

@safina5 / safina5.tumblr.com

This Dunya is a journey,       not a destination. Twitter & Instagram: @safina5x Follow @safina5x var sc_project=9827934; var sc_invisible=0; var sc_security="2557650a"; var scJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://secure." : "http://www."); document.write("<sc"+"ript type='text/javascript' src='" + scJsHost+ "statcounter.com/counter/counter.js'></"+"script>");

“When you feel like you can’t keep going, turn your heart to Allah and say this: “I can’t. But You can. I’m weak. But You’re strong. Take me in, not because of me—but because of You. Your mercy is stronger than my weakness. Your perfection is greater than my humanness. I beseech You to replace what’s lost, mend what’s broken, and allow my hope in You to kill my despair.” 

- Yasmin Mogahed


Two Christian missionaries, David and Michael, were lost in a scorching desert, dying of thirst and hunger when they saw a mosque up front. David said: “Michael, let’s pretend we are Muslims. Otherwise, we will not get any food or water and we will die. My name will be Ahmed. What will be your name?” Michael refused to change his name. When both of them reached the mosque, the Imam received them well and asked their names. David: “My name is Ahmed.” Michael: “My name is Michael.” The Imam turned to his helpers and said: “Please bring food and water for Michael.” Then he turned to David and said: “Brother Ahmed, Ramadan Mubarak.”

-Yasmin Mogahed

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