
Q from 007

@thenameisq / thenameisq.tumblr.com


It's 4 a.m., you need sleep.

Lack of Sleep Starters!

Within the realm of Q branch time had become something of a construct, surely outside those walls time very much existed and was tended to normally but within those walls it was little more than a number, one that needed be paid attention to. Per usual the quartermaster had grown consumed by his latest project, the mess that was his workbench betrayed the fact perfectly, tools strewn about, a prototype at the center, cups at varying degrees of empty littered the table between parts and at the very edge near enough it could clamor to the ground was Q’s beat up laptop open and displaying blue prints. 

He’d been so consumed he’d not realized he was no longer alone, with a screwdriver in hand the smaller man very noticeably startled at the break in the silence, slightly reddened eyes from lack of rest found the maker of the noise and at his works he looked over to the clock. The mention of sleep of course makes him realize how sluggish his body feels, reminds him of the burn of his eyes as they’ve reddened over the past few hours, or how he occasionally has to remove his glasses to rub his eyes from lack of moisture. He’s exhausted, rightfully so given the course the day had run and the followed obsession with the work at hand. “No,no,Sleep is hardly relevant right now.” 

Life isn’t always as it seems, reality doesn’t function in the realm of fairy tales, with life comes hardships, upset, and at times it comes with villains that hide beneath a debonair mask. There’s a mindset, one that is antiquated and incorrect, that only those who are weak allow themselves to be preyed on, that only those too feeble to fight back allow themselves to become victims at the hands of the ones they love. But even the strongest of people can find themselves buried beneath metaphorical piles of rubble, each piece seemingly weighing them down more and more as time passes them by. And yet the outside world never sees past the facade of normalcy that those stuck in this never ending loop of torment wear.
The smile on his face isn’t revealing of the secrets beneath it, the joke that passes his lips only furthers the guise of normalcy but the reality is that beneath the smile is sadness and beneath the humor is pain. He moves around the branch as if his body isn’t littered with varying degrees of bruising so perfectly hidden by his suit, his laugh doesn’t reveal that even if he inhales too deeply he feels as though a searing blade is plunging into his ribcage. He’s gotten too good at hiding it, at explaining away the little involuntary reactions to things.
But the flurry of Q branch hides it all, the bustle of the space so expansive that eyes remain off him. “No, no, no.” His voice break thru the chaos of the branch as his boots carry him to one of the workspaces, “Use that much explosive and rather than lend a helping hand to 009 we’d find only his hand.” He’s happy for the release from his inner monologue, happy to focus on the work around him as he very lightly corrects one of his staff and picks up the watch housing to adjust the amount of explosive it contains.
It’s only natural that his staff is curious about the adjustment that he’s making and so they stand to watch, their eyes on Q’s hands as he removes some of the explosive and prepares to place it back on the stand it was laid on only moments before. What the quartermaster doesn’t anticipate is that instead they reach out for it, their hand higher than his person, given their raised station and thought it’s subtle enough a Q branch agent wouldn’t notice he involuntarily flinches before handing it over. It’s a reaction that happens in a fraction of a second but it speaks volumes and peels away at his well constructed facade.
As he turns on his heel to return to his own desk he locks eyes with the other and offers a smile, a simple nod,
“You know, Q branch isn’t a museum.” His tone is its usual one when talking to those who work outside his branch, a touch of scolding to it as if indicating that they’re lost.
“It could be with the way you keep it organized,” she remarked before turning her head to the side to catch her twin’s eye. “Hello Quentin dear,” she says softly before finally turning fully. She was in a MI6 branded med jacket with her hair pulled back in a ponytail. “Been a bit,” she stated as she stepped closer. 
It was quite an understatement since Jemma hadn’t been seen in nearly 3 years due to SHIELD and their missions. She never meant to lose sight of her family like this but it was safer for them, especially when she was in space, that she kept distance. Now, though, after losing her team, she could come back and the first person she went to, the first person she needed, was her twin, her brother, her Quentin.

