
Just an INTP, INFJ, and ENFP running a blog.

@mbti-madness / mbti-madness.tumblr.com

Yeah, so, we will...makes posts...and stuff..yeah... | The Advice Corner is Closed

New Opportunities? Still on Hiatus

Okay, so I regret to inform you that this blog is still on hiatus. HOWEVER. I have a started a blog all on my own that will cover anything you like. So if you still have questions that don’t particularly have much to do with MBTI. I hope I’ll actually spend time on this one more often now that it doesn’t have a set topic >_> So ask away!


There ya go, my lovely idjits~



INTP: Hey, guys and girls of all types! I just wanted to clear up why we haven’t really been all that active recently. School has been really stressful this year and all three of us are either working on homework and projects for class or attempting to relax before realizing we forgot to do something. Thus, we don’t really have much time for this blog before.

However, as you can see, we are still around and will probably answer a few questions occasionally. I hope you understand and I hope you all have a good life. Thanks.



Mbti types by should you fight them

INFP: Yes. Easy target: use Sherlock gif as diversion, then take advantage of ensuing distraction and fangirling.

ENFP: No. ENFPs are like hydras; kill one and two more sprout from their lightly luminescing corpses.

INFJ: No. Although their frequent dissapearances into the spirit world make their bodies vulnerable, they’re usualy vehemently protected by a crowd of ENxPs. You don’t want that hassle. 

ENFJ: Yes. All it takes is one, “No one likes you,” and you can make your move while the ENFJ hysterically questions their life descisions and self worth for the next two days.

ISFJ: No. Every time an ISFJ is hurt, an angel drops from the sky, crushing a small puppy.

ESFJ: No. 100% of ESFJs saw Tangled, so 100% of ESFJs carry frying pans around with them at all times.

ISTJ: Yes. Send a rambling email rife with incorrect usages of “your” and “it’s” and wait for ISTJ aneurysm. For best results, mis-capitalize the subject line.

ESTJ: No. 10/10 has better health care coverage than you. Resistance is futule. 

INTP: The real question here isn’t can you fight science, but should you fight science.

ENTP: No. You’ll be assaulted with a barrage of memes and puns so potent that you’ll have no choice but to bash your head against the wall to escape corny purgatory.

INTJ: Yes. While they’re plotting a 10-year-plan to ensure your downfall, slap them in the face with a fish. 

ENTJ: Yes. Fighting a totalitarian ENTJ dictator will make you the spunky underdog, so even if you lose you’ll be remembered as a martyr who died in a blaze of glory.

ISFP: No. ISFPs are constantly underestimated, so by 80s movie logic, it’s impossible for them to lose.

ESFP: Yes. They’ve already decided to fight you, so you don’t really have any say in the matter.

ISTP: Yes. The ISTP is so invested in their aura of cool nonchalance that they will refuse to fight back for fear of validating your existance by treating you as a threat. 

ESTP: hahahahaha fuck no.

Anonymous asked:

Hello, INTP girl here! I'm a very sensitive person, like, I'm affected by everything around me ( people, situations...) I could cry because the weather is nice and life is beautiful and then I could cry because homeless people make me sad. People describe INTP as some heartless robots, and it's not the case with me? I feel so naive sometimes

INTP: Ah, there could be a possibility you’re an INFP. INTPs and INFPs are really similar, but often have major differences, if that makes any sense. Although, you could just be a variation of INTP that doesn’t meet all the stereotypes. 


To the INTP: Do you ever have problems dealing with ENFJ's? I never seem to be able to get along with them.


INTP: I’m pretty sure my mother is an ENFJ and we get along just fine, although sometimes I feel like she’s an ENTJ, so I’m still not able to type her properly. I don’t really think I have much trouble getting along with anyone, really. Just as long as they don’t annoy me to the ends of the earth, I’ll be fine.

Anonymous asked:


INTP: YES, I DO LOVE THE ANIMES. I’m afraid I’ve never seen Tokyo Ghoul, sorry. Lately I’ve been obsessed with Durarara!! Shizuo Heiwajima is my favorite :D :D :D 

I also really like Fairy Tail, Soul Eater, Pokemon, Ouran High School Host Club, and Death Note.

And I can’t deny that I’ve recently dove head first back into the Pokemon pit. It’s been a while (I’ve been playing those games since I as little), and I decided to end the break. *sighs* Steven Stone, though...

