
Stardate Whenever


Lesbian. Feminist.

Anyway that is my high posting for the night. Next subject: does the Y chromosome make one unable to love?


The hard part about getting people to recognize sexism is that we try to make comparisons, and people hate that, because for those comparisons to make sense sexism would have to be real, and in order for them to be real men would have to be at fault so therefore:

Nobody recognizes it


Lesbian tradwife? It’s my job to make the edibles


Trans people always have and always will exist and it doesn’t hurt anyone one bit! Incredible!


If you acknowledge that gender is a social construct, you must also acknowledge that your gender identities are entirely contingent on that social construct.

In other words, your gender identities are also socially constructed—they’re not innate characteristics the way being female, black, homosexual, or disabled are innate characteristics that exist independently of any social customs or theories.

So no, trans-identified people have not always existed and will not always exist. Trans-identified people have only existed and will only exist so long as the social construct of gender exists. This is like claiming Christians have always existed and will always exist, when in reality Christians have only existed and will only exist so long as the concept of Christianity exists.

Furthermore, if you acknowledge that gender is an oppressive social construct that ascribes feminine expectations to female people and masculine expectations to male people, if you acknowledge that gender is the reason female people were confined to the domestic sphere and denied their most fundamental rights, if you acknowledge that gender is a system created to reinforce female subjugation and male domination and not just a fun, quirky little way to express yourself, then it’s not hard to comprehend that any ideology which hinges on the continued existence of this sexist social construct is inherently regressive and harmful.


When did we stop calling ourselves women’s liberationists and go with feminist instead? Why did we choose the philosophical word and not the activist one? Even my mom would call me a women’s libber growing up. The term is much more evocative—why did we give it up?


my intuitive answer would be that most activist movements have more and more focussed on what individuals believe (the various -isms), not so much on what they want to do. "women's liberation" is a concrete goal that probably sounds intimidating to most activists of today who believe that maybe the best that we can achieve is some social reforms, not a revolutionary change.

these are just guesses, but I'd also say that it's convenient for people who want to apply the word feminism to all sorts of people bc "feminism is for everyone". at least I'd bet that if you tried to reintroduce the word "women's liberation" people would object on this basis..


When did we stop calling ourselves women’s liberationists and go with feminist instead? Why did we choose the philosophical word and not the activist one? Even my mom would call me a women’s libber growing up. The term is much more evocative—why did we give it up?


Literally every time I think about porn I get so mad. Like millions of people are so tied to patriarchal consumerism that it is the only or major way that they come at all. On the one hard I find that horrifying, on the other pathetic. But truly porn is the most distilled form of capitalism and let it fucking die as soon as possible


Liberals are all about believing in science until they disagree with science and then science is so mean and awful. Watch this most with how they react to literally any credible study about porn that has ever been done

You aren’t progressive until women are making progress


Being edgy is usually just somebody trying to force you to reject them on their own terms because they are afraid of being rejected for the things about themselves they can’t control and are insecure about


I’m 35 and still shocked when women my age get pregnant on purpose


Most “leftist” men don’t want to get rid of cops, they want to be the cops. They would just do it a little different because they have different men they like the best


Hey just a pro tip: if you send me links written by males, I don’t read them without context. I’ve listened to men enough. Maybe they need to listen now


For the numerous gay kids raised in households where being gay was never spoken of with praise or at all, the first step towards accepting your sexuality was understanding that you couldn’t change it and it wasn’t going to go away. Later, you might have the security to note that the nature of homosexuality has nothing to do with its morality, but certainly not then. It’s only by recognizing that your sexuality is immutable that you know your choices are to sink or swim; this is going to be your life whether you like it or not. People who play with the idea that sexuality isn’t innate tell me they’ve never been in the position where knowing you were born this way is the only determinant between continued anguish and moving towards self-reconciliation. That alone says you have a privilege I never did. We are not the same.


it really bothers me how people on radblr criticize and make fun of people for saying their “sexuality is fluid.” Like it’s one thing to say ALL people have a fluid sexuality (false), but if someone is just saying their own sexuality is fluid, why the vitriol?