When it comes to ensuring a secret is well kept there’s an inherent safety in the untrained eyes of Q branch, the subtleties that leach through an otherwise well constructed facade go unnoticed by those who’s sole attention is on the tech before them. That safety diminishes with each ‘intrusion’ into the branch however welcoming the face is in front of him, it makes his situation only harder to mask. Years had elapsed since they’d last been in the same country much less the same space, a disconnect established between the once incredibly close twins and yet even now the little smile on his face says he’s happy to see her. “I’d hazard a guess that a museum functions with far less…. Chaos.” The world is purposely chosen, Q branch though seemingly well contained was fairly akin to leaving toddlers alone with Bunsen burners and unlimited access to materials. 

It’s a usual action, the manner in which his hands come to clasp together, fingers intwining and thumbs running over one another, it speaks volumes about his nerves in a moment he should be nothing more than happy. “Temporary or extended?” He didn’t explain, knowing well he didn’t need to given their parentage, of course he’s referring to the MI6 jacket she’s currently wearing one that normally would bear a shield logo. 


"I can't believe we have to be functional human beings today." - Evil Twin Marcus (for parallel world woooo)

Hangover starters

With the slightest touch of pressure Q  presses against his temples, his forehead pressed into the palm of his hand and he can swear in this moment his brain is pounding against his head, reminding him of all the bad decisions of from the night before. In truth part o him wonders if the alcohol still has the slightest hold on him considering how much they’d consumed and the fact the room still seems to be moving on it’s own accord, at least in the slightest sense. When Marcus’ voice filled the air he looked over, “Functional is highly subjective right now.” Truthfully he’d worked with far greater issues but even still. “I don’t know why I let you talk me into that.” 


Blood Loss starters

  1. "I… I think I've lost a lot of blood."
  2. "Stay with me. I'll find something to stop the bleeding. Just hold on."
  3. "I feel lightheaded… everything's spinning."
  4. "Try to stay awake. Keep talking to me. We'll get you help soon."
  5. "I don't know if I can go on much longer."
  6. "I'm so cold… Is it normal to feel this cold?"
  7. "I'll get you warm. Just hang in there."
  8. "I can't… I can't feel my legs."
  9. "Stay with me! Help is on the way. Just keep breathing."
  10. "I'm scared… I don't want to die."
  11. "You're not going to die. I won't let that happen. We'll get you the help you need."
  12. "I need… I need a doctor."
  13. "I won't leave your side. We'll get you to a doctor as soon as possible."
  14. "It hurts… I can't take the pain."
  15. "Focus on your breathing. I'll do my best to ease your pain until help arrives."
  16. "Tell… tell ____ I love them."
  17. "We're going to get through this."
  18. "I'm so tired… can't keep my eyes open."
  19. "No, don't close your eyes. Stay awake. Help is coming. Stay with me."
  20. "Thank you… for being here."
  21. "It's getting harder to breathe."
  22. "I'm… glad it's you here."
  23. "I'm scared… I don't want to die alone."
  24. "You're not alone. I'm right here, and I'm not going anywhere."