Anonymous asked:

You're absolutely great! Thank you so much for taking time to answer all our (sometimes even annoying) questions! That's really really nice of you

INTP: Awww thanks. That means a lot :D

Anonymous asked:

ESFPs are all bitches. Like they're so stupid and careless.

INTP: WOOOOAAAAHHH. Let’s not get too hasty, here *sweatdrop*

Whatever makes you say that? I’m pretty sure not all of them are...jerks. Maybe a small handful, but come on, let’s not judge an entire type on a few people.

Anonymous asked:

as a very exuberant enfp, i sometimes worry about being obnoxious or seeming try-hardy or annoying. help?

To be honest, I wouldn't be too worried about that.Often times we ENFPs tend to try and analyze other people. We detect the slightest change in their behavior and take it to mean that we've done something wrong. Thing is, this is often times not the case at all, we're just paranoid.If people TELL you that you're annoying them, or they tend to ditch you, then that's a different story. In this case, you simply need to find new friends who will accept who you are. Never compromise your personality for a relationship, platonic or not.Now, if you're worried about coming across this way in a professional setting, that's different. ENFPs are natural adapters, so tap into that skill when you're in a professional setting. Try to calm down a bit for the time being, and then you can feel free to let your freak flag fly when you leave that environment.- ENFP


heyo i'm an INTP & having trouble making friends. help?


The only advice I can give you on making friends is to just be yourself unapologetically and do your best to find people who like what you like. People are drawn to authenticity, good energy, and common interests, so expand on that.- ENFP.

Anonymous asked:

Hey I'm an ENFP crushing on an ENTP. Help! How do I get to know if he likes me or not or even if he even considers me a close friend ? Because sometimes it feels as if the whole world is his friend. And what to do next?

(Please note that this is all based off of what I've been able to gather from individual ENTPs, and therefore it may not be 100% accurate for all ENTPs.)ENTPs tend to be attracted to those who are curious about the world around them and learning new things.When an ENTP likes someone, they'll have a tendency to focus a lot of energy on that person, especially if it's the start of a crush. They tend to go out of their way to try and hang out with you. They'll also try to talk to you for as long as they can and try to find out as much about you as possible. In addition to this, they'll open up to you a lot more than other people, especially if you show interest in them by asking them questions.This being said, many ENTPs are much more prone to talk rather than touch. They'll have long conversations with you, however they're less likely to try and make excuses to touch you.What to do next? A couple things:1) Get his number, or give him yours. They like talking a lot, so give him the opportunity to do so. As an ENFP, I assume you'll probably want to do the same anyways. Ask him a lot of questions, he'll probably take it as a sign of interest.2) Be yourself. Seriously. If you're not really curious about learning new things, don't pretend to be. Be with people who like you for you. You deserve that.3) Ask him out or tell him you like him. It's a blunt approach, but seriously, people appreciate honesty. However, you might not even end up having to do this because most ENTPs are relatively straightforward and will just end up telling you first. Still, if you feel like you've been waiting for a long time, just tell him and get it over with. If he doesn't like you, cool, now you can move on with your life.- ENFP

Anonymous asked:

An INFJ dating an ENTJ? Do they help balance each other out or a recipe for disaster?

I always say that any relationship can work out if you're willing to put the work into it. In this case, putting a lot of work into it is going to be essential.One good thing about this relationship is that INFJs tend to be more rational and logical than other feeling types, which will prove to be a good thing when dealing with an ENTJ.However, some problems will occur if not addressed and worked at. First of all, ENTJs can often times come across as too critical and blunt, which INFJs can be very sensitive to, and often hold back a part of themselves. The key to this is remembering that the ENTJ sees criticism as a natural part of life, and they mean no harm. Be yourself at all costs, and talk about something if what they said really bothered you.Second of all, INFJs can often feel ignored because they're sending out signals that they expect the ENTJ to get. Often times ENTJs don't listen to extroverted feeling because it's their "blind spot." Be clear about what you want. Open communication is key here.Third, INFJs often have higher expectations than ENTJs when it comes to romance. They need to know they're loved, and ENTJs often forget to show acts of appreciation every once in a while due to being caught up in their work. Again, communication is key. Talk to them about what you expect, and the ENTJ will have to work to make sure they're accommodating your needs fairly, while the INFJ will make sure to understand every once in a while that the ENTJ gets sidetracked sometimes.Basically, it will take work, but with enough open communication and compromise, you can have a great relationship.- ENFP

Anonymous asked:

Hey. I'm an INFJ with an INTP friend. We've been friends for years and I've been pretty happy with just that. It sort of calms me down just seeing them or hearing their voice. Recently though. They kind of shut down communication with everyone and let me know they wouldn't be talking to me as much either. It's been a month and this is the longest we've gone without talking before... I want to call them. I hate talking on the phone, but I miss them THAT much. Im just afraid I'll bother them.