@webginz I’m genuinely not trying to be rude, but I don’t think you read the whole post before replying.

I think it's more about the context in which people say that sexuality is fluid. Somehow it never comes up when somebody is talking about being straight and more often gets thrown at gay people who establish a firm sexual boundary (like not dating the opposite sex). It would be a much more useful phrase if it was taken to mean "sexuality is fluid but sexual orientation is not" but unfortunately that is not usually the case.

I’m beginning to feel like I’m the only one who can see the second sentence of my original post. It’s a really important sentence and there’s only two of them so I’m not sure what’s going on.

I think it’s because fluid sexuality is an expression of bisexuality, and I rarely see people describe it that way. If someone says “my sexuality is fluid” and that means they truly think they can be a lesbian sometimes and straight sometimes, that is both erasure of bisexuality and dismissive of gay people’s non hanging identities. Sure, someone can say “oh only my individual sexuality is fluid” but this is not that different in how it comes across than the “pansexual is more more open minded than bisexual” or “bisexual people are just more free and open minded” or “monosexuals are boring and close minded”.

Our individual sexual orientations are indicative of how we fix into social patterns. Describing one’s changes within bisexuality (which, as far as I know, is very normal for bisexual people) with the same language that is used to demean lesbians and tell us that we are bad, or used to say women are more sexually malleable (ever hear “women are more sexually fluid”?) is always going to bring that up for people. Someone can describe their sexuality as fluid. Sure. My defenses will go up that that person is also likely to not respect people’s fixed homosexuality, whether or not that is true.


"I want to be a lesbian housewife" "I want to be a butch homemaker on our urban homestead..." Woman if you don't get a damn job and pay half this fucking rent. I don't have the straight man perversion where struggling on the weight of bills alone is rewarding if I have a sexy human pet at home to stroke my ego, and do mindless cleaning and cooking all day like a domestic Sisyphus. You are going to have to woman up, and unlearning this learnt female quality of wanting to be useless sexy baby or "my love language is acts of service" bangmaid for someone. Reframing it as a lesbian/"Queer" yearning doesn't make it less pathetic. I want to romance my equal. Not care for another child or be mothered. I cannot be alone in this.


I’m so tired of the transfemme struggle of “Nobody sees me as a real girl because I’m literally not”. Like the actual fuck do you expect us to do about that. I can’t believe this Pinnochio ass problem is the sum total of trans struggles.

Like how long are we supposed to pretend like that’s a real problem with any hope of being solved? We’re never gonna be able to mind control everyone on the planet into thinking you’re a literal female. Efforts to force everyone play along in polite company have actually been very successful- what more could possibly be done.

And the audacity to compare “I can’t control people perceiving reality 100% of time” to women’s actual problem of trying to live while female.

Like oh my god, shut the fuck up.

They know this and they don't want to solve the problem that can't be solved, they just want to complain to get sympathy and pity out of people to use against them in any situation they need. It's all opression points farming. If they shut up people gonna forget and they can't use the pity others feel for them as advantage

So they have to infinitely remind everyone how much they suffer(a suffering that no one can fix) so they can keep using this

Oppression was originally conceptualized as a solvable problem- income inequality can be solved with more income opportunities. Discrimination for jobs and housing can be solved by giving jobs and housing. Trans people have these needs as well and those problems of theirs are solvable. However, validating everyone's identity is not a solvable problem. How do we solve the problem that people see you as your birth sex because that's what you literally, physically are? Your condition of dysphoria means that even you see yourself as your birth sex. Even the most well-passing trans people still know their sex history which they can never forget. We are burning resources and time and energy on an unsolvable problem and doing so at the expense of other material problems. What excess. What luxury. It is obscene. The reality of your sexed body is not a problem that can be solved. When will this madness end.

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