Hangover starters

  1. "Ugh, my head is pounding. I shouldn't have had that last drink."
  2. "I feel like a train wreck. How are we going to survive today?"
  3. "Why did we think it was a good idea to drink so much last night?"
  4. "I can barely remember anything. My liver is definitely not happy with me."
  5. "I need a gallon of coffee to survive this day."
  6. "Coffee won't be enough. We need a miracle cure for this hangover."
  7. "I can't believe we have to be functional human beings today."
  8. "We're in for a rough ride. Maybe we can blame it on bad sushi or something."
  9. "I can't even look at food right now. The thought of it makes me nauseous."
  10. "I never want to see another drink or greasy food for the rest of my life."
  11. "Do you remember anything we did last night?"
  12. "I hope we didn't embarrass ourselves too much."
  13. "I swear, I'm never drinking again."
  14. "We need some serious self-control."
  15. "Is it possible to die from a hangover?"
  16. "Let's just survive the day and promise ourselves we'll never do this again."
  17. "I can't believe we have responsibilities today. I just want to crawl back into bed."
  18. "We should have stuck to our 'one drink' rule."
  19. "We never learn. Now we're paying the price."
  20. "I feel like I've aged 10 years overnight."
  21. "Do you think anyone can smell the alcohol on us?"
  22. "I can't believe we thought shots were a good idea."
  23. [text]: Ugh, my head is killing me. Did we really have that many shots last night?
  24. [text]: Can we declare today a national holiday for hungover people? I need to recover ASAP.
  25. [text]: I feel like a zombie right now. Any chance you can bring me some coffee and a big plate of greasy food?
  26. [text]: Remember when we thought that last round of tequila shots was a good idea? My liver definitely regrets it.
  27. [text]: I'm pretty sure I'm still drunk. How did we even end up at that karaoke bar?
  28. [text]: Is it too early to start counting down the hours until it's acceptable to take a nap?
  29. [text]: I just saw a picture from last night. Who let us dance on the tables?
  30. [text]: I'm convinced that hangovers were invented to punish us for having fun.
  31. [text]: The sound of a doorbell right now feels like an explosion in my head. Please be quiet!
  32. [text]: I'm contemplating crawling to the fridge, but I'm not sure I have the energy. Send help!
  33. [text]: Water, Advil, and a dark room are the holy trinity of hangover remedies. I'm practicing all three right now.
  34. [text]: If I could choose any superpower right now, it would be the ability to rewind time and undo last night's mistakes.
  35. [text]: My dignity is still recovering.
  36. [text]: Can we make a pact never to touch alcohol again? At least until the next weekend.
  37. [text]: I've never appreciated a good slice of pizza more than I do in this very moment. It's the ultimate hangover cure.
  38. [text]: The sunlight is my sworn enemy right now. It's like a thousand daggers piercing through my eyelids.

Threatening Sentences, Vol. 1

(Sentences from various sources for threats to and from a muse. Adjust phrasing where needed)
  • "I know you went to the police about me. Did you think I wouldn't find out?"
  • "You may think you know all my secrets, but I also know all yours."
  • "When I shoot, I shoot to kill."
  • "The only way for you to influence this situation is to tell me what I want to know right now and deny me the pleasure of extracting it from you."
  • "Your efforts are futile."
  • "If you were going to do anything, you would have done it already - but you haven't, have you?"
  • "You won't leave here alive."
  • "Remember - I'm watching you."
  • "Are you threatening me?"
  • "Were you under the impression that you were dealing with a nice man?"
  • "Stay out of it. It's nothing to do with you."
  • "There are ways to hurt you that do not involve hurting you."
  • "If you want me to keep quiet, I want something in return."
  • "If you refuse to tell me what you know, it shall be a very serious matter indeed."
  • "I give you one chance to surrender."
  • "I always thought you were smart, but a smart man would let sleeping dogs lie."
  • "You think this is over? Tell yourself another lie."
  • "Copies of these photographs will receive generous distribution within 48 hours from now unless something is done to prevent it."
  • "Are you here to kill me? Because I have to admit, I find the possibility very exciting."
  • "If you try anything, I will break your wrist."
  • "I am not a nice man. It is important that you understand that."
  • "I've never really been good at taking no for an answer."
  • "One more word out of you, just one, and I will decorate that wall with the insides of your head."
  • "You have killed many, but I have killed more."
  • "Nothing you can do will end this."
  • "I've never had anyone killed before, but I don't think I'm above it."
  • "I hope I won't have to threaten you as well."
  • "You can lock me up, you can even kill me, but you can never stop me."
  • "Drink in your victory. It won't last long."
  • "Do that again and I'll remove your organs in alphabetical order."
  • "If you won't give me a straight answer, perhaps you'll tell someone more... 'persuasive'. "
  • "The time remaining when you can still refuse me is dwindling."
  • "I'm going to hunt them down and kill them."
  • "Everyone knows that threats from me are not idle threats."
  • "You keep quiet and I'll keep quiet. We don't have to cause each other any trouble, do we?"

Lack of Sleep Starters!

pronouns and context can be changed as you see fit.

