

Okay so I used to get yeast infections every month after my period ‘cause my pH levels were fucked up or something (idk that’s what my doctor said) and I actually used to take this stuff and it was fine. Then a couple years down the road I had a yeast infection for the first time in ages and I used this again and it burned so bad I had to sit in the bath and like physically dig it out of my vagina

AND THEN I LEARNED THAT IT’S BECAUSE I DIDN’T HAVE A YEAST INFECTION. I had a bacterial infection, which is honestly pretty much identical to a yeast infection depending on the severity. The only difference is that IF YOU HAVE A BACTERIAL INFECTION AND TRY TO USE YEAST INFECTION MEDICATION IT WILL HURT

But it’s not actually the medication’s fault. The medication DOES do what it’s supposed to do, provided you’re actually suffering from a yeast infection. Chances are though that you and every one who commented on this did, in fact, have bacterial infections instead.

FORTUNATELY they also make over the counter tests so you can know if you need to call your doctor or just grab some yeast medicine off the shelf. Next time if you aren’t sure, pee on a stick and save yourself a world of fucking pain



It’s unfortunate that I’m 27 and never knew that last bit of information. The world of vaginal health is so obscure and inaccessible.

Reblogging because I too once found out the hard way that I had a bacterial & not yeast infection. 😑

I, too, once set my vagina aflame with miconazole. I didn’t know it was because of a bacterial infection. Reblogging to save a vag.


Reblogging to save a vag.

It’s almost like the shame and stigma thar surrounds vaginas is a danger to the health and well being of people who have vaginas.

Damn y'all #saveavag


Friendly reminder to everyone in Florida that price gouging is illegal in times of emergency. If you see extremely jacked up prices for gas, water and non perishable food items you can report them to this hotline in the state of Florida. 1-866-966-7226


if anyone would like to learn a couple tricks for carving pumpkins:

- dont cut out the top to scoop out the seeds, cut out the bottom instead. this way the pumpkin doesnt cave in on itself and lasts longer - sprinkle some cinnamon inside at the top after carving. this way when you put the candle in it smells like pumpkin pie

this is the quality content I wanna see on my dash

- rub the i sides with lemon after you’re done scooping. This will also help preserve the pumpkin

It’s fucking June, at least wait until the fourth of July, you animal.

I’m sorry, I can’t hear you over the sound of me disemboweling this pumpkin.


Can you pick the fib? #TwoTruthsOneLie 1. Cigarette smoking causes 480,000 deaths per year in the U.S. 2. Tobacco use is the leading preventable cause of death in the U.S.   3. Rhode Island was formerly known as Steve.

Anonymous asked:

hey please help a sister out.. is there any way to watch gay stuff on netflix without the fam knowing?


Okay, so what you wanna do is…

As soon as you finish watching your gay stuff, go up to your profile and click “Account”: 


Scroll down to “My Profile” and click on “Viewing Activity”:

Find the title you want to “hide” (aka delete from your history):

Click on the “x” next to the movie/series you’re trying to hide.

Clicking that “x” will delete it from your viewing activity AND prevent the title from showing up in the snitch sections of your account, “Recently Watched” and “Continue Watching”.


Now you can watch whatever gay stuff you want and your fam won’t know unless you tell them. 

(Warning: It might take up to 24hrs to “hide” so plan accordingly.)


Reblog to save a life- all jokes aside I know the struggle and even being out I don’t want anyone know that I’m watching something gay. Hopefully this helps someone enjoy lgbt content with a little less stress.

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