Oh honey, that's rough.What I would do is try texting them first to see if they're ok to talk. It might be a little easier for them if they don't actually have to speak at first. Let them know that you miss them and that they're free to talk only for as long as they're comfortable with, that they set the boundaries. The key to avoiding making someone uncomfortable is letting them know that they can do whatever is comfortable for them.If they say no, you're just going to have to respect that. I'm assuming you don't really know why they had to restrict a lot of communication, so I think it's safe to assume that whatever the reason is, it's important and very personal.It sucks to miss a person so badly, believe me, I know. However all you can do to help yourself is surround yourself with good energy and good people. If you haven't talked about your feelings with someone else yet, please do; it's important to try and seek comfort sometimes, especially now, when you really need it. If you don't feel like you can talk to anyone about it, please feel free to drop another message in our inbox, I'd be happy to talk. Like I've told other people, we can exchange skype/kik/twitter information if you'd rather talk there.Hope you feel better soon, hun.- ENFP

Anonymous asked:

I am an ENFP and I have read many places that many actors have this personality - which is what I want to become. But isn't it hard as we have an extreme need for validation? The road must be so difficult to walk. I know I really am sensitive about if people I respect said anything negative about something I did for example.

As an ENFP who is actually a Musical Theater major at an arts high school, I can definitely confirm what you're saying - both about many actors having this personality, and about it being difficult.Many ENFPs want to become actors, dancers, musicians, etc. (I personally want to put out an album) however our need for validation can make it tricky.My advice to you is to practice taking constructive criticism as a compliment. When someone tells you what they think you can improve on, tell them thank you and take that advice into consideration.In my class, when we perform a song or a scene, we go around the room and everyone gives one good observation and one constructive criticism. The person performing then writes it down and knows what to work on next.Remember that criticism is a very very very good thing. The person giving you the criticism is trying to help you improve your performance, and the opinion of an audience is ESSENTIAL to performance, because that's who you're hoping to entertain!One thing to remember, though: take in constructive criticism, but DON'T compare your work to others. I have a tendency to do this, and it doesn't help, it just puts a damper on my self esteem. Work on what people tell you to work on, not what you think you have to work on simply because "someone else did it a different way."Sometimes, doing things your own way is essential. It's what makes you stand out, which is what you want as a performer.Good luck with your acting career my dear,- ENFP


Another Proposal for a Standard Order of MBTI List Posts

ENTJ: Always #1
ISFP: we let them be second because they're cute
INFJ: fourth so they can flirt with the ENFPs
ENTP: fifth so they can flirt with the INFJs
ESTP: because we want to keep them at least one type away from the other SPs at all times
INTJ: 7th because they're obsessed with prime numbers
ESFP: eight so they can troll the INTJs
ISTP: no one will notice me here in the middle
ESFJ: ^ Hi! :D
ENFJ: ^ Do you need anything? :-D
INTP: 12th so they can tell you about the duodecimal system
INFP: #13 because it looks the most like a cat face emoji
ISTJ: They're all obsessed with history and something cool happened on the 14th of some month. We forgot what.
ESTJ: Try to keep the ESTJs as far away from the ENTJs as possible.
ISFJ: no it's ok guys I can be last :)

INFJ here, my mother in an ESTJ and my dad an INTP and I generally get on better with her. He is just so unaware of the atmosphere in the room and always questions my analysis of something w his Ne going "ok but maybe". However I understand him 1/2


(See part 2)


2/2 my point is that I understand both, but they never get each other and it is so frustrating... Is it that hard to accept someone can think differently as yourself? (This seems to be the issue for both of them, only after my input they 'see' a bit)


It can be very challenging for INtuitives and Sensors to get along sometimes because their brains can prove to be drastically different, as well as how they communicate.Often times INtuitives will say things and because it makes sense to them, they assume the Sensor will understand all the implications tied to what they’re saying.I used to do this a lot with my ESFP mother, and once I found out that she wasn’t drawing those implications from what I was saying, I had to learn to be a lot more specific about what I wanted to get across.In turn, INtuitives can also tend to draw unwanted implications from what the sensor says due to our natural instinct to analyze and look deeper into things.


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