  • When was the last time you actually got some rest?
  • Alright, that's it. You're going to bed, and I'm not taking no for an answer.
  • Look at you! You're spilling coffee.
  • You have bags, and I'm not talking about the Gucci kind.
  • Jesus, have you been awake the entire night?
  • It's 4am. You need sleep.
  • You're safe here. You can rest now.
  • I promise, I'm fine. I just look tired a lot, thanks to... the tiredness.
  • Look, I'm okay! I've pulled all nighters before.
  • This isn't the first time I've gone without sleep.
  • I'll carry you to bed if I have to.
  • Do I need to baby you?
  • Huh? What? I'm awake, I swear!
  • You just ran into the wall. It's time to lie down.
  • Go. To. Bed. That's an order.
  • I made a nest for you. You can sleep in that, if you want.
  • Can I get an extra pillow / blanket?
  • Want me to tuck you in, too?
  • I'll check in on you in an hour. You'd better not have moved.

007 Fest 2023, Scavenger Hunt item no. 9 (5/5): ‘Create an “incorrect quotes” post. Can fill up to 5 times. (Take a set of dialogue from another piece of media and assign it to Bond characters. Example link here)

And one more for the road. Always a pleasure to pit those two idiots against each other, eh Q? *cackles*


𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍/𝐒𝐏𝐘 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒 (a collection of prompts inspired by spy movies. Feel free to adjust phrasing and gendered terms as necessary)  TW: firearms, death mention


  • "You know, I was in love with an agent once."
  • "I remember the Secret Service being tougher."
  • "I can negotiate something."
  • "I bet you're a spy."
  • "Give me the gun."
  • "Wow. You really are CIA."
  • “You don’t look like a spy.” 
  • "Are you here to kill me?"
  • "Sorry, love. Gotta save the world."
  • "Spoken like a true traitor."
  • "Christ, I miss the Cold War."
  • "This used to be a Gentleman's game."
  • "Do you really think a knife can beat a bullet?"
  • "Quite the body count you're stacking up."
  • "Is that your real name or just another lie?"
  • "Governments change… the lies stay the same."
  • "That's the code name you picked? Really?"
  • "So you've been lying about your identity all this time?"
  • "Is that a gun in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?"
  • "Do you want a clean kill or do you want to send a message?"
  • "[name] was one of the most effective black op agents we've ever had."
  • "Sometimes we pay so much attention to our enemies, we forget to watch our friends as well."
  • "I hate to say it, but, the accountants seem to be running MI6 these days."
  • "Are we going to stand around here all day, or are we going to fight?"
  • "It pains me to admit it, [name], but one day, you might be as good a spy as any of them.


[HANDLER] Muse A is new to the agency, and Muse's B is their handler [COMMON ENEMY] Muse A and Muse B are from two different agencies and get assigned the same target. [TRAITOR] Muse A and Muse B are from two different agencies, and Muse A is trying to convince Muse B to change sides. [FALLING FOR THE ENEMY] Muse A is supposed to seduce and kill Muse B, but instead they fall in love. [LIES] Muse A has known Muse B for a while, but is just now finding out that Muse B is a spy. [RESCUE MISSION] Muse B has been taken hostage by the enemy, and Muse A needs to rescue them. [MENTOR] Muse A is a new recruit and is paired with Muse B, much more experienced. [COMPROMISED] Muse A finds out that Muse B is an enemy spy. [RELUCTANT ALLY] Muse A is an ex-enemy agent that has been captured and, in order to avoid going to prison, has agreed to work with Muse B. [THE MOLE] Muse A and Muse B are investigating a mole in the agency. One of the muses can be the mole in this scenario. [SWAN SONG] Muse A is a spy that's been called out of retirement to work with Muse B on one final mission. [SNEAK PEEK] Muse A is a spy and Muse B has seen something that they shouldn't have. [CIVILIAN] Muse A is a spy and Muse B is a civillian that is brought in to help on a top secret project


The Fighting Temeraire, tugged to her last berth to be broken up

by Joseph Mallord William Turner

"And she's fading down the river, But in England's song for ever, She's the Fighting Téméraire." -Sir Henry Newbolt ballad titled The Fighting Temeraire

Turner displayed the painting in 1839 accompanied by an altered excerpt from Thomas Campbell's poem Ye Mariners of England, reading:

The flag which braved the battle and the breeze,

No longer owns her.

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